Blood clot on lung : Saw my GP at... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Blood clot on lung

Norfolk_spaniel profile image

Saw my GP at 9 this morning due to breathlessness and generally feeling unwell. She suspected a blood clot on the lung after covid and told me that I need to be assessed at the hospital today. She sent me home to await a phone call from her with an appointment. Over 2 hours later and I'm still waiting. She is still waiting for the hospital to get back to her. I'm scared.

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Norfolk_spaniel profile image
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29 Replies
sassy59 profile image

Hang on in there and hopefully things will be dealt with very soon. Thinking of you.x

Czech_Mate profile image

Hope all goes well. Let us know how it goes. Best wishes.

mav7 profile image

Rest and relax (easier said than done) and go to emergency room should symptoms worsen.

Best to you !

wilsond profile image

I understand your fear,but now you know what has been causing the trouble at least and there will be a treatment plan asap.If time goes on and you get really anxiiys perhaps a call to 111 or go to A n E?

Get sorted out soon and then upwards and onwards.

We always blame AF !

Best wishes xxx

Norfolk_spaniel profile image

Pleased to say that after numerous hospital tests, the doctor doesn't think that I have a clot. He thinks it is just long covid and I have been referred to the long covid clinic. It's going to be a long road back to full health and fitness.

irene75359 profile image
irene75359 in reply to Norfolk_spaniel

But 'just' long COVID is debilitating enough. Hope you get all the help you need to get through this.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Norfolk_spaniel

I have followed these doctors for a couple of years and would trust their protocols . I suggest you discuss the supplements etc with your doctor as he knows you best.

DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Norfolk_spaniel

thank heavens 😊❤️

kocoach profile image

It's OK to be concerned, but just give it to GOD and remember HE is the Healer and Blesser, HE will take the worry from you and give you the peace and comfort you need to get through this. Will be Praying For You.

scout70 profile image
scout70 in reply to kocoach

Trust the doctors

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to kocoach

How do you know that the person you are responding to is not an atheist? In which case your comment might be considered to be totally inappropriate and even offensive. You don't know so you should not risk offending people with irrelevant homilies.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to Auriculaire

Whether it offends or not I can't say. All I want them to know is the Truth and that someone is praying for them for their healing, to me that would be wonderful gesture whether one is a believer or not. We all need as much help as we can get. Don't you agree? So sorry if my post offended you from my heart it wasn,t meant to, only meant to be an encouragement .

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to Auriculaire

Who deems it irrevelant, YOU? I don't think anyone on this site is trying to hurt or offend anybody and how do you know it offended the person? First of all it wasn't addressed to you at all so you are invading a response made directly to the person who was very afraid as their post said.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to kocoach

I don't know that it offended the person and I never said that it did . Only that it might . It certainly would have offended me and the last time I replied to someone else who had posted the same sort of religious " counselling ", pointing out that it was inappropriate , my response was liked by several people. This is a medical site not one for religious proselytising. It has even less place than politics - at least health care access is influenced by politics. Why can't you keep your religious sentiments to yourself?

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to Auriculaire

It seems as though you are the one who has the problem with having someone trying to help another person who is asking for it. Having had AFIB for 35+ years and been thru the gammit of self help all I am trying to do is help someone get to a peaceful state of mind where they can get some type of peace and acceptance of their condition as it has helped me. When in afib and my heart is bouncing between 130 and 90 when I pray I notice my heart rate drops to 70s low 80s. I don't think this site is all about you and your religious beliefs but rather but to help others with this terrible malady called afib and help them cope with it, which I also have a lot of responses thanking me for the same message you're objecting to, but it's apparant you want to control how people get comfort with afib. I'll be praying for you as well as I feel you might be suffering through a lot of rough times. GOD Bless and have a Great Day and know this, HE can help us all to face this thing called AFIB!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to kocoach

Well you feel wrong - I am not suffering through tough times . My afib burden is fairly light for which I am thankful. I do not wish to control how people get comfort with afib but you obviously can't see that telling a person who does not believe that any divine entity exists to "put it all in the hands of God" would not be useful or comforting advice at all. And you don't have some magic spyglass that allows you to see whether the person you are addressing is a believer or not. It should be obvious to you from what I have said that I have no religious beliefs so in writing your last sentence you obviously have set out to offend me. A bit hypocritical really considering your protestations of not wanting to offend anybody here.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to Auriculaire

Then let them tell me. What you're saying is you can be the one to decide for people on this site what is offensive or not, that's called a double standard, you must be a democrat as well I'm guessing or is that an offensive question to you. Whatever the adminastrators of this web site tells me I will follow, not what you say and if you don't like that, then what? Just let me know, you are the one that is blowing this way, way, way out of proportion. This is a free country and freedom of speech is what I and other veterans risked our lives so all could take advantage of, if you have a problem with that I'm sorry for your negativness and I'll pray that GOD takes that from you. Have a Blessed Day!

DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Auriculaire

Sorry but you are turning it into a big deal when he did not. It’s no worse than saying. God bless you when someone sneezes. You seem to be very combative about it. It’s like having a movie out and you don’t like the content then don’t see it. We are interacting here as humans not doctors.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to DawnTX

Thank You Dawn for your response and for echoing my feelings as well. I'm only trying to encourage and help in the best way I know how.

DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to kocoach

I know how kind hearted you are, and that’s how I took it from you. Some people are bitter about things and take it out on everyone. I was very surprised at the attack on you from her because she seems nice otherwise. Thank you for the support you have given me.

DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to kocoach


DawnTX profile image
DawnTX in reply to Auriculaire

She can choose to ignore and does not need to answer. He means well it is said with love and he has his reasons especially as a disabled veteran. I have seen many comments on here regarding God. I do not take offense over someone else’s belief. Live and let live I say.

CDreamer profile image
CDreamer in reply to kocoach

With respect for your faith, I would request that we please leave any references to religious beliefs outside of the forum?

Statements such as just give it to GOD and remember HE is the Healer and Blesser, HE will take the worry from you and give you the peace and comfort you need to get through this. Will be Praying For You’ assumes that everyone has or should have the same beliefs whereas there are many faiths and none believers on this forum and repeated references can sound like proselytising and that would be against Forum guidelines whereas ‘you are in my prayers’ is a more neutral statement I would think.

I think there is an important distinction here as it doesn’t help the original poster when their post is hijacked by off topic discussions.

kocoach profile image
kocoach in reply to CDreamer

You're assumption is totally wrong. I in no way shape or form indicate that everyone has the same faith at all. I am saying I have faith in GOD and I will pray for those that are in need, I am in no way shape or form asking anyone to believe the same way I do. If what I am doing is against forum guidelines let them tell me not you. I have already contacted them a couple of times and asked them if this against their rules I will gladly opt out of this forum, but you or no one else is going to force me to leave without a valid reason. I have never asked or implied not one person should believe as I do nor am I trying to convert or change anyone, rather it appears you are condemning me for how I believe! Have a Blessed Day!

Still_Breathing profile image

A friend of mine had the same symptoms years ago...Went to a&e , long story short a few more hours he could have been dead!

It was blood clot(s) in his lungs.

secondtry profile image
secondtry in reply to Still_Breathing

I asked my cardiologist last month what happens if I suspect a blood clot and there are delays with ambulance & A & E treatment should I take 300mgs Aspirin. The problem being if it was a bleed aspirin would exacerbate the issue. His reply was crushing chest pain take the aspirin, serious headache don't take any. CAVEAT this was NOT considered advice as this was a quick comment at the end of my appointment.

Aprilbday profile image

My Uncle who is in his 70’s had blood clots everywhere! Lung, legs… he was treated at hospital and doing great. May you get the treatment and be on your way living your life! 🙂

DawnTX profile image

I don’t blame you for being scared. Unfortunately, some of those places have certain times that they return calls, although I would hope something like this would be a priority. ❤️🙏🏻

CDreamer profile image

Hope you get the support and help you need to get you through this. COVID it seems is the gift that keeps on giving…….one though I think we would all like return.

Best wishes

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