Betablocker(Bisoprolol): Betablocker... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Andrew6666 profile image
6 Replies

Betablocker (Bisoprolol)

Taking 2.5mg a day for my panic disorder which have not done anything, but I was told to come them 2 days ago, now I'm suffer with resting heart rate of up to 110bpm, is this a normal thing or should I pop a pill again to slow my heart rate, as I said i do suffer with panic disorder but not sure what to do

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Andrew6666 profile image
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6 Replies
Paulbounce profile image

We are not medics on here Andrew so cannot tell you what to do. I think you need to discuss this with your doctor.

I wonder if your panic is making your HR higher because of the worry about coming off Bis. Have you tried breathing techs to help you relax more ?

Good luck Andrew - you'll be ok.


secondtry profile image

I am certainly not trained to treat panic disorder. What I can say after my diagnosis I suffered high anxiety borderline depression and overcame it not by pills but by throwing the kitchen sink at it (i.e. all well known suggestions). I think because of panics characteristics the spiritual approach with whatever works for you is the best bet; for me it was God & Nature connections (the latter more interaction than just a countryside walk, although that helps in the right place).

Ppiman profile image

You should get in touch with your GP. I have read that beta-blockers can cause a slight "rebound" effect for a few days after stopping it, and that taking one tablet or half a tablet every other day for a couple of days can help with this. I did read that the long-acting nature of bisoprolol made it less likely to cause this but it seems to take the beta receptors a while to return to normality following beta blockade.

I don't find these drugs help with general anxiety at all, but I have heard from people who say they do. They have no direct anxiolytic effect, but some people's anxiety is raised by cardiac awareness, and, in those, they surely stand a chance of helping.


Auriculaire profile image

You should not have been advised to just stop taking them cold turkey .2.5 mg is not a negligable dose and many people have difficulty weaning off 1,25mg. Why were you told to come off them? If you want to wean off without rebound symptoms you need to reduce the dose slowly over a period of weeks first going down to 1.25mg, monitoring how you feel. If you are ok at that dose stay on it for a couple of weeks before halving it again. After another couple of weeks go to every other day before stopping completely. Taking a magnesium supplement might help with the panic attacks. It helped mine.

AussieHeart profile image
AussieHeart in reply to Auriculaire

I was only on 1.25mg of Bisoprolol and followed weaning techniques for all drugs and for me it truly works every time (a must when put on PPIs to limit severity of reflux rebound). As a newbie to paroxysmal AF (dx past year) my symptoms continue to confuse as seem different each time. I rarely know when I am in it other than sometimes feeling very unwell (dizziness, migraines, leg weakness, joint / vein aches, severe bloating), to some ectopic beats, to some strong heartbeats and faster HR (in 70s) that bring on internal left-side “tremor” where my guts go into spin cycle mode. The Bisoprolol somewhat soothed that. Interestingly magnesium was suggested by my gastroenterologist not cardiac electrophysiologist and since has brought new symptoms to worry about. I usually suffer with “high constipation” but bio magnesium for example often turns that to diarrhea. I’m off everything now in an experiment to see how I fair over the next few weeks. I may do the reverse and return to low-dose Bisoprolol which helps my AF-induced anxiety and take the magnesium as “a pill in the pocket” for constipation! It’s so hard as we all react differently and I find cardiologist and EPs and even GPs just don’t have the time we need to help us properly. I’m hoping this gastroenterologist somehow mitigates AF while treating me for my other chronic complaint. One wonders will I ever stumble on the right treatment program to be able to “live” with this hideous disease as currently I feel it’s lowered my quality of life.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to AussieHeart

I hope you can get sorted out. The problem with specialists is that they know lots about their own area but often seem to think that differnt parts of the body act independently rather than functioning as a whole. I remember my cardiologist telling me he knew nothing about the thyroid!

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