Since taking Apixaban i have been suffering from dizziness, is this a side affect of this medication?
Apixaban: Since taking Apixaban i have... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Apparently yes it is a possible side effect, best speak with your GP.
Had horrendous side effects from it. Extreme weakness.., dizziness, constant UTI's and stomach pains. I had no life quality on them. Seems to be rare as no-one else appears to complain about them.
Have had dizziness problems for a while now but untill recently didn't suspect Apixaban. Had all the tests etc and check on my other meds ie Amlodipine and Levothyroxin but nothing. Makes you wonder how many other people have similar problems with Apixaban.
Reading your text has given me some comfort. I have been on apixaban since June 2019 and remember feeling nauseous on and off for first 6 months or so, but was never sure whether to blame apixaban or Bisoprolol or both!Have had urinary issues the whole time and for last 4 months or so really bad nausea, loss of appetite that seems to improve by the evening before I take the second dose of apixaban. Nausea is listed as a common side effect but no one seems to have a problem according to forums etc. I’m sorry to say this cat133 and obviously would rather you hadn’t had such an horrendous time on apixaban, but I feel I am experiencing exactly the same side effects ! I feel awful on these meds plus experiencing hair loss. Have contacted my GP this morning after reading your post - thank you
Its not a common side affect, but can't rule it out.
True, doesn’t seem to be a common side effect on this forum. The information leaflet within my boxes of apixaban has nausea in the list of common side effects ie 1 in 10 people may experience it. The other tablets I take Losartan and Bisoprolol also list nausea as a common side effect. Losartan also lists AF as a side effect! Given my AF started after I was prescribed Losartan for high BP, it does make you wonder…I mentioned this to a GP who dismissed it, but was in hospital recently with ankle fracture and hospital doctor thought it was possible. I sometimes have a desire to chuck all my medications and see if I feel like old self again, but then sensible head takes over and fear of AF episode and/or a stroke brings me to my senses. I just mourn the loss of the energetic person I was and feel the medications do affect overall sense of wellbeing. Does anyone else feel the same?
I don't get dizzy though that is listed as a possible side effect. I am tired, however, and I have stomach issues since starting Apixaban.
I take bisoprolol & ramipril which I have since august 2021 without any problems, I was put on apaxiban 3 weeks prior to my cardio ablation in February 2022 for paroxysmal af. I have been left on the tablets for 12 week now to avoid any clots Whilst I recover. I’ve had nothing but problems since starting them. Including Shortness of breath headaches & vision impairment. I will be happy when I can come of them as I just don’t think they agree with me.
My stomach paiin became intolerable. Only help I got from GP was to be told that I had to keep taking them and given omeprazole and a peptic acid stomach bottle which made it worse. Need to take a decision now about stopping as I am in constant pain.
I realise you posted this a month ago but was just wondering how you are now? Have you decided to stop taking apixaban or swap to another anticoagulant? I also have stomach issues and have also been prescribed Lansoprazole. I ‘m still getting nausea, off grub, just feel yuk. Stomach feels inflated directly after eating - just weird. All blood tests etc are fine. GP says not Apixaban, infact he disputed that nausea was a side effect until I showed him the information leaflet from the box. A pharmacist I spoke to in Boots said stomach issues are a frequent issue and lots of people on apixaban moan to her about it. She said it can irritate the stomach lining. I was off apixaban for over a month whilst in hospital with an ankle fracture and was swapped to injections. Went back on apixaban once home and then nausea etc started. I hope you have found a solution and are feeling better cat133
You must be eating some foods that you shouldn't a lot of vegetables contain vitamin k .not good for us.i have been on apixaban for 7years I have lansoprazole,one in a morning.wait one hour before eating .too much veg is not good.broccolli is the worst.beetroot as well.and pineapple makes your mouth bleed..
How do you take need 12 hours apart.2 a day.ive not had. that.2.5 mg have been on them for 7years.