every doctor says my heart is fine... so why do i sometimes get uncomfortable sensations or vibrations in my chest? i can’t even explain it…its as if my heart is inside a bubble. could this be gastro related? maybe gerd? doesn’t matter what i’m doing, but its worse after i eat or if i eat more than my “limit”. i’ve been feeling gassy and bloated, ever since i started showing symptoms of WPW in January. i’m not on any medications.
is it gerd?: every doctor says my heart... - Atrial Fibrillati...
is it gerd?

You may, like myself have a hiatus hernia, it's very common, and often causes symptoms that mimic heart conditions.
All the best
Have you considered you might have a hiatus hernia? Look up the symptoms on the British Hernia Society. These mimic the symptoms of heart issues as well as the more classic 'heartburn'. Hiatus hernia can result from long term GERD problems and us typically worse after eating, lifting, bending, often problematic at night etc. Burping, feelings of bloating, pain in chest, back, even neck are all things I experienced.
Well, I can relate 100% to this. I have a small hiatus hernia and, in the end, have concluded that it causes many symptoms that mimic heart issues. That said, trying to find evidence of this on the internet is difficult, with most web sites explaining that it is often symptomless.
My doctor and cardiologist have little to say about it when I ask, indeed they show little interest just nodding sagely that the two are often interconnected with no explanation of what, how or why. If I say that eating breakfast brings on tachycardia each morning, I'm met with the same general lack of concern or interest. It's odd really.
Hello September 1990, I can relate to your symptoms, and I’ve always believed that my AF is caused by stomach problems, I have the same as you, sort of vibrations in my chest area under Breast Bone, which sometimes trigger AF, and also Nausea sometimes, I also thought like your other replies of Hiatus Hernia but Endoscopy confirmed stomach all ok, of which I was grateful, Doctors don’t seem to have any idea, also Consultent Gastroenterologist didn’t have any answers either, my Symptoms are similar to yours and I’m sorry I’ve got no answers for you, it’s the vibrating shuddering feeling that is the mystery, it’s probably Gastric but don’t know the trigger unfortunately, good luck to you, and if you ever find an answer please let us know and I will do the same. John
As others have said I to have a hiatus hernia which has got worse & often I have heart symptoms which could be warning signs heartwise.I can only presume it would be worse and I would know the difference.
Sorry to hear about the lack of support! Yes, the EP I have now is the first to recognize to what extent gastro issues can have an effect on AF. It didn't help much but he at least agrees which is helpful in a world of doctors who only count us as overstressed afibbers.
I have a small sliding hiatal hernia and I do believe it contributes - as I notice when I feel full after eating much quicker than usual. I eat small meals, not late... but it hasn't helped.
This is not to say if you have one it will necessarily cause or effect AF. Mongrel condition as is often said.
If WPW, would definitely be worth talking about an ablation - they tend to work well! Other than that a nutritionist. Best wishes-
Take good care
I have those feelings, you gave me the word I was looking for 'vibrations ' sometimes a bubbling. My stomach is bad and I'm convinced this causes my afib/palpitaions. Meant to be having the camera down, Dr's don't know. It got worse with beta blockers but it is a minefield
hi all, thank you so much for your replies. i forgot to add that i in fact got an ablation done to fix the WPW and it was successful. i still have a lot of gastric problems though. i saw a gastro in October and all he did was prescribe me 2 ppi’s to take but they did nothing and i’ve read long term use is bad. he prescribed me them without doing an endoscopy. he only ran some blood tests, urine and stool tests. i’m going to see a different gastro in january. i will keep you all updated. these feelings i get are scary and make me think something is wrong with my heart. anyone else feel like they have trouble breathing along with it?
I was first diagnosed with afib after having a huge meal with dessert and alcoholic beverages. It coincided with an uncomfortable esophagus.
I quickly found that Prilosec would cut my afib episodes short.
I quit drinking, started eating smaller, healthier meals.
I recently had an endoscopy which came back good.
My feeling is that I had “holiday heart” which is common arrhythmia problems that arise from overindulgence.
After 2+ years I am afib free.
Just had an echocardiogram that came back “normal”, as well as a 2week holter monitor patch that also came back “normal”.
I’ve learned to be nice and considerate of my esophagus.
If I eat poorly, I can get some PACs, but very few.
I feel that if I start drinking alcohol and overindulging, my problems will return.
You may know that the pulmonary vein and the esophagus come into pretty close quarters at one point.
I would recommend reading this article:
I get same vibration and neurologist couldn’t help, cardiologist couldn’t help, cardiac electrophysiologist also could not shed light. Now seeing gastroenterologist for IBS symptoms. have a small hiatus hernia after erosive gastritis episode and major surgery for intestinal tumour but otherwise at good weight, eat healthy and avoid spicy greasy foods and given alcohol away. I’ve experienced this vibration for a year. Gastroenterologist thinks it could be caused by faecal loading and sent me for x-ray. My shakes improved after he got me to use colonoscopy prep to clear bowels. He put me on bio magnesium which has helped but like others posting here it’s worse after eating. I have paroxysmal aFIB and suffer with migraines. I’m thinking all my symptoms are vagal nerve related but someone here recently posted about gastro-cardiac syndrome fixyourgut.com/roemheld-syn... which resonated with me and I plan to raise possibility with my gastroenterologist next week when I see him to get results of faecal loading x-ray. Hope this info helps.