Hi all, I’m on the list for an ablation but at the moment I’m settled on medication, I’m just wondering where to upset things by having the ablation or stay settled on medication. How long does medication work before AFIB pushes through . Any thoughts or advice.
Ablation or not.: Hi all, I’m on the... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Ablation or not.

What medication are you on?
Bisoprolol 1.25 and flecainide 100 , but I do have side effects.
I would be guided by your GP and cardiologist. I've read that an early ablation stands the best chance of stopping afib from progressing, but that it often still does progress and needs maybe three ablation procedures to solve it.
I've also read that the underlying cause might well not be easy to resolve and that the ablation won't do anything to solve that. Overall, I'm not sure doctors know which is chicken and which is egg - but only your own doctor will know your particular heart issues and can advise.
What I do know is that it is no fun and is very worrying. Life, eh!
Quality of life is the best guide. I was happy with just medication for about 15 months. Early on I tried cadioversion which is a procedure to shock the heart back. Into normal sinus rhythm.This was didn't work for me so I thought, fine the medication is working. My worst symptoms were breathlessness following any type of work. Also, fluid retention if I ate anything with much salt in it.
Well I was going along day to day on a heart healthy diet. Researching AFIB several times a week, when I came across I video in February of this year. The video shows patient under going an ablation procedure. The doctor would explain everything as he. went through the work.
This procedure when I was first diagnosed in. 2019 took twice as long and was less
Successful. I called my cardiologist and he referred to an EP (electrophysiologist).
I was interested to know if he was using this improved equipment?
He said yes and explained it in more detail.
I requested to get the procedure and it was performed on April 29, 2021.
I was sent home the same day in normal sinus rhythm and my quality of life has continued to get better one day at a time ever since.
YouTube.com has many, many videos that educates the listener and I hope you are able to access a few of these online.
I tell you. all of the above in the hope that you too may find the best solution for you.
Thank you, my side effects on the medication is tiredness, hair loss, weight gain. I want to give it one shot at ablation but I am very scared. I have stopped drinking and overhauled my diet and go out of my way to relax and meditate. I hunk if the ablation don’t work I will probably stay with the medication.
Mmm, a bit limited info on the side effects of medication you are experiencing and other background detail. I am guessing side effects are minor and that you haven't had AF for long. Also that you are quite young (i.e. under 65). My vote is to postpone an ablation , as has recently been said here, the procedure is improving all the time and in 5 years could be appreciable better. Important to realise it is not about one way is right and one way is wrong, very much a personal decision and no one including the medics will ever know whether the alternative would have been much better or worse for you.
Yes, wait for the pulse field ablation to be approved by the FDA. Should be within 12-18 months when clinical trials are complete.