Me again. I've stopped taking amiodorane for over 72 hours and most of the nausea has gone. However, the afib symptoms have come back. I am dizzy, breathless and can feel a heart flutter some of the time. I had a phone call this morning with a date for a cardioversion but when I said that I was no longer taking amiodorane, I was told that it wouldn't happen. Can anybody suggest an anti arrhythmia drug which doesn't cause nausea and vomiting. I've tried amiodorane, flecainide, sotalol, verapamil and beta blockers. I feel that nobody is helping me because of the effect of the medication and am feeling really rough. I want my life back.
Is there an anti arrhythmia drug whi... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Is there an anti arrhythmia drug which doesn't have a side effect of nausea?

No nausea with Flecainide
Did your doctor suggest that you should stop the amiodarone.

The decision was taken by my GP and the arrhythmia nurse. I couldn't even keep a sip of water down.
Clearly your bad reaction to amiodarone could not be helped but it does severely limit the options which are available to you. Although your GP can advise to stop a medication which obviously disagrees with you, I don’t think either the GP or the Arrhythmia Nurse are qualified to offer alternatives as these are highly potent drugs. You say you have taken Flecainide which is generally has less side effects but has Dronedarone been mentioned at all. It’s not a medication I’m at all familiar with.
If your AF has returned so quickly after stopping amiodarone, it’s not really surprising that they will not offer another CV. You really need to make contact with your EP as he is the only person able to advise on your best route forward. Urgent appointments are not easy to come by but it’s worth trying to contact his secretary. If a private appointment is possible for you, that is probably the best way to get the advice you need…..I hope you get things sorted soon…..
I would make an appointment with an experienced Alternative Practitioner. I consulted a Naturopath in 2014 and he said he puts all his AF patients on Co Q10 & However you seem very sensitive to drugs and possibly also supplements, so if you are interested in this route, CHECK with your trusted medic first.
There is dronedarone/ Multaq would be an option to discuss with your EP - there is also dofetilide/ Tikosyn, but not sure if this is an option approved in UK yet... Discuss with EP perhaps.
Oh dear - poor you. Some people are prone to nausea. I am one. It can last for months at a time before mysteriously easing. It's so difficult to endure - one of my worst symptoms. I don't get it with my bisoprolol, nor had it when I was on digoxin. Have you tried any tablets for it - there are a couple, and also acid blockers can sometimes help, I've been told.
Sounds so much like me. I'm convinced that flecainide put me in hospital although I couldn't get the hospital doctors to agree. I hated the look of amiodarone and to be honest was quite relieved when it made me so sick. I'm still waiting to hear what the consultant wants to do next. I have the sort of AF that than once I go into AF only seems to respond to a cardioversion which always works first try. AF does not give me a fast heartbeat in fact, it seems to reduce it. I'm usually around 65 but with AF it is currently 52. I am feeling forgotten by my consultant and I have chased with his secretary. Guess that's the state of the NHS at the moment.
If you have such a low heart rate when in AF, I am not sure why you need either a cardio version or anti arrhythmic medication. I think I would settle for living with the AF. and I certainly wouldn’t consider amiodorone. However there maybe other reasons in your individual case for needing to be in NSR. Just a thought though. X
No nausea for me with either flecanide or sotolol. Neither are working for me anymore though. X
I'm not sure what the name is for this outside of Canada, but I take propafenone (Rhythmol) and haven't had a problem. I only take it when I have an AF attack, however.
Thanks. My problem is persistent AF. Once I have it, only a cardioversion will put me into sinus. I need a medication which will stop me going into AF again.
HiLike you I have rapid persistent AF.
My heart is not fit enough to have cardioconversion or ablasion.
Why .. part of my heart is enlarged.
Twinked meds
CONTROL of the rapid and high BP
120mg Dilltiazem CCB am
2.5 Bisoprolol
The CCB brings down H/Beat but the low 47 H/Beats minute stays.
BP 123/72. H/B day 77-88
I have accepted that I have AF for LIFE
taking PRADAXA twice 110mg as a anti co-agulant.
I get a hard tiny rash with it and on 150mg twice my natural teeth hurt with no strength.
120mg saved that.
Seems like you might have a problem with your gall bladder.
I finally had my 'disintegrated' gall bladder out @ aged 50. Struggled with heart acidic and reflux sinece 4 years. Mum used to give me Milk of Magnesium.
Take Care.
Most important is CONTROL not AF unless you have pauses. I had pauses on Metoprolol. Yuck med.
Cheri JOY. 73. (NZ)
Yes, I thought so, and mine is paroxysmal. I have heard of people who are on propafenone daily, however. Here is a PubMed study: There is other information if you Google propafenone, persistent AF.
You're in a tough situation. Best wishes.
Have you had ablation or has it been suggested you may need one?
I have just heard this afternoon that I have been put on the priority list for an ablation and am waiting for an urgent appointment with the electrophysiologist. Hopefully a result.
Yep, I've been on Multaq for about 5 years now. It's expensive but seems to work for me. I also dropped caffeine of any sort which seemed to be a trigger for me. I stopped drinking years ago. So far, so good.
So sorry to hear of your distress. I have similar experiences with the potentially toxic amiodarone (200mg) which I took in the evening, with atenolol (25mg) in the evening. Both were prescribed prior to and following an ablation 4 months ago. I am going for a follow-up procedure in 6 weeks. I get some breathlessness when walking up inclines or stairs. It feels as if there is belt tightening around my chest. I happened to mention this to my pharmacist while asking about side-effects. She suggested I try taking the atenolol in the evening and the amiodarone in the morning. I have switched them and it's helping. Incidentally, Sotalol stopped working for me, and Flecainide gave me atrial flutter.
I struggled to get meds right. Taken off Bisoporol because of v low heart rate & long pauses & a squeeze sensation. Flec made heart flutter even more. Verapamil & Atenalol didn't work. So 2 years ago after 1st ablation i was put on Digoxin & Diltiazam 300mg slow release. The last one I was advised to take at night & for me it did stop the af during the night, early hours, (just occasional break through now & then) as you know what works for some doesn't for others. I was 1st on a 120mg dose then 240 but needed the 300 after trial & error.
I've been on Sotalol for a few months now. I've been noticing recurring gastritis, worsening of dry mouth and eyes etc. It's gotten so I stopped eating in the mornings because I'm always nauseus. Starting today I'm going to taper off because I literally can't eat. We shall see what happens. Should probably just get the ablation done because all these drugs make me very sick to my stomach.