Can the ejection fraction be lowered because of afib?? Ended up with it 4yrs ago after covid like illness which they said was pneumonia because hadn't become known at that point but all my symptoms were identical & i ended up in icu for 10days. I don't have any symptoms (flutters or pounding) & can walk up to 5miles and don't feel like I have it. My ef ef is 38-39% I need it be over 40 to regain my hgv licence entitlement
Afib and ejection fraction - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib and ejection fraction

Most definitely. Because of afib an inconsistent amount of blood is received by the left ventrical resulting in less output during systoly and a lower EF. etheral
EF can be affected by A-fib especially if you've experienced structural changes in your heart as a result. My EF was a little lower than normal but actually improved once I had an ablation. I was 35 at the time, so that was a factor. Keep your chin up.
I've read that coronaviruses have been around for very many years, perhaps forever, and have always been able to cause sometimes very severe symptoms such as pneumonia, ARDS and other inflammatory conditions. Covid-19 is a new variant of the same virus that appeared sometime late in 2019, hence its name.
If it was the pneumonia virus that also led to a lowered EF, then, if I were you, I'd want some kind of investigation to look at the heart muscle to see if the ventricles were affected at all. This can be done in a few ways, but MRI scanning seems the most successful. Have you had any tests like this? I guess you had some echo scans to know your EF?
No none just an an echocardiogram to check ef
I think an echo is the most a cardiologist would usually do unless there’s a reason to investigate the heart muscle itself for changes with other scans like MRI or CT. I think the usual healthy ejection fraction is between 50-65%. I gather that AF can reduce this if it weakens the left ventricle in some way, which I think is unusual and would be a question for your doctor.
Many other viruses than covid can cause similar symptoms such as pneumonia and ARDS - the flu for instance.
ventricles only fed by gravity rather than pumped by atria, during AF likely EF would be affected?
exactly that buddy. I had worse EF when they found the a fib… but after a cardioversion… had an MRI and absolutely normal now. Two years clear. I have upped my physical activity massively as well tbf
Was it permanent af??
obviously not LT as the shock sorted it…. But it had been 24/7 for several months/years. I wasn’t very well. It was the heart failure that brought it all to light. But the key was that I managed to regain sinus rhythm. It dropped back into Afib once when I had Covid but dropped back in rhythm after 3 hours with no intervention. I’m also on a cocktail of 6 pills a day to keep it all tidy but I play sport everyday… tennis/ walking football/ gym / golf and big dog walks
I’m no gym bunny though… still technically obese… but not morbidly… maybe I should work harder
On about giving me cardioversion and putting me on amiodarone. Already on bisoprolol digoxin entresto bumetanide eplerenone and farxiga eliquis
hi, didn't know EF could be affected by AF, none of my cardio medics ever said that. However, my low EF was a result of leaky heart valves, a heart scan can reveal leaks, then someone who knows their job, which my local cardios didn't, can do calculations to work out accurate EF.