When in AFib can it raise your blood pressure or can high blood pressure trigger AFib.
In April/May last year I was I told I had possible AFib after starting palpitations which didn't abate and subsequent 24hr ECG and Echocardigram . Also had a raise BNP. I was perscribed bisoprol by my GP but it didn't agree with me so I stopped it.
For the last 5 days the palpitations have returned with avengence, having been very quite for most of last year. My blood pressure monitor is showing AF for some readings and my blood pressure is varible and often in the high 130's, low 140's. When I last took my blood pressure in early December it was normal.
I only started taking my blood pressure when the palpitations started so I don't which started first. Just wondering if there was a connection. I am just hoping palpitations/AF will pass but I am getting concerned.
I have been unwell and tired since mid December and thought it was just a virus I couldn't shake off.
Can any tell me if they have noticed is a link between the two or is it just coincidence and nothing to worry about and when one resolves so will the other.