Just curious to see what you folks that have problems going to sleep have been prescribed to help and not affect your Afib. I've tried, Benadryl, valarian, clemastine, and meletonin and they either aggravate my afib or just don't work. I might need to have a doctor call in a prescription as the over the counters don't seem to fit. Any thoughts?
Sleeping aid with Afib.: Just curious... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Sleeping aid with Afib.

I was given mirtazapine by cardiology for anxiety and not sleeping when first diagnosed. I wasn't keen to take it so googled it. In very small doses it acts as a sedative to begin with. So I took a 1/2 15 mg. Too much great sleep but terrible in morning. Took 1/4 and that's perfect for me. I now sleep at least 7 hours. I've been a bad sleeper all my life. I've slowly tapered of even the low dose but still sleep fine.
My doctor prescribed a low dose of Zopiclone for me. It works wonderfully.
Hello Jean, how long have you been taking it?
For several years 3.75mg which is the lowest dose, it allows me to have 7 or 8 hours sleep. I've not slept well since my late 30's. Not sleeping used to make me feel dreadful, like I had flu.
My surgery won’t give me anything and I have had such worries since my husband died. My step children want everything of his. I have been anxious ,and exhausted trying to find everything they are demanding. (I have a good solicitor.) I do think the surgery is wrong as a few sleeping tablets ,or a few Valium to take when I am very worried doesn’t seem extreme. Something like six a month not a box full. I will look up Jafib and read that post . Hope you find something
That's hard for you. If you have a female GP see her, they are usually more sympathetic. Yes, just a few pills to take to get you over this period would certainly help, If you can get a good nights sleep it's far easier to cope at stressful times. Nytol (not the herbal ones) are quite good. I'd give them a go. I bet not sleeping is making you feel dreadful.
Thanks Jeanie. The female one is fairly strict. She has been kind in every other way. Yes Nytol has helped a bit. Xxx
you can do a search for “sleep aid” and you should find my post about this very thing from about a week ago. Quite a few replies and good suggestions. I hope you find restful sleep!
I have been taking a magnesium compound and Co Q10 for 8 years, which I think helped stop AF but too much seemed to be affecting my sleep, so latterly reduced both, which is better. So important to consider the body holistically and treat supplements like drugs only when necessary.
My Doc prescribes zopiclone for me and when I have trouble i just take it for about 4 consecutive days and then leave it for a week or two and then take again as necessary - a pharmacist suggested this was a good way to use as I was worried about addiction or being like a zombie if I took it every night - which had happened before with other relaxants and sleeping tablets prescribed when I suffered bad neck and back pain.
I would avoid antihistamines like Nytol and Benadryl as they have lots of effects in the body and hang around a good while to cause excessive daytime drowsiness.
The best way is to get an app or a device that helps relaxation. Sadly, there are many ways of being financially exploited getting hold of these, so care is needed. In general, they work for some people.
Other than that, one of the "z" drugs seems safe enough to me: zopiclone or zolpidem. After many years with the latter, I can say it is not addictive, doesn't lead to daytime drowsiness, and is cleared from the system in a matter of hours. Sadly, that's its downfall: it gets you to sleep but won't keep you asleep longer than 3-4 hours. Some people do find it troublesome, I imagine, as doctors remain wary of any sleeping aid.
Antihistamines work well for me. Melatonin did nothing, the herbal remedies, teas etc are useless and relaxation techniques don’t make any difference at all to my sleep. It’s very much a case of what works for one. As for identifying a “root cause”, snoring partners can be quite the culprit 😂
try magnesium bisglycinate. Bisglycinate is good for sleep issues. Also walnuts before bed have a natural tryptophan. Works for me.
also! I listen to yoga Nidra relaxation recordings (body scanning) and also binaural beats for sleep. Make sure you get the correct one. Also a banana prior to bed has good results.
I too take 3.75 zopiclone. I only take it once or twice a week and works well for me and no side effects.
I have been sleeping through the night since I started making water kefir. I drink 1 cup morning and night. It was a nice unexpected effect.
I take zopiclone and melatonin..
I suffered insomnia for a lifetime until I had Afib and read a book about magnesium. I took magnesium citrate that ended my insomnia, constipation and AFib for two years, but I obviously had too much in my system so had to stop taking it then.
Hello riffjack, I have found what is a great sleep aid for me is every night before I go to bed is reading the Bible. It relaxes me so much and calms me down I usually have no trouble getting to sleep at all and I've had afib for 30+ years. Might want to try it and see if it helps you. Have a Blessed Day.
I was prescribed Xanax . 05mg. Good stuff. I cut them in half. They are scored and easy to break in half.They are bitter and I havr learned to take with a lot of water right at bedtime.
Sometimes I don't use the second half. I am impressed , because I am normally unable to get to sleep. With this drug, I feel rested the morning. Good luck with your journey. Sleep will find you no matter what.