I’ve had daily Afib episodes lately, but they have not been severe. I was thinking I would let my GP know, and then 9 days ago they stopped ( had one yesterday ) and have been replaced by PVCs and SVEs. These feel like they are all the time , although calmer in the night and I am sleeping. All this has been noted with my Kardia. I am worried about how dangerous all these palpitations are. On top of that, this morning I see that I forgot my tablets last night. I take 5 mgs Bisoprolol twice daily, so I suppose I have only missed half of my 24 hour dose. Anyway, Bisoprolol manages rate, not Rythmn, as I understand it. The thing is, I have also missed my Warfarin. I take 8 mgs daily. I was instructed to reduce by 2 mgs on Tuesday as my INR was 3.2 but as it is Saturday ( it always is when something goes wrong, isn’t it ! ) and because taking so many individual Warfarin pills makes adjustment easy, I wondered if I should take a couple extra tonight and tomorrow, then ring INR clinic on Monday to get an appointment. I know some of you check your own Warfarin, and I would appreciate any thoughts on my concerns.