Kardia reading different to normal. Usually Normal Sinus. Today it reads: Sinus Rhythm with Premature Ventricular Contractions. My heart rate, although 80-90 heart beats per minute is within normal range it is still higher than the 60-70 it has been since I started on Bisoprosol. I also feel hot and sweaty at times. Can anyone tell me what that reading means.
Kardia different reading to normal. B... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Kardia different reading to normal. Being Normal Sinus. Today’s reading: Sinus Rhythm with PVentricular Contractions. HR also higher today?

It means you have some ectopics which are not dangerous.
My Kardia reading says ‘Significant ECG abnormality observed’. Also advises me to contact my Doctor within 24 hours. That does concern me.

Seems these gadgets although undoubtedly useful for some do cause significant anxiety when trying to interpret results.
This was the first time when using my Kardia I did not get reported as Normal. I did drink red wine last night, too much, almost a bottle ……. Idiot! Too much of a co-incidence for there to have been any other culprit, other than the idiot that I am, responsible for my heart rate to have increased along with PVC. No way I am contacting my Doctor when I know I have caused this blip myself. My Bisoprolol 1.25mg daily pill has being doing its job but the benefit I was getting from it was obviously drowned by the alcohol I took. Lesson learned. I just hope my next Bisoprolol pill is forgiving and it gets me back on track.

My husband was told that he can drink alcahol and he does. 2 pts cider or malibu and coke. 2 glasses. We do not drink every day, but wdo enjoy a drink in the heat.
That’s encouraging. Alcohol in moderation will be my once a week treat. 👋

Wirra -- I unfortunately had to quit wine altogether as it was a definite trigger for my a-fib. Drink lots of water if you over-imbibe -- it helps to flush the alcohol out of your body faster. Also, alcohol dehydrates -- a definite known trigger. Be calm!
Thank-you. 🍷👎🫖👍
Mine often reads normal sinus rhythm with premature ventricular contractions i havent ever had the further message you mention. Did it come alongside the result or separately as you have mentioned to bantam12. Its a new one to me.
I ordered a report. £5.
Reports come coloured Green which is normal. Amber (that was mine) where there is a warning and Red. Hope I never get one coloured Red.

Ah i see. I haven't ever requested or paid for a report. If i have concerns i can email the kardia ecgs to my cardiologist for their assessment and comment. Hope things settle for you very soon.
I haven’t got a Cardiologist. It’s just my GP that has been dealing with me. In saying that though, she didn’t make the decision to put my on Bisoprolol, she just introduced me to the drug and left it to me to decide whether I wished to take it or not. I have email forwarded my Kardia report to her but whether she ever receives it or not is the million dollar question. I use an NHS email address she once gave me to send photographs to her.,Fingers crossed she gets it.

Hope she gets your kardia report. Perhaps its a good time to be referred to see a cardiologist to get things on track for you ongoing. Best wishes.

You all know my views and where to put it. Far too much anxiety caused.
I don’t know your view Bob. I’d be very interested to hear it. 👋
Very useful for obtaining a diagnosis but far too easy to become obsessed. All these sorts of gizmos have great potential to cause unecessary anxiety in many people and should be used sparingly and with great caution . Only my opinion of course sitting here on the sidelines as I do. .
I have great faith in the Kardia readings Bob. My understanding of your thoughts are that it’s not the validity of Kardia readings that you have concerns about. Possibly your concerns are more directed towards the user. User, for want of a better word, being those of us who have concerns about our heart health and use the Kardia as a reliable source of information in relation to what is going on with our heart. I appreciate that becoming obsessive about ones health is in itself a health disorder but I wouldn’t discourage anyone with its use or indeed overuse. I think it is wise to stay informed.

I agree with you but also appreciate Bob's viewpoint.
We have seen members get in a state of extreme anxiety with their readings . Personally I'm a great Kardia fan , have had it for a number of years and find it invaluable. I'm certainly not stressed out by it.
I've had 'red'readings but they have been either when I've been awaiting paramedics or in A&E......😬😐
I use my kardia every few days. Since I don't really feel my pvcs its just a reminder if I'm still having them. I can't take beta blockers because I have a resting heart rate of 64 and it lowered mine to 45. I am starting some supplements to reduce the pvcs. I had them 10 years ago and honestly just forgot about them.
I’ve used my Kardia probably once every three days. I was actually beginning to feel I was on top of things (taking 1.25 Bisoprolol daily and seemingly having got past the horrible side effects very quickly) as I had no symptoms and my heart rate, heart rhythm seemed perfect according to Kardia but then …….. today happened to remind me I most definitely do have some problems. PVC reading was a surprise though. Only because it was the first time I had ever seen a reading like that. However, I had felt something was going on (and still is) hence the reason for using my Kardia.

Red wine is a known trigger for arrythmia for many on here, including me. We've discussed why this particular alcoholic drink over, say, beer, (which is not a trigger for me unless I have a gallon of it!) has this effect.Some are of the opinion it is the sulphates lurking in wine which is/are the culprit.
You may find that this was simply your heart's reaction to a little over indulgence in this particular drink and if you avoid it you won't become alarmed by your Kardia's dire warnings of impending doom!
Yes, I know - you love a nice fruity red in the evening, it's one of life's pleasures and very relaxing.
I used to too, but I treat it as a poison now.
I am inclined to agree about the sulphate. I have had acid reflux for almost 20 years now (hoarse throat, cough, cough, cough and the pulsating, throbbing, pulling sensation [not the heart but below it. Closer to stomach] which I put down to inflammation) and red wine/certain foods, triggers episodes. I do feel relief from my concerns having had your reply and that of KMRobbo. Not least by knowing I am not the only one to take a drink (doesn’t mean I will continue to do so. Well ……. maybe just a little one) now and then.
Thank-you. 👋

I should add that in the book 'How I cured my AFib', the author lists Tyramine as an AF trigger. This is present in red wine, aged and fermented cheeses, chocolate, smoked meats and Salami, bananas and yoghurt.
I take four of the foods you list daily. I’ll read up on Tyramine. Interesting. Thanks.
The complexity is if you did not have Afib, then drank a bottle of red wine would the kardia report an issue? I.e. its the wine not just your heart! Certainly "holiday heart" is a known phenomena where people on hils dtink more than they are used to and get palpitations.
That makes sense. Thank-you for reading my post and your contribution.
Bear in mind that the people marketing any home ECG equipment must guard themselves from lawsuits and accusations, therefore they will always paint the blackest picture possible from any results. Automatic diagnosis by an algorithm will be worst possible case, and phrased in an alarming manner if possible. It's up to you then to judge whether the advice should be followed, or ignored.
More information (that helps put my mind to rest) I have taken in. I suspect that was part of the message Bob was trying to helpfully pass on to me. Thank-you.
I should add that several hours after my Kardia Amber warning I took another ECG. Green normal that time. So, (at least with me anyway) regardless of experiencing symptoms or not, it’s all about the timing of the ECG.
Not about Atfib ……. Just to say I love that sculpture in your profile picture.
Thank you. It was a present from a family member, when I was still a keen hill walker. Crafted from 'horse shoe nails', it's only 7cm tall.
Hope you are feeling better!When. Started having problems with arrhythmia I was drinking red wine. My first trip to ER.
After that I could take a sip with food but on its own it made me feel awful.
Now I just don’t bother (even though it was a passion) but I can drink white or a mixed drink but not too much of either.
Question: there are 2 versions of Kardia- I gave the older less expensive one ..
I’m struggling with the thought of giving up red wine but I know it’s undoubtedly the right thing to do. I don’t touch any other form of alcohol apart from champagne which I really enjoy. I’ll maybe stick to that. I’m not sure if you were wondering about my cardia. Should you have been it’s the 6L. I have also just ordered a very cheap (£14.99) heart rate monitor watch from Amazon. There was no need for me to buy a much more expensive one when I the Kardia 6L ECG gives me all the information I am looking for. I just want to be able to monitor my heart rate (I haven’t been climbing hills [little hills] since I have been tachycardic. Too scared to. However, if I can keep an eye on my heart rate as I climb I will know if it’s time for me to give up or to continue. Having only recently discovered I have Atfib., sinus tachycardia, ectopic beats, PAC/PVC episodes (whatever that all adds up to) and therefore new to this heart game, I am testing all the toys.

You sound a lot like me - I had a lot of different rhythms when I went to ER last year snd I almost never get a normal looking EKG from my Apple watch Is that the $200 Kardia or the $100 one…I have the $100 one and stopped using it because had trouble connecting etc when I had symptoms
Beginning to wonder if I’m having seizures upon waking - so May ask for an EEG.. I thought it was heart related but May in fact be seizures as I feel like my body’s blowing up or something …
Good luck to you.
I miss the red wine still.. but one sip and I feel sick do not worth it.
Hi there. I’m UK so not buying in dollars but in sterling. The Kardia I have is the 6L which is the more expensive of the two. £149 from Amazon.

Ok.. I wish I would have bought the more expensive one but didn’t even know there were 2 versions when I bought mine
I have just read the report on Atfib you posted three months ago. It’s very informative. I was greatly interested in your comment about the feeling of anxiety that can come on. I had one episode of anxiety when I was driving. It was horrible. When I stopped at traffic lights all I wanted to do was jump out of the car and leave it where it was. I know that the feeling of anxiety I experienced was caused by the atrial fibrillation condition and not through any worry about having atrial fibrillation. It was a feeling I have never before experienced. Like no sense of anxiety or nervousness one might get from sitting up late at night worrying about when your children would come through the door, sitting an exam, going for a job interview, a first date or worrying about your newly diagnosed Atrial Fibrillation condition. It sits with all the other side effects you get.
Well I did tons of research but have no idea if I actually have AFib or what-I know I had it at least once and I know I get this anxiety feeling that hits me at the very same time my heart tends to go into irregular rythm. It coincides with… one is not the cause of the other…
I discussed in depth on one post here and I think everyone came to the conclusion that there is an anxiety component (or can be) to these episodes…
I have only very recently used this forum to express my concern over my equally very recent introduction to a wonky electrical system of the heart and I wish to thank all who have graciously replied to me. You have all been of great help to me. Thank-you.