I cut myself last night on my hand and stopped the bleeding and put a plaster on but it really hurt I felt more then it should as only a tiny cut with a sharp paring knife. This morning I have a bruse under the cut near the palm of my hand and I’m concerned please can someone please advise me if this is normal as I read that you can bruse easy on warfarin. My inr yesterday tested at 1.9 and I’ve been given a dose increase. Thank you for reading and thanks in advance for helping
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new on warfarin bruising after cut advice please

No reason it would hurt more to be honest. I've been on warfarin 19 years and no major problems. Mind you palms are sensitive areas. Stuck a screw diver through mine once! Big ouch.
Yes it will take longer to stop bleeding and may need pressure but don't worry as it is your best friend really. Your INR is not in range yet (2to 3) so yes increase needed. PM me if you need to "chat".
Well I can only say that I've been taking Warfarin for over 20 years and this would be normal for me . However I can't see your cut but wouldn't be concerned over a bit of bruising.
My hands bruise very easily, particularly if im using alot of pressure to open a tightly screwed bottle or jar for example ! So watch out for this !! Your INR at 1.9 is on the low side so you're not 'over dosed'.
Hope this helps you . Do be prepared for a few extra bruises while at the same time exercising caution. As my doc said to me..." no more rock climbing for you now!" (.....as if)
I've been taking Warfarin for many years (18) and agree with Bob and Jalia.
I dug myself in the palm of my hand recently when peeling veg. Knife tip went through my kitchen glove and pierced skin slightly but I have to say there was no bleeding or bruise whatsoever. Saying that faint bruises sometimes appear on my body and I've no idea why. To be honest I don't give them a second thought.
I give no thought to the fact that I take Warfarin and it doesn't stop me from doing anything I want.
When a child, I fell over (knees still show the scars), had cuts and bruises, got stung by nettles, fell out of trees, lived on a smelly farm and played there, drank unpasteurised mild and ate blackberries straight from the hedge into my mouth. I'm still here to tell the tale and think it toughened me up. Think I may be one of the lucky people who grew up in the countryside with a rough and tumble life, scabby knees and cuts and bruises were ignored and that's what I do now.
See how your cut gets on, you must have given your palm a good thump to have the bruising. I hope it heals quickly for you.
i have been on warfarin for 20 years and always bruise easely i am also diabetic on insulin so my injections bruise me very easely 1.9 is a low number which means your blood is thick the higher the number the thinner the blood my range to 2.5 to 3.5 idealy 3 you will get used to it , take care
l take warfarin and l find the slightest scratch tends to bleed and l have noticed more soreness if l cut myself. I get frequent bruises at the slightest knock but take no notice, l am always banging myself about ! My INR has just gone down to 1.9 but l have been on antibiotics which is the cause. They have upped my dosage. You sound worried so hope you feel better now you know we are all the same as you. Warfarin has been around a long time and is very safe.
thank you for saying that, only 5 weeks on warfarin and little explained at clinic so I wasn’t sure if a bruse was anything I should worry about but now I understand that this will happen I can relax- so big thank you for reply’s I’ve had. I don’t usually bruse easy so it was alarming to me when I woke up with a big blue bruse on the palm of my hand. I also was on antibiotics for a uti and like yourself they’ve increased my dose thanks again for replying to me I really appreciate all advice
I assume you have a target range for your INR, something like 2.0-3.0, or perhaps, 2.5-3.5. Bruising is totally normal. People not taking anticoagulants bruise, so nothing abnormal there.
A cut with a sharp object will frequently bruise more than you think it should, as the edges of the wound close up quicker (because of the sharpness of the cutting instrument), and this allows more blood to accumulate under the skin = bruise. This can also cause more pain, as the trapped blood is an irritant. Surprisingly, a jagged cut will give less bruising, as the blood has a place to go. Nothing to worry about, IMHO.