Any experience of a D-dimer test - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Any experience of a D-dimer test

secondtry profile image
31 Replies

I read recently that if you are worried about having an undiagnosed blood clot for whatever reason you should request a D-dimer test. A quick internet search said:

A D-dimer test is a blood test that checks for blood-clotting problems. It measures the amount of D-dimer, a protein your body makes to break down blood clots. A positive test means the D-dimer level in your body is higher than normal. It suggests you might have a blood clot or blood clotting problems.

I am thinking of getting one but would welcome any experience you guys have first 🙏🏻.

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secondtry profile image
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31 Replies
Jalia profile image

I've had a couple of these done. Just like a normal blood test where blood is drawn from a vein. I didn't request them...I was told I needed them!

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Jalia

Thanks Julia, did they reveal anything conclusive to act or not on?

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to secondtry

No. Negative results but I'm on Warfarin anyhow. I imagine that anticoagulants would be prescribed if necessary.

mjames1 profile image

Many of us have enough problems, why look for ones we probably don't have?

Unnecessary tests can cause stress and anxiety leading to more tests to procedures to more procedures and to more stress and anxiety.

Personally I have enough on my plate as is. Don't want to know anything more than necessary :)


baba profile image

I would expect this to be done without having to request it if there was suspicion of a blood clot.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to baba

Normally Yes. I was thinking where the patient wishes to check quickly and their GP doesn't think it necessary. I can envisage one or two situations like this and my post was a reminder for members as well as a request for info as it sounds a simple blood sample test.

In my case, I had just such a situation years ago with a blood clot after a 5 hour car journey which the GP failed to diagnose (despite several visits) and I consulted privately on my own initiative and an ultra sound test found the clot.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to secondtry

I can’t understand GP not doing this simple, very rapid test for you. Thank goodness you persisted and were diagnosed. Anticoagulants don’t always prevent clots so any suspicion you may have one should be taken very seriously.

Good reminder, thanks.

Buddy00 profile image
Buddy00 in reply to secondtry

my gp also misdiagnosed my blood clot in my leg as being thlebitis . I had told him of terrible pain in my calf the morning after a long car journey. Fortunately after another visit 4 days later I was sent straight to AE . It turns out it was 4 clots.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Buddy00

Whoa...can't remember the timeline for my GP consultations. Because I was around 50 and active he told me first to exercise, then on the 2nd consultation to rest it. I then said I was thinking of getting it checked privately and he said 'if you want to spend the money it's up to you' and departed on holiday. To his credit on his return when he read my notes he asked me to come into the surgery and apologised. Due to the delay in treatment all the valves in my leg were knackered (highly technical medical term 😆) and it took many years of care to let the body repair itself.

Morale of the story: Don't be put off and back yourself.

Buddy00 profile image
Buddy00 in reply to secondtry

My valves are also damaged. I’m still having treatment. Filling various veins with foam and lasering others.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Buddy00

Hope it does the trick. Initially for a couple of years I often wore an elasticated stocking, did daily walks every day and still do, put my leg up whenever I can and in the bath heat it up and then raised it vertical to drain/take the pressure off. The body has done the rest, very rare to have an issue now, occasionally if I have been overdoing it it aches.

opal11uk profile image

Dopler Test?

CDreamer profile image

I had a D-dimer test when I had increasing sharp pain in my calf. GP saw me within the hour, nurse did test whilst GP examined me and test came back in 10 minutes - thankfully clear. Excellent experience and that was during lock down.

Turned out I had vasculitis in minute veins in my calf - cleared with ibuprofen gel.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to CDreamer

Wow that's some service, I doubt my GP surgery can match that. I am going to try to make an appointment this morning 🤞🤞🤞🤞, probably be a week at least, unless things have improved.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to secondtry

Sadly I’m not sure our new surgery could match that either but I’ll have no hesitation in pushing for it if I thought it needed checking.

macymoo007 profile image

they’re just a blood test. I have to be honest though, they’re not a definite test to show blood clots. I’ve had 4 different lots of clots and each time the d-dimer comes back normal. Only a ct or vq scan show my clots.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to macymoo007

Thanks I had a suspicion the test may not be accurate enough.

Samazeuilh2 profile image

A key thing to know is that this test can yield quite a high number of false positives and will likely need another test to confirm. Many years ago I had a swollen right lower leg. I went to A and E and was given a D-dimer test which showed positive indicating a DVT. On being given a follow-up ultrasound test, the problem was found to be something quite innocuous, not a DVT. The consultant then explained the issues with the D-dimer test around false positives.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Samazeuilh2

Thanks. Sounds like I may need a CT scan to be sure, not a fan 🤔, I have had one previously when I said I had tinnitus in just one ear.

etheral profile image

A simple noninvasive dopplerstudy (just uses sound waves, no radiation, will rule in or out a DVT, a potentially life threatening condition, and would be indicated I you ha undiagnosed leg pain, redness and swelling. Waiting a week sounds potentially dangerous. etheral

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to etheral

Had Doppler many times with DVT in leg years ago. My concern now is headaches, so I guess Doppler is out.

bassets profile image

Thanks for this information :)

Qualipop profile image

LOng before any heart problems I had 3 suspect clots in my calf at different times. . I only complained to GP about having pain; no swelling. Each time I was put straight on anticoagulants and within 24 hours he had me down at the hospital for scans. All were negative but every time things moved FAST. I never had a blood test.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Qualipop

Things must be improving or I got lucky......I requested a GP consultation on line this morning, GP rang an hour ago, talked without rushing me and then suggested I come into the surgery for a few basic tests and gave me an appointment 2 hrs later. 🤔 I don't think she is treating it as an emergency 🙏.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to secondtry

Good grief. Glad you're getting seen so soon. Ours never reply to online requests. Tried Tuesday for an urgent call because of apparent allergy to new tablets and was told next THursday. NO, no no I had to insist NOW. I got anurse who went and asked a G P. Then tried to g et a phone call back ( YOu are number 39 in the queue but press 1 and we'll ring you back). Never did so I rang again at 5pm; only number 1 in queue so I waited. Unbelievably my own named GP rang me just after 6. That was for an arrhythmia problem not a clot.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Qualipop

In a word 'unpredicatable'.

Qualipop profile image
Qualipop in reply to secondtry

TO give the gP his due; he did say they'd had 1000 calls that day

Tomred profile image

May i ask, what would make someone suspicious that they have a clot, ie , what kind of symptons.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Tomred

The clot I had in my leg presented as hot and a deep ache that didn't go away. I understand a clot or bleed in the brain would present in a constant severe headache.

Although one swallow does not make a summer, my faith in our GP service has been restored for now as had what you can only be described as an excellent same day service today.

healingharpist profile image

3 yrs ago I awoke w/ badly swollen/inflamed knees & hands (related to an offshoot of ulcerative colitis) & a big Baker's cyst behind R knee.... and they ran a d-dimer immediately, fearing a blood clot. Ultrasound ruled out clot. But I had the highest d-dimer score my dr. had ever seen... all related to inflammation from my autoimmune history w/ ulcerative colitis. So d-dimer can show up other issues than clot, esp. whole-body inflammation.

I was told it's a very expensive test here in the US, so that could be why our doctors don't routinely order it, unless symptoms warrant. It's certainly not on the CBC blood panel! Diane S.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to healingharpist

Thanks Diane, good to know.

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