Just a quick update, after being told to cut down my Losartan to half the dose(50mg instead of 100) my BP stabilised for about a week.
Then started to drop again,spoke to next Dr and told to drop Losartan altogether.
All good,then the last 3 days have had reading higher than for about 8 years ( 140-166/80,100)
My one consolation in all the Af stuff has been my good BP I'm usually spot on 120/70 so I'm disappointed in myself lol!
The only thing that is stable is heart rate ranges from 45-55 ish
Just spoke to Dr 3 who says stay off Losartan still,give them 10 readings spread across a few days and see where we go.
I'm so fed up with it all. I know there's far worse than me but it just gets to me sometimes. No one wants to see me in person or to answer my questions about why its suddenly gone a bit weird,just put off.
I have tried to monitor myself,in terms of food,exercise,posture,taken readings on sitting and standing in case of POTS to see if I can find a clue but flailing in the dark really.
Has anyone else had a bumpy ride coming off Losartan almost cold turkey?
Hope you are all ok on this sunny cold day?