I was diagnosed with Afib about two years ago. It is paroxysmal and originally I was having episodes every 4 to 6 weeks. I have been on propafenone since January and is has been working well. The last episode I had was on July 3 - until this morning. I woke about 2:30 a.m. and was in Afib. Did a kardia reading (I only use when having episode) It registered as Afb with a HR of 123. So I went back to bed and when I got up - if I was seated, I was irregular but still not racing. Then, each time I would stand or walk, my heart would race. The kardia at the point registered 197 and "Unclassified". I am at work now but that continues. I have no other symptoms. Comments, support please.
from HR 123 seated to 197 standing mo... - Atrial Fibrillati...
from HR 123 seated to 197 standing moving

123 - 197 ??? Could be your monitor is incorrect (mine was) as it's likely you feel faint etc at those levels (197?).
197 is not acceptable - get checked by a medic asap.
Do it now.
I’m amazed you could stand with a HR so high, I couldn’t.
Get checked out now, you certainly shouldn’t be working.
It didn't settle at that rate. It would race - reduce to 139. It stopped at 10:45 and my last kardia was 107. So it is winding down. Hope the p.m. meds will get me back in NSR. I had/have absolutely no symptoms -ot dizzy, out of breath...My bed will look good tonight.
Sleep well.
Personally, not medically trained , you need to let your doctor know how high the rate got and discuss rate limiting medicines. My wife's PAF used to hit that rate but since being on Bisoprolol she never gets near that.