Hi there,
Just wondering if anybody else gets blurred vision when experiencing a particularly aggressive bout of AF?
Hi there,
Just wondering if anybody else gets blurred vision when experiencing a particularly aggressive bout of AF?
Hi Bee.
I haven't personally. However, due to a lack of proper blood circulation during a bad Afib attack blood flow to the retina can cause blurred vision. Maybe mention it to your medic the next time you speak to (s)he. I don't think it's that uncommon.
Hi Bee, Is it just slightly blurred or do you get more tunnel vision/greyed out a bit? Any other symptoms such as giddiness? Did anyone else check you out? Best wishes, Mark
I haven't, but did have blurred vision the half-hour after I took my daily Flecainide. Are you taking that during your episodes?
I can't take Flecanide as it sends me into a bit of a tailspin. I've been on Quinidine so maybe that has a similar effect but won't know as my cardiologist told me to stop taking it just this morning