I am fairly convinced back in 2008, when I had, unknowingly then, my first AF experience that the cause was a combination of some big personal and business stress factors all coming in one year with some general poor lifestyle choices contributing in a lesser way to tipping me over the edge.
The solution for me has involved overcoming stress on all fronts, many corrections to lifestyle....and of cause some pills, in my case Flecainide. I have religiously followed every aspect for the last 8 years since formal diagnosis/treatment and all has been good. I am not really a creature of strict habit but have found this works when you have vagally mediated Lone PAF.
However, very occasionally I lapse concentration and start accumulating non-exceptional negative factors without thinking. That happened yesterday...... I had a late night long Gatwick airport visit the previous day to pick up family, only 4 hours sleep, tired and for some reason in the evening instead of relaxing, unusually I decided on a bike ride to wake up. Then it started that pre-AF feeling with a higher than normal pulse....jumped off the bike walked home with several stops for deep breathing and pulse checking, relaxing bath and straight to bed. No AF & fine in the morning but still scary when you haven't had an episode for a long time!
The morale of the story: don't get complacent, if you think you have pushed it or likely to, make sure no other contributing factors occur for at least a couple of days. It may not be the same for you but I mention it just in case!