Feeling unwell & a bit afraid - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Feeling unwell & a bit afraid

Bev999 profile image
17 Replies

Had first ablation 1st Nov said to have been successful but a 2 weeks later was in hospital with tachycardia & back on beta blocker as in AF again. Right now have terrible shakes and heart rate over 230 bpm, feel rubbish but not sure what to do, if anything. Seeing cardiologist next week as something abnormal picked up on ECG ... live alone and everyone's probably in bed now.

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Bev999 profile image
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17 Replies
feejbee profile image

Sorry to hear your feeling so bad.I think it's always worse at night and very frightening if you are on your own.I don't know if this will be of any help but I had bouts of bad AF episodes for months after my ablation in June and quite thought it hasn't worked but Ive been totally back to normal the last 5 weeks for the first time in 18 months and it's wonderful but I still have to take the beta blockers.I was allowed to reduce them by half only a month ago. I was told that it would be at least 3 months after the ablation before I might start to feel better. It's still early days for you so fingers crossed.


Dodie117 profile image

Hi. Sorry to hear you are unwell and it must be really frightening especially if you are alone in the house. I too had my ablation 5 weeks ago and I had lots of episodes since then - one which lasted 20 hours. However, I have not had one now for 8days so hoping. As you are well aware we were warned that we could get all sorts of odd beats in the first 3 months while the scar tissue forms and our hearts heal. I hope by now it has eased off and that you are asleep but if not try to keep calm as anxiety and stress makes it worse. I asked at the patient day when we should go to emergency and they basically said not to unless you thought something really unusual was happening. AF won't kill you so as long as you are anticoagulated you should be fine. But as you know if you really are worried then get help.

I really wish you all the best so hope you are getting a good nights sleep. Marie

Bev999 profile image

Thanks Fi and Marie for replying. Im hanging in there with this tonight.

It's reassuring to hear others have been through the same with a light at the end of the tunnel, and to know you understand what it's like.


feejbee profile image

Hi Bev . I've just woken up and am wondering now how you've doing Has the AF eased off yet and have you managed to dose or sleep a bit? I Know how exhausting it is particularly when you have the shaking and shivering with it All very frightening but it should pass although not soon enough for most of us.Good luck.

So sorry you have been feeling so bad . are you any better today? In your position I would at least phone for advice if your heart rate is over 200bpm. I always go to AE if I have a sustained high rate probably because I am resistant to most drugs. Sandra

PhyllisK profile image
PhyllisK in reply to

Good morning Bev, I hope you are feeling better this morning. Hopefully your AF will settle soon. I am sending you a hug in the meantime. Phyl

dedeottie profile image

Thinking of you and hoping things are settling down.x

231166den profile image

Hope your feeling better this morning x

BobD profile image

HI Bev. So Sorry to read this but glad in a way that you have actually been told about the three month recovery. When I had my ablations this wasn't fully understood and nobody mentioned it so it has been one of my campaigns for years to let people know. I think the A and E thing is very individual. I never went as I worked out that they didn't actually do anything other than observe and I could feel just as bad there as at home but then I was seldom alone but there have been times when lying in a hotel room on my own I did consider it. Since worry only exacerbates the problem maybe a trip to A and E might suit you better next time. At least you will be distracted by watching all the drunks falling about.lol


Hi Bev

Hoping you're feeling better now and sending hugs...


jeanjeannie50 profile image

Hi Bev - Thinking of you and waiting to hear how you are today. I live on my own too and know just how scary it is when your heart starts it's racing. Please let us know how you are as soon as you can. Big hug.

gerryatriq profile image

hi bev

Having had permanent AF for many years now, I can well remember the feelings you describe. I too have lived alone all of the time i have had af. ALthough not the same as you describe, my AF goes without my noticing it, however earlier on I would often wake up feeling just *rap, and of course scared to death, despite being aware that AF is very unlikely to kill you (well on its own anyway). I just used to get in my car, and drive, nice and carefully 20miles to the nearest AE hospital. When there I would sit in the car and just relax. ALmost every time after 5/10mins the af settled down, so I would wait for a further 30mins and if I felt OK I would drive back home !!!

I got the impression that the mere fact of taking the mind off from the AF by driving and then being so close to AE were the reason the issue went away, and I didnt have to go through the AE procedure. Having done that to, all that has ever happened is that I was kept in overnight and then let out with no guidance, by ambulance is even worse as you are then left to get home by your own devices.

Guess it doesnt always work but the thing is to try and try to relax, don`t panic, think nice thoughts. It can work.

meadfoot profile image

Hello Bev, Really hope things are improving for you. Very frightening I know only too well. I go to A&E as my attacks are so severe and they work hard to get me back in normal sinus rhythm. No sitting around and watching what happens they go for broke every time.

My cardiologist and EP (and my GP for that matter) say I should always present at A &E as I need treatment as a priority ' no messing about ' apparently.

But then many, many, people have 'home managed' episodes which is fab if it works for them. I am not in that camp sadly. I hate hospitals and would much rather be the old me who was able to avoid them like the plague.

Whatever you choose to do be sure you feel safe at home and get medical support if in doubt. Don't feel as though you would be troubling medics by asking for help. As Bob D says A&E doors are bursting with drunks with self inflicted injuries. At least medics know you are there for very valid reasons.

Take care. Dee.

Timmo50 profile image

Thinking of you Bev,

We all know what you are going through and you are not alone...x

Bev999 profile image

Aww bless you all for your kind comments and concern. I'm now okay thanks but that was a scary night. I've only had that horrid shaking stuff a couple of times and that's since my ablation. Because of the last A & E admission and urgent referral to cardiologist I'm quite concerned about what the other issue is shown by the ECG. Well, guess I'll find out on Tuesday! Hoping it's just ups and downs on way to 'cure' from my PAF. I've lost 8 stone this year but feel more unwell ironically! I feel at age 53 (young 53) I should be on my bike, swimming, hiking and ready to welcome birth of 1st grandchild of my Olympic champion daughter. Lots to do yet before go from my kidney disease or a stroke!

Thanks again, means so much that you took the time to respond.


Dodie117 profile image
Dodie117 in reply to Bev999

Really pleased to hear you are OK now. Must have been horrible. Let's hope you start to improve soon and good luck for Tuesday. Stay well granny to be! You will be needed. Marie


I've got a small supply of Diazepam from my GP to reduce the anxiety if I get a bad attack. Very rarely take one, but they work so quickly. Had the shaking one night, came so close to dialling 999, in fact I should have really but didn't want to make anxiety even worse. So I popped a Diazepam instead and the attack reduced dramatically and quickly.

Just a thought, glad to hear you're feeling better. Olympic daughter, wow!



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