Unwell today .... groan !: Hi gals and... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Unwell today .... groan !

33 Replies

Hi gals and guys,

Well I don't often get on here and ask for your comments but this evening I must. As some of you know the ongoing saga of loss of sleep due to shoulder pain has been ongoing and is still ongoing. Some nights I sleep like a babe other nights (like last night) my sheets, bedcoverings end up like I've done 10 rounds with Muhammad Ali .... and lost each one.

Last night I was up from between 1.45 am and 3 am ish. Scoffed down shedloads of CoCodomol (30/500) and eventually got back to sleep waking finally about 7.45 am. ( Frankly, I'm surprised I woke at all) !

The thing is when I woke up I was cold. Now I know it was chilly but it wasn't the cold you normally feel, on the skin, bit of a shiver that sort of thing. It was weird it was like the meat deep inside me, the meat on the bone is one way to describe it, felt ice cold, all of me felt ice cold deep inside. using all my testing devices showed nothing seemingl;y adrift excapt BP and HR were a bit on the high side, but nothing that would fail me on a bus drivers medical. Kardia 6L = normal. Yet as the day wore on I lost all my energy, my get up and go had totally vanished. All day long I've been weeing on and off all day, so frequently, particularly when I haven't drunk liquids to excess, just my usual which keeps me adeqately hydrated. Wondering if all this might be a deceitful symptom of AF wanting to have its wicked way. Wanted to and did sleep for England and the EU combined during the day. This feeling of coldness was uniform throughout the insides my body. Frankly, if I'd been rostered to drive my bus on shift I'd have needed to phone in sick. Something I rarely do - 'cos I'm never crook.

So, just wondering if any of you have experienced similar feelings/sensations which have been attributed to AF or food ? Not that I have any appetite at the moment.

By the way, in these CoVid ridden times I thought I'd phone for a GP appointment. I was offered one on Friday. No, good, so I asked for Monday. Sorry we aren't open, our next available is Wednesday, 1 Sept. I'm starting to wonder how I'm gonna go getting an appointment for a bus drivers medical. My licence is due for renewal on 21 October, so I guess I'd better plan ahead and try and get a medical organised for early/mid September - because after that I have to deal with opticians for an optical medical assessment and finally of course the DVLA Medical Services Unit.

Apologies for the rant.


33 Replies
BobD profile image

Rant away John, Mightn't be a bad idea to have a covid test. I know loads of people who are double jabbed who have gone down with it the last week or two. All the grockles bringing it down yere. Our local hospital has never been so full of it.

Real problem. We need their money but not their germs!

in reply to BobD

G'day Bob,

Thanks for that. Yeah, I think you are right, time for a CoVid test. No point in pushing my luck having worked continuously driving the buses through all lockdowns, and with winter yet to come, might be best not to push my luck.

Aaaaah ! the grockles .......... am already on countdown to the start of school then the grockles will be leaving ...... yaaaay.

Y'know, I've been devasted by all the farmland that has been 'let out' as camping sites. Driving the buses I sit quite high in the world compared to the driver of a sports car or a Nissan Micra .... so I can see over Cornish Hedges into fields. The common sight, especially between Lands End and just short of St. Ives is motor homes, caravans and camping folk - all pitched their sites in fields .......... with very little waste disposal and more often than not only a couple of portaloos. So there is obviously more money in creating recreational facilities than farming in the traditional sense - to feed the nation.

..... and I haven't even started on Boardmasters !


BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to

Boardmasters created it's own Covid spike according to my No2 son's nurse girl friend.

gokf profile image
gokf in reply to

My grandson went to Boardmasters and came away with covid. The annoying thing was he used 2 lateral tests and came up negative, then he had a PCR an.d was positive. Rather concerning.

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to BobD

Erm…what the hell are grockles?

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to Cha275rL

Tourist who a) can't drive in local lanes and b) keep our hospitality industry solvent even if they do spread covid faster than they can eat cream teas. .

Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to BobD

Ah. Thanks Bob. Never heard that before.

in reply to Cha275rL


Just following this ...... down 'ere in cornwall the same peoples are known as Emmetts !


Cha275rL profile image
Cha275rL in reply to

🤣never heard of that either. My mother in law was Cornish, but maybe she had been here in Scotland too long lol.

jeanjeannie50 profile image

John, the only time I've felt really cold right through to the bone was before I was diagnosed as having an underactive thyroid. Has yours ever been checked?

Sorry you're troubled with so much shoulder pain and really don't know what to suggest re that. It's only these last few years that I've discovered there's only so much docs can give you to to relieve pain and then that's it - you just have to suffer. Before a friend suffered badly, I thought no one in this day and age had to put up with pain, how wrong was I.

Really hoping that this isn't the start of covid for you, what with losing your appetite too, have you had a test?

Let us know how you are tomorrow please.


in reply to jeanjeannie50

Jean, thank you. Will give an update tomorrow.


in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hi Jean,

Hope you saw my update.

That said, no I have never had thyroid checked - for any reason.

I am pretty sure its not the start of CoVid but will get a test organised as a precaution.

Of course you are quite right .... only so much doctors can do for pain. I just wish mine lived a little more in the real world.

I miss my old GP - he was a bit like Doc. Martin on TV 😂😂 but he was a brilliant GP.


in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hiya Jean,

Just following a bit of a thread .......... can thyroid issues run in families, i.e. be genetic do you happen to know ?


jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to

I don't know of anyone else in my large family who has it, so would guess not.

Not gonna say much about you feeling unwell John other than I hope it soon passes and that you get back to normal soon. I know you have seen the recent posts referring to frozen shoulders etc so there may have been some helpful stuff there.

As a fully paid up member of the motorhome grockle/emmet brigade, my trusty steed has been stashed away in solitary confinement in storage from mid July and won’t be used in earnest until mid September and then we only stay on proper sites away from more popular destinations! That said, I do feel for all the folks who live in holiday areas even if around 70% or so have decided to move in from more urban areas to “improve” their lot which of course, has a massive impact on the poor sods that were born there and are forced to pay the price 😉

😂🤣🤔 Something tells me that I’m now unlikely to be invited to any brunch meets in Exeter once things get back to near normal. 😂🤣🤔.

Take it easy John, hope you get things sorted, I know how important your job is to you and your sanity! All the best, John

in reply to

Thanks for your humerous post, cheered me up. Y'know, very often the South West can turn on some really great weather between mid Sept and mid October, has done over a number of years since we've been down here. Anyway we always welcome the SAGA Brigade as we (affectionately) call them.

Yes Exeter brunch meetings would be good .... when ( and if ) things ever get back to normal.

Why anyone in their dotage would wanna drive one of these I can't fathom but I do enjoy the social aspect of my work colleagues and on a different level the social interaction with a good many passengers, particularly those with a freaky sense of humour.

Cheers John and thanks.



One of my regular trusty steeds ... beware of ex Surrey drivers drivin' in Cornwall.
in reply to

A big beastie to be sure John and unlike my smaller beastie, no busted mirrors or small scrapes down the side! Hope you had a better night but if you replied 5 hrs ago, it suggests you might have been a bit late getting off!

Let’s hope you have a better day eh, my sense of humour isn’t always appreciated but having met you, I thought you would take it in the spirit that was meant. Just make sure the grockles and the locals are masked up or don’t let the buggers on… 😷

FlapJack - something for BobD to put on his dart board 😉
Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to

It would certainly be on mine. Bikers hate camper vans especially when stuck behind them on uphill hairpin bends. There should be a universal law forcing caravans and camper vans to pull over for bikes.

in reply to Auriculaire

Fortunately very off topic, these discussions go nowhere because there’s a tendency for all road users to hate all road users for one reason or another and tolerance and good manners go out the window…….

in reply to

My bus is bigger than your bus ...... so there !

But yours is nicer looking and can get in and out of small passing places on primitive Cornish roads.


Buffafly profile image

I’ve had exactly that, including the weeing! It usually happens when I am very tired - feel as though my insides turned to ice by the Snow Queen and only way to get warm is to go to bed with an extra duvet. I think in my case it is temporary heart failure hence the weeing - once it was so bad I didn’t get off the loo for half an hour because it was literally like a waterfall - sorry if that’s TMI 🤭 That time I was having trouble with hip pain keeping me awake too.

Really sympathise about the shoulder, it’s awful being kept awake night after night.

in reply to Buffafly

Well Buffafly,

The Snow Queen certainly visited yesterday .... for damn sure ! I like that, gave me a giggle ... The Snow Queen ... Hmmmmm !

That's exactly what I did, go to bed. Interestingly, back in the early days of my AF I would experience cold spells, mostly at the extremeties, and on the outside, not the inside, ( so to speak). In those days I sometimes used to hug a hot water bottle, sometimes I just had a mug of sweet coffee, sometimes both. Yesterday just went to bed, got warm, and fell asleep for an hour or so. However, the frequent weeing was a totally new experience. Thats why I posted on here as I remember over the years seeing posts on here about this process being a prelude to AF kicking in ...... as opposed to possible kidney issues. Normally, like when driving my bus on shift I can last out 3 hours or more.

In fact its now just past 2 am (and I have been up over an hour) I have put my nose into the CoCodomol trough once again and as I reply to you I have to say my BP has gone a bit bonkers at around 156/92 .... HR at 59. Normally its around 131/70 ish. The low HR doesn't bother me.

Anyway, thanks Buffafly .... watch this space.


Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to

How much CoCodamol are you taking? Paracetamol is bad for you. Is it possible that it is adding go your feeling cold? It is used for lowering temps in fever so maybe it lowers normal temps too. Have you taken your temperature? Also being cold increases weeing as does being hungry. Someone mentioned loss of appetite. Hope you get to the bottom of this soon John. Joint pain is a bugger. Just been for my jab this morning ( Janssen) so hoping afib is not going to kick off. Last night it was trying with several bursts of ectopics after dinner but a bit of deep breathing put paid to it. My blood pressure was sky high before the jab when the doctor took it!

waveylines profile image

Sorry to hear of your woes John. Unremitting pain is sheer torture!! You poor thing......lol.Hate to say this but could it be the coldness and erractic BP be to do with the co-codammol?


Can your GP prescribe a different pain killer?

CDreamer profile image

Hope you are feeling better today John. I haven’t been well the last few weeks and pulls you down, especially with the constant low cloud which has felt really ominous.

Not Going Out here until Grockles mostly gone.

Like Buffafly - when I am tired - through lack of sleep or just doing too much - then I get very cold and shivery but do think that the meds may be your explanation.

You have my sympathy John unfortunately l had another bad night with shoulder pain. Also when l woke up l had an excruciating pain in my lower abdominal left side which has not gone away yet, although l suspect it maybe the result of too many pain killers. As per your question when l am about to/or have afib l have frequent runs to the toilet which again has a devastating effect on my sleep pattern.

I had a run of Afib/palpitations again last night which lasted for a couple of hours. So later today l am having a 24 hour holter device fitted and I am hoping it will pick up whatever is causing these palpitations as I need to the bottom of the problem.

I hope you are feeling a bit better today.

Spinners profile image

And the DVLA medical unit are taking industrial action. Expect them to take at least 6 months if there are any enquiries to be made. My driving licence has taken over 5 months so far and when I asked the surgery, they hadn't yet received any health enquiries. Fortunately, I can drive until told otherwise. Suggest you tackle the DVLA at the earliest possible moment.

Auriculaire profile image

I find painkillers for my joint pain give me abdominal pain often in lower abdomen. They can inflame any diverticuli that might be present.

Mawes profile image
Mawes in reply to Auriculaire

Co codimol causes constipation and you need to take a good slug of Lactulose and half a glass of water each night to you can keep bowels moving otherwise you will be straining and just producing rabbit poo

in reply to Mawes

Thank you. That's the weird thing, in all the years I have been taking CoCod that's only happened a handful of times. To remedy it I just buy a pack of dates and eat some, or green seedless grapes. Scoff some ...sorted ...job done. 🙂John

in reply to Mawes

Sorry, just realised you were writing to Auriculaire ........... oooops.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Mawes

That is the opiate content not the paracetamol. All opiates cause constipation. I take Tramadol from time to time and it has a slightly constipating effect on me. But I have what is known as a quickened transit due to having had a colectomy so the effect is not great.

I'm wondering if this could be something to do with the CoCodomol. Wouldn't this lower your temperature? Assuming it was at a normal level to begin with, mightn't that explain the very cold sensation? If the Kardia ECG is normal and blood pressure is bit high then to me (with the usual disclaimer that I'm not medically qualified) it doesn't sound like AF. AF usually causes the blood pressure to drop, at least when it's occurring. Also, so far as I know it isn't linked with making you feel cold. A bit of a mystery. I would keep taking Kardia readings and blood pressure and discuss with the GP over the phone if you can get an appointment.

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