Interested in others experience. My EP considered my cryoablation a huge success and is convinced it will work. As I am relatively young (53) and very fit he did say he used a very strong freeze on 2 areas. He warned that I would have a rough few weeks as a result. First week I flipped in and out of NSR and from week 2 I have pretty much been in constant AFib although very mild and symptomless and almost regularly irregular. I have spoken to my EP who assures me this is nothing to worry about and it will settle. What does concern me is the number of people on here who talk about being immediately back in NSR after their ablation. Anyone experienced what I am and if so how long did it take to settle?
Ablation 3 weeks on: Interested in... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation 3 weeks on

The fact sheet I signposted you to says it all Kenny. You are perfecty normal so try not to worry. The technicality of all this is as follows.
The freeze or burn (depending on cryo or RF) is designed to creat scar tissue within the areas treated. It is these scars which block the rogue impulses.
It takes weeks or even months for those scarss to form so whichever way you look at it ablation is never an instant fix.
Worry if you must in three to six months. In the meantime relax. stay well hydrated and continue to respect you body by letting it heal in peace.
Hi Bob. Please could you advise me of the link for the fact sheet. A friend is having an ablation soon and he wants more information. Thsnk you. Jenny
hi Bob. Can you send me a link to the fact sheet you mentioned please. Im going in for my 4th on Thursday and if i have to stand on my head and sing dixi i will !! Really want this one to work. Thank you.
It has been exactly 3 months since my second ablation this time RF, I have had approx 3-4 AF events my pulse is quite low between 45-54 most days, and I feel worn out, and some days I feel less hopeful than others, but what keeps me going is posts like Bobs who gives me hope that eventually we will feel better given time, and allowance for the ablations to work. I know exactly where your coming from and some days are harder than others but maybe this time next year we will feel a whole lot better. All the best mate 👍
Took me 3 months to get regularly into NSR 2nd time around. Repeat procedures aren't uncommon after cryro I believe. Take comfort ftom those words 'regularly irregular'. Are you sure it's AF in that case? Might it be ectopics? My AF readings are usually pretty chaotic
Hi, my daughter has a regularly irregular pulse which was discovered by an emergency responder after she was involved in a car accident. She was checked out later and that is normal for her and my grand daughter has it as well. It can be a sign of fitness or just one of those things.
3weeks after my PVI ablation I had a vagal induced AF briefly for 6 hours after eating too much spicy food - self reverted back into NSR. No episodes since that one which is over a year ago.
im 39. Had a cry ablation for af11 days ago. Deemed a success by my ep. Cardioverted on the table during procedure as a flutter developed as well. Apparently that Was then Ablated to. Mostly in nsr. But have had a few episodes of af. Happens mostly on lying down. Its hard not to get deflated. Just trying to stick with it. I was initially told the procedure was going to take 1.5 hour. Ended up taking about 4.
it’s 12 months since my Cryo ablation and during the first few months I had ectopics etc. I’m now off all medication and feeling fine. The advice I was given by BobD right at the beginning was absolutely right. Take it easy ( it’s difficult I know) for the first few weeks. Try and not read the negative reports of failed ablations. There will be many successful outcomes that won’t be reported on this forum. Get you life back and remember why you wanted the ablation.
yes. Me. I had an ablation and after a couple of days home was woken with afib. Was it afib or ectopic beats. Hard to tell. But for the next month I was quite uncomfortable and thought my ablation hadn’t worked. Saw my cardio and I was sinus at that time. He said give it 3 months. I’m now towards the end of month 2 post ablation and I’m not getting it at all! Happy happy. Just wait! Be patient
I have Paroxymal AFib and am now 12 weeks post cryo ablation.
I have still been having frequent AFib episodes since then.
The episodes have steadily reduced in duration, prior to the ablation they could last up to 72 hours now sometimes they only last minutes.
All readings taken with my Apple Watch and confirmed by my Consultant.
hi Kenny
After my Cryo in March I was back in my Parox AF after a few days . Then had a 6 hour RF ablation on August 19th and I’ve been in NSR ever since . I’ve had a few eptopics but so far so good . It’s totally common to have 2nd procedure .
I was told it’s 70% chance of just cryo working but as usual with this frustrating condition , everyone is different .
Chill out and relax and if it takes a 2nd procedure then go for it
I’ve not felt this good in 3 years . My brain fog has lifted and I have so much more energy
It will work out eventually and it will be worth while
Kenny, you are in good hands and Dr Wright will know. The durable scars which prevent the afib take time to be established. I fully understand your concerns and I know it’s hard when you have symptoms which are so obvious but I do believe that things will settle down. Since my ablation in March I have had a few blips so I know what it’s like but I do think you will be fine in due course.
i have the same for 2 and half months and was told it has not healed. Now in a couple days I am acheduled for cardi ersion. Anyone experience the like. I am discussed. Jan
I too had cryoablation although if was done with open heart surgery to repair two valves. 9 days after the procedure i was walking over a mile a day. This was in august 2021. Ive been in NSR ever since, a few pacs & pvcs here and there. But, even they have gotten better!. My primary care doctor kept telling me it would take 12 to 15 months, even up to 18 months to feel the full benefits! Things will get better!
I hope things settle down for you soon 🤞
After my ablation, which they said was successful, I had several bouts of afib, where my heart rate was about 105. They told me it takes at least 3 months for the area to heal, and they were right☺️ After the 3rd month post ablation I’ve had none at all and feel very good. Hang in there..
I had mine for AFib and flutter 5th of June had one episode of AFib since( deyhdrated stupidly)
Obviously very happy,BUT I feel a bit uncertain what will happen when/ if I am taken off Flecanide and Biso. I am to remain on these and my usual BP etc meds until I get a follow up appointment. I am chasing this soon.
I was really prepared for a rough ride having read reports on here and of course the leaflets,so I think you are the normal one here not me! Basically what Im saying echoes others,that it is not unusual at all to get runs of The Beast.
Upwards and onwards ,Im sure things will settle soon. Best wishes.xx
my advice would be no alcohol during recovery period.
I'm 54, also fit and had Cryo last October for Paroxysmal AF. I went into a nasty bout of AF on day 5 post procedure. It was the longest (6 hours) and most persistent round ever for me, but it did resolve ultimately with Flec PiP. Then, the constant PAC's kicked in and had me thinking I'd really screwed up for at least 2 months. It was 3 months before I could even think about trying to regain some fitness and darn near 9 months before I started to feel comfortable that I could crank up the intensity to pre procedure levels. This was mostly because of higher heart rates (+20 to 30 during exercise and +20 overnight). Through that period I could count on an uptick in PAC's every month or so, then they'd vanish and all would be quiet for awhile. The only constant through almost 12 months of 'recovery' has been an ever evolving state. The number of and severity of my ectopics has been morphing constantly. At this point, I have a standard number of 50-100 ectopics a day but no AF whatsoever since that first week. It is apparent to me that with the cryo damage inflicted on the heart, we form the scar tissue Bob mentioned and our autonomic nervous system begins to adapt. I believe the heart rewires itself afterwards, encouraged by the freeze/burns. Things for me were different but so much better. Was rough recovery but oh so worth it. Good luck with your recovery.
Hopefully you are feeling a bit more stable. Just wondering if you have remained on heart medications after the ablation or was advised by health professionals to come off post ablation?
Also just had my 3rd ablataion in just under 2 years - 24 hours after procedure bang right into 18 hour 130bpm episode preceded by 10000s of pacs. Heart though very quiet in the last 4 days very stable. All to say just hang in there the first couple of months after ablation can be a roller coaster ride.
Hopefully your heart has settled down a bit? I do wonder like some above if the beat remains regularly irregular if you could be experiencing lots of pacs/ ectopics instead of bouts of afib.
Certainly my pacs feel like this if I am having 100s /1000s in clusters and runs (feels very much like afib at times). Very common to experience tons of pacs post ablation due to heart inflammation...
Hi Kenny, I have been following your posts as you are just a few days ahead of me. My ablation was exactly 3 weeks ago. You must be feeling disheartened though it does sound like the AF you are experiencing now is much less symptomatic than previously. Might be worth taking a few kardia readings to discuss with your EP/arrhythmia nurse in case there is something different going on?
As far as I am aware I’ve been in NSR since the ablation but my resting pulse rate is very variable, ranging from low 70s to high 90s and occasionally tipping into just over 100. This is really troubling me as I would like to drop the bisoprolol asap (pre ablation pulse rate was in 60s to 70s).
I’ve had 3 incidents of migraine aura with light shows lasting 10-15 minutes and no headaches.
Apart from the pulse rate concerns, I’m pleased with the recovery. Bruising has disappeared completely and incision healed well. I’m getting back to my regular exercise and hoping to be consuming less medication very soon.
However, having read the fact sheets and noted all the advice posted on this forum, I am very aware that I’m not out of the woods yet!
Hope things settle for you, Kenny, after these initial blips. We are still very early in that blanking period.