I had my ablation in November last year and all has been great until yesterday. Admitted to hospital with rate of 170. Thoroughly fed up now, thought everything was fixed so to speak.
Back in AF: I had my ablation in... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Back in AF

Sadly ablation is part of ongoing treatment and seldom a cure. Having had one you know it's no big deal and the touch up will likely sort it for much longer.
Had mine fourteen months ago and I like to think it's a cure - at least for the time being!
My first one lasted almost 15 months......lovely whilst it lasted. I had almost forgotten about AF and was fitter than I had been for years ! You never can tell. Here I am now, weeks post ablation no 4 and , heart wise, feeling better than I have for many years even though the rest of me is pretty suspect 🤭
I'm just hoping I last out until after my hip op. I tend to think that they zapped all the unwanted signals that were getting through. If it comes back, will it be like they've all suddenly got a new lease of life or will it be like a new army which needs to be killed off?
Mine at that stage was case of the PVs reconnecting plus he did extra work as well. Hopefully yours will last much longer. I had had mainly persistent AF fir 16 years at that point so was told to expect more than one ablation.
Good luck for your hip op!
Mine started over 25 years ago, PVCs, surgeon said no problem. 12 years ago I remember my heart thumping for a couple of hours, Eight years ago in hospital they said I had atrial fibrillation. Oh no, I said, it just PVC s. Three years ago in hospital they again said I had AF and wanted me to take bisoprolol. Not likely I said, I've had those before and I felt dreadful. Came home and bought a wrist monitor which, with hindsight, was worse than useless. Two years ago I had a fall and bought an Apple watch. Golly, I really have got AFib and it's happening an awful lot! A year ago I had an ablation.
If it comes back will it be gradual and build up or will it be fully fledged ? I'm hoping it won't. This time if there is any sign of it, my watch will see it straight away. I'm keeping records.
Sorry to hear that but it happens. Hopefully you will be advised of a treatment plan. Hope you feel better soon. My first ablation made things a whole lot worse and I ended up in hospital but second worked and lasted 3 years.
How are you? What happened? Good luck
I had an ablation October last year. Awaiting an appointment for my second as afib, pac /pvc and some very fast uncomfortable arrhythmia occurring. I too bought an I.watch. Very interesting to see the different arrhythmia in real time and as I’m feeling so awful. Best wishes ☘️
Hi Georgia, don’t be too disappointed( easier said than done I know) but you may not have another episode if any for another good while hopefully. There may also be the opportunity to have a little touch up procedure if needed. Iv had 3 ablations and still get the odd episode every few months but life is a lot better than it used to be. Unfortunately there is always the chance of our AFIB paying us a visit 😡. I’m sure you’ll be ok. Take care and take it easy.Ron.x
Georgia, been there and doing that. What really worked immediately was Amiodarone. Not a fun drug but it worked. I was advised not to stay on this prescription for more than four months. Now what really helped me was deep breathing exercises as recommended by the staff at health unlocked team. Question: how old are you? My PEC advised me the older one is with the ablation the less chance of a long term recovery. I am 78 and in general very healthy. But my ablation worked/lasted for two years before a pulse rate of 162 set in. Again, I recommend deep breathing exercises.
I had my 4 week ablation follow-up yesterday. My doctor told me we have an 85% chance of it lasting for 3 years. So yep, some of us will be in that 15% but I like the odds. Hang in there!