How is jeanjeanie50 doing? - Atrial Fibrillati...

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How is jeanjeanie50 doing?

Mouchkin profile image
48 Replies

I don’t come on here everyday so might have missed an update.

I was worried about jeanjeanie50 as she felt so ill.

Has there been any latest news about her?

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Mouchkin profile image
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48 Replies
Paulbounce profile image

I also hope Jean is feeling better. She has been posting but it would nice to know (and great news) if she is feeling better.


jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Paulbounce

I'm feeling ok now, thanks Paul. Just took a little step backwards this morning in the race to feel better. Decided to go back to bed and hopefully sleep it off. I think it may take a while before I'm back to my old energy levels.

Jean x

Paulbounce profile image
Paulbounce in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean. I'm really pleased you are feeling a little better. Take things easy for a while and give your body time to recover. It's not a race so don't rush to feel better - I'm sure your be back to your old energy levels before long - just take it one day at a time ;-)



Afibflipper profile image
Afibflipper in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hope you bounce back soon x

drivinghome profile image
drivinghome in reply to jeanjeannie50

great to know you are doing well

And of course that people care about us

Ludham profile image
Ludham in reply to jeanjeannie50

very pleased to hear that you are on the mend after what sounds to have been a very bad time. I am still recovering like you after 12 months and still have no taste or smell, tinnitus low level of energy headaches and aching muscles and currently having hospital tests after all this time other than that I am fine. Do take care wishing you a speedy recovery. Ludham.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Ludham

Thank you Ludham.

Sorry to hear you are still suffering after such a long time. It must be awful not to have any sense of taste, eating is one of life's pleasures. I didn't lose mine, just my appetite but it's more or less back now. Goodness, I feel for you, it sounds like you're experiencing a lot of unpleasant things. I really hope you will return to normal asap.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to jeanjeannie50

"Race to get better". Hmmm! Think tortoise Jean. Really glad you are feeling better.

Slidingdoors99 profile image
Slidingdoors99 in reply to jeanjeannie50

I hope you’ll feel your old self again really soon. 😊😊

Handel profile image
Handel in reply to jeanjeannie50


Samazeuilh2 profile image
Samazeuilh2 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Glad you are feeling better and things are heading in the right direction!

Braygirl profile image
Braygirl in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean, so glad to hear you are improving. You were so kind to me when I was struggling so much. Hope you feel much better soon.


Janith profile image
Janith in reply to jeanjeannie50

Jean … you aren’t alone! I took a step backwards and fell across the room … HARD! On my backside … it was so bad that l had to go to the emergency room … the pain was excruciating … they took X-rays and discovered that l fractured a lumbar vertebrae. Compression fracture whatever that means. So rest assured that you aren’t suffering alone … l share your pain all the way from Austin! May we make a speedy recovery … l hate this!!! (Well, l just read a little further. Have you managed to get Covid. My husband tested positive five days ago … but we don’t go near one another … l live in a two story huge residence and he is upstairs and l am downstairs … l have tested negative FOUR TIMES!) He is essentially asymptomatic.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Janith

Sorry to hear this Jan, these accidents happen so quickly don't they! Hope painkillers are helping you. Then your husband catching covid, he's lucky not to have any nasty symptoms. Did he come home from working abroad with it? My daughter was the same when she had covid, felt completely well.


Lbeat796 profile image
Lbeat796 in reply to jeanjeannie50

I did not know that you had caught COVID as not on the forum recently. I hope you make a complete recovery and manage to get your vaccinations. I have started to wear mask in shops and public transport as infections appear to be increasing in my area.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Lbeat796

I had pneumonia alongside it too. Still feeling all the effects unfortunately, I feel drained. Thank you for your good wishes.

meadfoot profile image

Our lovely Jean is doing better, on the mend but a way to go yet. I have text her to let her know you have asked about her and I am sure she will be on the forum shortly to give her own update. Bless her she has had a rough time of it.

Mouchkin profile image
Mouchkin in reply to meadfoot

Thank you. I am very grateful. I tend to lurk on here but appreciate Jean and Bob and others so much.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Mouchkin

I'm still showing positive this morning but do feel a little better. Need to put some weight back on again now as lost 8 lbs during the worst part of last week.

Mouchkin profile image
Mouchkin in reply to BobD

Hope you continue to improve Bob ,it seems to take ages for some people

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to BobD

Goodness Bob, you must have been poorly to have lost that weight so soon. I'm so sorry to hear this. I've lost a stone in weight, but that was over 4/5 weeks. My appetite is just about back now.

Hope you are soon fighting fit and testing negative.

Jean x

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to BobD

😱 How long have you been poorly? I was hoping to feel better fairly quickly because my husband needs looking after. I ordered a heap of ready meals but can’t face eating any 🤢 I hope you feel a lot better soon 💐

Gumbie_Cat profile image
Gumbie_Cat in reply to Buffafly

Glad that Bob and Jean are feeling better. I got off lightly with Covid (cold symptoms) although it did hang on something rotten. Would just think my head had cleared and it was back again. Tested positive on 2 October, and negative by 12th, but was still a bit tired.

I hated losing my sense of smell, and convinced myself that it wouldn’t return - but it has. Didn’t lose my appetite much though. Gained a couple of pounds from inactivity and so-called ‘looking after myself’. Hmmm.

I do hope you’re feeling better soon.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Buffafly

sorry to read you have IT as well,hope you feel better very soon xx

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to wilsond

Much better this morning, more like heavy cold, thank you x

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Buffafly

thats good news xx

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to BobD

Oh Bob! I'd forgotten you too had been bitten by the dreaded. As Jean says, 8 Ilbs in so short a time is a lot. Complain for you if you can bear it!

kkatz profile image
kkatz in reply to BobD

both me and my hubby took 11 or 12 days to test negative

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to BobD

Hope you continue to recover . I expect she who must be obeyed is looking after you well.

Florence-Nightingale profile image
Florence-Nightingale in reply to BobD

Sorry to hear this Bob do hope you recover soon.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Thanks for asking Mouchkin. I had been feeling better for the last couple of days, but this morning when I woke up, I just didn't feel right so have been back in bed. Just up again now. I think I must concentrate on drinking more fluids, especially while I'm still coughing up gunge. Thought I may have been well enough to drive to a supermarket today, but it doesn't look like it now. Perhaps tomorrow. I am so close to being better so don't deserve sympathy, there will be others on this forum feeling a lot worse than me.

Jean x

Mouchkin profile image
Mouchkin in reply to jeanjeannie50

Even if it is slow it is progress. It is so hard being ill by oneself. My husband died recently and I had a reaction to the jab. I am ok. It made me want to know how you were doing. Xx

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Mouchkin

You are so right. It is so much harder when you're on your own, but for the peace I have in my life now it's worth it.

baba profile image
baba in reply to jeanjeannie50

Do online shopping until you are really better.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to baba

Yes, good idea, just going to look at doing another online shopping list.

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply to jeanjeannie50

Parsley Box does tasty small meals, usually with quite a lot of liquid so easier to eat.

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Buffafly

Thanks Buff, I'll have a look at them online.

Florence-Nightingale profile image
Florence-Nightingale in reply to jeanjeannie50

So pleased you are starting to feel better Jean, Slow and steady is the key I think.

philologus profile image

I just found this thread and realised that I am not on my own with this 'Long Covid' stuff.

I had (mild) Covid at the end of February but it has come back and bitten me on the bum.

I was doing really well before this came along. I'd got my HF down from level four to level two and falling. I wasn't having many ectopics and I was feeling well enough to do three or more miles a day on my Peleton type 'bike.

Then, in August, this hit me and got progressively worse so I rang my GP.

Muscle pains in arms and legs, 'brain fog', loss of appetite, LOTS of ectopics, etc.

I had a chest x-ray (no results yet), then I had blood tests and an ECG at the surgery last Thursday. The Dr said I was having a 'cardiac event' and wanted to call an Ambulance.

I was sprayed with a GTN and given an aspirin.

My problem is that my wife has Dementia (FTD) and she was sitting in the car in the car park outside the Dr's.

I have been feeling rough since August and felt that it was Long Covid so I was hoping that my GP would be able to suggest something that would help. I wasn't feeling any different to what I'd been for weeks so I declined the offer of a free ride to Hospital and agreed to ring 999 if I didn't improve.

I was told to rest and was given a GTN spray and a supply of aspirin.

I got home and did exactly as I was told - rest!

By 9pm the following night (Friday) I was feeling a lot better and have been OK since.

I have Heart Failure so I am used to checking my weight, blood pressure, heart rate, oxygen sats, etc, and I use a Kardia so I feel confident that I will be able to detect any sudden changes.

I read an article recently that said Long Covid is not yet understood but the symptoms are very much like ME symptoms and so it might be a good idea to treat it accordingly. It emphasised that anything other than gentle exercise is not good, and is to be avoided.

Did anyone else read that?

I know that there are Long Covid Clinics but I've been told by people who have used them that they are clueless and just seem to be gathering information in the hope that they might find something that helps.

I would very much welcome any suggestions from others who have been going through this as to what works and what doesn't, how long it lasts, etc.

Best wishes to all.


Autumn_Leaves profile image
Autumn_Leaves in reply to philologus

I have ME and it restricts my life considerably. It’s not Long Covid but there are definite similarities, although I do believe some people have developed ME after Covid whereas others have complications following Covid that aren’t part of ME. However, the management of these conditions are probably similar which is to be active within your limitations

For information on this, the Royal Free Hospital and St Heliers Epsom have good general information on their websites. You can also find out more at the ME Association website. There are a lot of people promising miracle cures and useless therapies for ME/CFS. Not to mention laundry lists of supplements and the “eat this/don’t eat that” stuff. I’m not a believer in most of it, but many people feel they have to try. I did and I don’t think any of it was helpful. It’s the boring day to day self discipline that gets results. It’s hard work but you have to learn how to be your own carer with ME. But that’s just my take on it. I’m a long hauler and I was very severe, but that’s not everyone’s experience. It’s not a fate I’d wish on anyone. Don’t push yourself and learn your limitations — that’s the hardest thing of all with this condition.

philologus profile image
philologus in reply to Autumn_Leaves

Thank you for that thoughful and well-written reply.

If I can find the article I read I'll put a link on here to it if I'm allowed to do that.

Roto profile image

wish you a speedy recovery..had Covid in July thankfully bounced back a few weeks later.. unfortunately can’t hurry it up 🤔

Khatpi profile image

Hope you are back to your self soon Jeannie. Be well. Sarah

Bagrat profile image

Thinking of Jean and Bob and all the rest who have to fight an additional burden of Covid in the mix. What a toughbunch and how we appreciate wise words.

Beehive1 profile image

Hope you feel better soon.

Adalaide2020 profile image

like you Mouchkin I have been concerned for Jean. Having read the replies I'm so glad she is improving. I'm also aware of how many of the guys on here are still sufferin. I certainly get things in perspective when I read these posts.

wishing you all well

Tenshun profile image

I hope Jean and all others who have had Covid get well soon. Can't believe so many people believe this terrible virus has been eradicated. They only need to listen to what's going on around them. I had my fourth Covid jab + flu vaccination yesterday have a tender arm but otherwise no nasty symptoms.

philologus profile image

Apparently, the muscle aches are a result of a lack of oxgen. The oxygen is circulating in the blood but there is something inhibiting the muscle's ability to take up the oxygen. The oxygen and glucose interact to produce ATP (energy) so a reduction in oxygen will, inevitably, lead to pain.

The heart is a muscle so that explains the chest pains too.

I use an Earthing mat whenever possible because it helps to keep the cells properly charged and reduces the chances of clotting/clumping. This might have saved me from a worse event.

To increase the amount of oxygen in circulation I decided to incorporate the 4-7-8 breathing method into my routine. I started yesterday morning and stood on an Earthing mat, I did some gentle 'on the spot walking' swinging my arms at the same time (gently).

I found that this helps me to keep time with the breathing - 4 steps inhale, 7 steps hold, 8 steps exhale. I kept this going for five minutes then had a break for five minutes before repeating it. I did the same last night and this morning and the difference in how I feel is amazing. The muscle ache is 90% better but the main difference is that I haven't had a 'brain fog' today and my thinking is much clearer. (I completed the Independent crossword in 9 minutes.👍) I'm still taking it easy for a while as recommended by Autumn_Leaves.

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