2nd covid jab and increase in irregul... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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2nd covid jab and increase in irregular heartbeat

Suntanann profile image
56 Replies

Had second covid jab yesterday ...and about 8 hours later started afib ...although heart rate is still in 70s and blood pressure normal my heart is beating very irregular ...could rhis be caused by covid jab ...anybody had a similar experience as I'm having ...have been like this for over 12 hours now and makes me feel so unwell

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Suntanann profile image
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56 Replies
meadfoot profile image

I had this after both AZ jabs. Took three weeks each time to settle down. I wont have a AZ booster thats for sure.

HiloHairy profile image
HiloHairy in reply to meadfoot

I had the same as Meadfoot.

My usual afib events last 12 to 15 hours. After my first injection the event lasted for nearly 2 days. I didn't want to take the second injection but my cardiologist insisted. This led to an event of nearly 3 days. I've had one more event since then but my health seems to be coming back to my usual normal. Will I take a booster? I won't be happy about it but I probably will

Windlepoons profile image
Windlepoons in reply to HiloHairy

I am very surprised that the cardiologist gave that advice. What happened to free choice, doing our own investigation and making our own decision. That would not sit well with me at all.

mcgavigan profile image
mcgavigan in reply to Windlepoons

when HiloHarry went to the cardiologist shhee voluntarily gave up hiser free choice to some degree. Shhee didn't have to follow the advice --- and that is what it was: ADVICE not an ORDER

Ger12345 profile image
Ger12345 in reply to meadfoot

Soon you may not have a choice.

rosyG profile image

Drink a lot of water. Could be the weather but water will help either way

Finvola profile image

I had ectopics for several hours each day after my second AZ. It settled down after 2 or 3 weeks and hasn't recurred in 3 months.

KMRobbo profile image

No problem for me with either AZ jab.

Singwell profile image

This sounds like bad luck - I had no problems with the 2nd jab and only felt like had flu for 48 hours after the first. No AF either time. It seems to take different people differently. What I did do each time was to up my vitamins a country le of days before - high Vit C and Zinc. No idea if that helped. Hope you're soon recovered.

EctopicAnnie profile image

Yes l had problems with sudden onset of persistent ectopic heartbeats within 48 hours of my first jab.Cardiologist says cause is post vaccine inflammation and should settle with time.l am not sure that l will be having my second vaccine as l am still having problems weeks later.Still thinking hard aboutthat one.l hope that you feel better soon.

Sandyc2705 profile image

Hi - I also had an AF episode within 48 hours of my second AZ jab. This was only my 10th episode since 2016 and I could not identify any other trigger


FancyPants54 profile image
FancyPants54 in reply to Sandyc2705

AF doesn't need a trigger. But your immune system was working hard so it could be that. Everyone wants to blame the vaccinations. But it's far more likely to be caused by our own. body working hard to produce the antibodies.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to FancyPants54

The Pfizer vaccine contains PEG - some people are sensitive to that . Why is it that there are more reported severe adverse reactions to these vaccines than to flu vaccines?

Dee5165 profile image
Dee5165 in reply to Auriculaire

This must be reported to the CDC VAERS adverse side effects website to monitor side effects.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Dee5165

According to VAERS figures the side effects of these vaccines are greater than those reported for all other vaccines put together in the last few years!

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply to Auriculaire

Yes this is True

Cqms profile image
Cqms in reply to Auriculaire

No other vaccine has been administered at the rates or short space of time as Covid vaccines. There is nothing that you can compare them with so you should not jump to conclusions. As to AFib being triggered by the vaccine that is of course possible. It is also possible that the stress and worry of side effects can also trigger AFib.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Cqms

If by short space of time you mean after authorisation for temporary use that is correct. However millions of people get flu vaccine every year at the beginning of winter.

Ger12345 profile image
Ger12345 in reply to FancyPants54

What are you basing your assumption on ?

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply to Ger12345

They stated their source .. zero assumption

colo60 profile image
colo60 in reply to FancyPants54

I don't think any rational person wants to purposely blame the vaccine, many feel the lack of data and the fact it has been rushed through creates a feeling of concern when any health matter arises after having the vaccine, it is natural to think is there a link.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to colo60

To many coincedances for to many people on this forum in my opinion ...there has to be something in what we are all saying regarding the link between the vaccine and increased afib

colo60 profile image
colo60 in reply to Suntanann

My comment was meant in response to " everyone wants to blame the vaccines " by FancyPants , my belief is that when personal health IS affected after having had the " jab" then one would certainly ask the question, is there a link ! it is not about "wanting" to blame the vaccine, it's about concern that it may have contributed, as you say ( rightly so !! ) there's a lot of coincidences, my friend's wife was ill for 11 days after her jab ( mostly spent in bed ) she's ok now, people have a right to voice their concerns and worries, I hope your health improves asap and wish you well !

Lbeat796 profile image
Lbeat796 in reply to FancyPants54

I know it's not the actual vaccine but a reaction because my immune system in shock which raises my heartbeat. Same thing happens if I have a bad cold. Only happened after first jab. But it's worth it

Hi yes I did after the AZ I had it two weeks ago Wednesday second vaccine then on the Friday my heart started racing ended up a/e did blood test for blood clots all fine still racing daily on and off now but not to high bpm it’s weird happened with first vax also but it won’t stop me having booster I’ve told my cardiologist secretary just waiting reply

Jetcat profile image

Yes this happened to me too after having my second jab. But us afibbers know how unpredictable our episodes can be at the best of times so I put my latest episode down to coincidence but it does make me wonder sometimes.?

Dee5165 profile image
Dee5165 in reply to Jetcat

This must be reported to the CDC VAERS adverse side effects website to monitor side effects.

Jetcat profile image
Jetcat in reply to Dee5165


Bermuda72 profile image
Bermuda72 in reply to Dee5165

Yes it should be reported i read that it has been cases of young adults having issues after taking the 2nd dose sending them to the emergency room for what they calling it cardititis inflammation of the heart its been 226 cases some go home from Er some had to stay in hospital

Sambaqui profile image

I had my first AZ vaccine in February. I went into AF the next day and A & E three days later where a nurse said it was quite likely the vaccine had brought on the AF as the body was reacting as if it had been infected. To my knowledge, I had not been in AF for four years before this event. Doctors I mentioned it to later did not offer an opinion. Since then I have been in peristent AF and am waiting for a promised cardioversion. I had the second vaccine in May at the recommendation of the consultant with no additional effects.

Blimeyohriley profile image

A few days after my 2nd AZ jab I got sore inflamed gums followed by 2 separate 9 hour bouts of Afib that week. Could be coincidence but I’m not convinced - the sore gums isn’t something I suffer from normally although I did have it years ago.

Dollcollector profile image

My first vaccination triggered a.f. but the 2nd one didn't. I presume because it's not such a big change to my body as the antibodies are already there ..

Dee5165 profile image

Unfortunately when people have side effects after taking a vaccine, it needs to be reported in order to find out how common it is. This must be reported to the CDC VAERS website. All side effects need to be reported.

Windlepoons profile image
Windlepoons in reply to Dee5165

Quite right. That's what it's there for. If people don't report any side effects then how are any conclusions going to be drawn. This has been classed as experimental and people's experiences are very important.

jondeanp profile image

I’m surprised you was even allowed to suggest there’s such a thing as a negative reaction to the Covid vaccine without being beaten by people with a mucky stick. I’m choosing my natural defences over the vaccine but feel I am being pushed into a corner more and more every day. Informed consent

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to jondeanp

I think there is far too much unthinking acceptance of the mantra that these vaccines are safe and effective and it is the only way out of the pandemic. There are lots of things wrong with the AZ clinical trials that make them not very scientific. There were 3 arms - Britain , Brazil and S Africa. Only the S A arm was double blinded. Only the SA arm gave a proper ie saline placebo. And guess what? When the trials reported in order to get the emergency approval the SA arm had not accrued enough covid cases in either the intervention or the placebo arm to have any useful data and so it's data weren't included. All the trials excluded very old or frail people (ie the ones to get the vaccine first!) , pregnant and nursing mothers , those with serious comorbidities , those with autoimmune disease. AZ trial had average BMI of 26 so no morbidly obese . All the effectiveness of the vaccines is reported in terms of relative risk - a statistical trick used by all drug companies to make their products look better . If you look at absolute risk they look far less effective. The clinical trials are not finished till the end of 2022. In the meantime anybody who gets vaccinated is taking part in an enormous population wide phase 3 clinical trial. Well that's fine if you want to be part of such a trial but I am sure most people have no idea they are part of such a trial as they are not being informed by either the government or the media. And it stinks that those who do not wish to be part of such a trial ie be in the placebo arm are insulted and harassed.

Cqms profile image
Cqms in reply to Auriculaire

People are taking the advice of highly trained medical professionals which is the correct thing to do. The quickest way out of the pandemic is achieving immunity so the choice is either vaccination or allowing the virus to run its course. Allowing the virus to run its course is not on the cards, it would be insanity. The vaccines went through all trial phases. There were issues with the AZ trial as you rightly point out. This does not change the fact that vaccines are the safest and most effective course under the circumstances. A vaccination is a medical procedure and all medical procedures have risks. Everything in life has risks, expecting something that is injected to be 101% safe for absolutely everyone is simply unrealistic. It should be as safe as possible of course. The people who choose to be vaccinated are making a rational informed choice based on the best up-to-date medical opinion. They are choosing to undergo a medical procedure. Some people cannot avail of the vaccination because their immune system is compromised and they are relying on the vast majority of us to make the right decision. Those who make a different choice are doing so for their own reasons that may very well seem rational to them. It is not rational, people are hardwired at certain times to react in an irrational way that they perceive as perfectly rational. It happens to everyone because we all have different hang-ups and fears about different things. Being afraid of mice, spiders, dentists, doctors, vaccinations, cats, dogs, shadows, heights, the dark, the dead, and many other things is perfectly normal. People should own their fear and face up it instead of trying to convince themselves that everyone else is the problem. They are not. The attitude you have is a perfectly normal and human one. Make your own choice and be happy and live with your decision. Trying to convince us that you are making a rational decision that goes against medical advice and commonsense is never going to work.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Cqms

"Highly trained medical professionals" are not impervious to the corruption of drug company money. I have a friend who is now on a committee examining a report into 3 medical "failures" in the UK. Pelvic Mesh for prolapses , the prescription of sodium valproate to women of child-bearing age and hormone tests in pregnancy. This is a report of the Independent Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Review. The MHRA comes out of this report very badly. A harsh description might be "not fit for purpose" . The report certainly makes it clear that the MHRA leans too far towards industry and is not nearly proactive enough when it comes to patient safety. Here in France ,our equivalent ,the ANSM has just been fined the maximum permitted by law for it's "negligence " in the oversight of Servier's drug Mediator. I would add that this is a drug that was on the market for over 30 years and was never questioned by the "highly trained " cardiology establishment here. If you really think that an average of 2.4 months of data from a few thousand people who have been carefully chosen ( and in no way represent the bulk of the population to whom the vaccines will be given) is sufficient to declare these vaccines ( some of which use a technology never tried in humans before) "safe" then you are being led by blind faith not reason. There are highly trained scientists and medical professionals who are speaking out and saying there are problems with these vaccines. You can say of course that the medical consensus is for the vaccines. I would reply that throughout medical history the medical consensus has been shown over and over again to be wrong. Semmelweiss.

As for my own decision to not be vaccinated it is based on experience. I am a floxie. Each time I have been floxed I have been given a Fluoroquinolone antibiotic by a "highly trained medical professional" who had swallowed the drug company propaganda that these were safe and effective medicines. Only 1 out of the 4 times was such a powerful antibiotic necessary. The last time it was given for a suspected UTI -when the urine test lab report came back there was no infection! As a result of this poisoning my health has been compromised. Since being floxed I have had bad reactions to both tetanus and flu vaccines - I was perfectly ok with those before. The info coming out from those in the floxie community who have been vaccinated is mixed. Some have had little or no reaction but others have suffered serious relapses . I live in a part of the country that has very little virus circulation , have no desire to travel abroad and indeed have very little social contact. I am not prepared to risk a serious setback to my precarious health in order to "do my bit for society" as those who think everybody should be vaccinated are so fond of saying. Perhaps you might care to explain in what way my decision is irrational?

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to Auriculaire

Your entitled to your opinion but do t feel that this forum is the right place to express that and certainly wasn't what I was looking for in a response to my post

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Suntanann

I was not responding to your post but to jondeanp 's comment. Given that 6 people have liked my post there are obviously differences of opinion as to whether my views should be expressed here.

Cqms profile image
Cqms in reply to Auriculaire

As I said you have your reasons. That is not everyone's experience. The opinion you hold about the vaccines is incomplete and based on anecdotes and your reading of the evidence selected to suit your own personal bias. The fact that things untoward happen in human endeavors is not a particularly good reason for making any decision. There were times when pilots decided to kill themselves and the passengers of the aircraft in a crash. Is that a good reason to not fly? Sometimes terrorists hijack vehicles and kill pedestrians in crowded tourist areas. Is that a good reason to avoid these places? I could go on. The rational answer is of course, no. Despite headline-grabbing incidents, the chance of these things happening is extremely low. Human beings are imperfect so expecting perfection is not realistic. There are always issues, opinions, and lies told about everything. The thing is to look at both sides of the argument and see where the sensible consensus is. Qualified people can also have rubbish opinions, a PhD is an educational qualification not a superpower of infallibility. If a couple of experts are against the consensus the sensible thing is to go with the majority. Sure there is a very low chance of the outliers being correct, an extremely low chance.

I have had lots of issues with medicine too. I collapsed in the bathroom one night and my 10-year-old son was the only other person home he called the ambulance. It was a weekend late-night in summer the emergency dept was overflowing the 2 young tired doctors diagnosed me with constipation and were sending me home. I was in serious pain. I have previously had at different times a broken back, a broken arm, kidney stones, and gall stones and never felt pain like it. Another doctor intervened in my case and I was rushed into surgery with a ruptured intestine. The surgeon told me I was the luckiest man alive. 10 days in the hospital with tubes everywhere and months of recovery. Another time I was prescribed an anti-inflammatory that nearly killed me, it works great in other people. So I have just as good a reason as you have. I can contextualise what happened to me without looking for corruption or seeing myself as a victim. The body is a complex system. A friend of mine died at home alone after taking a reaction to peanuts in his 30s. His wife found him dead on the floor. Up until that reaction, he ate nuts regularly without problems but his body suddenly classed them as a threat. You cannot explain things like that, they happen. Perhaps if you had explained the reason for your own scepticism in the first place. Trying to paint people who make good choices using sound qualified opinions as irrational is an example of being irrational. As I said we are all irrational at times about different things.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Cqms

I truly hope your faith in the vaccines bears out. I hope they are successful and put an end to the pandemic. That there are no long term adverse consequences. What I am sure about is that if there are long term adverse consequences there will be Herculean attempts to hide them. I do not think that a position of scepticism is one of irrationality. Blind faith in the consensus is . Ex editors of both the BMJ and the NEJM -the most prestigious medical journals on the planet - have said that what is published in the medical journals can no longer be trusted due to the overweening power of the pharmaceutical industry . As for corruption in the pandemic - check out Lancetgate and Surgisphere. But you won't because you don't want anything go disturb your personal biases. Given that science advances and consensus changes a policy of always going with the consensus is not sensible . It is the outliers that change things -like the Semmelweiss ( do you even know who he is?) and the guy who postulated that ulcers were caused by h . pylori and could be treated with antibiotics. Ridiculed and insulted by his fellow physicians. Anybody who says the science is settled has no idea what science is about.

Cqms profile image
Cqms in reply to Auriculaire

The vaccines are working well and saving lives as can be seen by the big reduction in deaths and cases in ICUs.


My concern at his time is with the Delta variant. If you do want to be vaccinated for whatever reasons that is your own private concern and no one else's business. I do not have any issue with that. However, if you spread your concern on a public forum and then try to make out that you are being insulted and ridiculed for making a rational choice then that needs to be challenged. People's lives are at risk. There is a deadly disease out there. Almost 4 million people have died. Many more are experiencing long Covid.

There are vaccinations out there that prevent this deadly disease. So anyone saying that there are other options to get back to normal other than vaccination is talking balderdash. Other than lockdowns or long-term isolation there is only vaccination and eventual herd immunity. There is an unthinkable option that has been rejected.

I never said that there were no problems with big pharma, corruption, or that science was settled on anything. Science is tentative and changes when new information comes available.

Now the rest of your communication is straw-manning and taking what I say out of context. I do not get involved in conspiracy theories about anything. I of course have biases but I challenge myself on them often. I am as prone to being irrational as everyone else. On the subject of Covid and vaccination though I am pretty confident that I am very rational. There is no problem challenging the scientific consensus with credible scientific evidence. Science must be based on credible evidence, that is the scientific method. Of course, sometimes there is resistance when the applecart is going to be upset. Look at the resistance by fossil fuel companies to the evidence of anthropogenic global warming AGW and the need for action.

There is a problem if you are challenging scientific consensus with an opinion and some anecdotal evidence. There are plenty of crackpots with qualifications like Dr. Rashid Buttar, Profs Judy Milkowitz and Dolores Cahill, et al who just spread nonsense on Covid.

The gish-gallop you provided about Pharma etc does not change anything. None of your arguments bear any relation to your opinion on the Covid vaccines. I would say you are a very rational person on balance, but on Covid vaccination your rationality is askew.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Cqms

You have a short memory . At this time of year last year infections ,hospitalisations and deaths plummeted due to a combination of lockdown and season. I have never heard of Rashid Buttar or Dolores Cahill. I have no confidence in Judy Mikovits ( you might try spelling her name correctly. ) I very much doubt you have ever heard of the people I trust to have a balanced view of the pandemic or the vaccines - are you able to read French fluently? As for preventing Covid there are plenty of studies that were done all round the world that showed that people who were deficient in vitamin D were more likely to catch the virus and even more likely to have a poor outcome. This was long before any vaccines were available but nothing concrete has been done about correcting widespread vit D deficiency ,which given how cheap it would be and with no downside whatsover seems odd if not downright negligent. There are a few studies done in Spain using a vit D metabolite Calcifediol to treat hospitalised patients - with success. There are also many studies into the use of Ivermectin as a prophylactic and as a treatment. The prophylactic studies are more convincing than the treatment ones. So no I do not think that vaccinations are the only option . You can regard my opinion as balderdash but I would like go know on what basis you reject the studies on vit D and Ivermectin.

As for my "gish gallop" ( I have never heard this expression before -is it American?) about Pharma I would say it is of pertinence to my views on the currently available vaccines. Why would you trust proven liars about anything? I will end by saying that if there are no major downsides that appear in the first few months I would be prepared to have the Novartis vaccine as this is a traditional type of vaccine.

Cqms profile image
Cqms in reply to Auriculaire

Sorry, but we are living in the here and now not in 2020. Covid was only beginning last year and lockdowns etc were a temporary hiatus. You need to stop straw-manning people in discussions. Creating a strawman and gish-galloping do nothing for the discussion. They expose your very weak argument. Instead of discussing your weak position, we end up discussing all the other things you threw into the mix including the things I did not say to disguise the discussion about the irrational position. I never mentioned Ivermectin or Vitamin D. If they are proven to work there is no problem but they are unproven treatments at the moment. A friend of mine is an ICU medical specialist and they tried Ivermectin on patients with no success early on. Vaccinations are working though. in the same way, they work for polio, smallpox, and all the other diseases we never got because we were vaccinated. Nothing strange about that.

As I said I am not into medical conspiracy stuff but it is becoming clearer that it floats your boat. The term "proven liars" is just an assertion you have not provided evidence for. So I will leave it there. I wish you all the very best for the future. Hopefully, we can discuss some other smaller medical matter in the future when Covid19 is history.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Cqms

In your first post you said it was a fact that vaccines were the safest and most effective course under the circumstances. You said in the last one that anybody who suggested any options other than vaccination was talking balderdash. These are your own words.In bringing up vit D and Ivermectin I am addressing what you said. You obviously have no idea what a straw man is or you can't remember what you said ,or be bothered going back to read it. I suggest you actually read what you have written before making accusations of straw manning.

I don't have to provide you with evidence for drug companies being proven liars. You can quite easily find details of the procedures in court against them online. Plus the amount of the fines they have paid for their deceptive tactics. You don't get fined billions for being paragons of honesty. Please explain why lockdowns and seasonality caused a diminution of infections last year when there were no vaccines but are not doing so this year. Actually your first two sentences are just hot air.

Cqms profile image
Cqms in reply to Auriculaire

I am still saying that vaccinations are the safest and only option out of the pandemic. I did not change what I said. You are continuing to create a straw man and are now cherry-picking out-of-context quotes. I suggest you read what I said and what and also what you said in between and stop the silly cherry-picking. Vitamin D and Invemectin are still not proven treatments or preventatives for anything. So your point is moot. On your liars claim, if you make a claim, which you did, you bear the burden of proof for the claim. You have not met that burden on your "proven liars" assertion. Hitchens razor states, assertions made without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Your assertion is dismissed.

I could explain why infections paused temporarily last year but why should I repeat when you have said it already.

" At this time of year last year infections ,hospitalisations and deaths plummeted due to a combination of lockdown and season. "

I did not disagree, I said we are now in 2021. There are variants that are much more virulent than the strain around last year. Look at the video I posted earlier.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to Cqms

I don't know here you live but suspect it is the uk. Here in France we do not have the delta variant to any degree. Also our vaccination programme is way behind that of the uk. Yet cases here have plummetted - due to lockdown and season. Now in 2021 just like they did last year .Vaccination as yet will have had some effect but not huge. I can see that you know very little about the clinical trials for the vaccines and what the endpoints of those trials were. I do not have the patience to educate you about this but would suggest that you educate yourself . You might be able to make better arguments. It is a bit silly to say that vit D and Ivermectin are not yet proven treatments or preventatives for ANYTHING. Vit D has been used for donkey's years to prevent and treat rickets and osteomalacia and as a preventative for osteoporosis. Ivermectin has been used as an antiparasitic since it's invention. You really should be more careful with your wording. It is not cherrypicking to quote what you have said about vaccines being the only way out of the pandemic as this appears to be your sole point. You obviously don't understand what cherry picking entails any more than you do straw manning. As for gish galloping you haven't rebutted any of my arguments properly. You just make accusations of cherry picking, straw manning etc.

Niki_ profile image
Niki_ in reply to jondeanp

I am doing the same .. and the stick beaters must be sleeping lol .don’t worry they will come .. anytime anyone questions the vaccine or is honest about their feelings on it people on here attack and then report the comment as fear mongering to have it removed 🙄

secondtry profile image

Sorry to hear that, hope it resolves soon. Thanks for posting, may I ask how frequent your AF episodes had been prior to the jab.

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to secondtry

Prior to the jab my episode were 3 ro 4 hours long at teatime eveey day ...After 2nd jab the afib kicked in at normal time that day but went on all evening ans all through the nigh and through to 11am the following morning and I was on the verge of going to a n e when it just stopped and in went back into normal sinus rhythm

Eddie20 profile image

Same occurred to me. 10 minutes after 1st shot my AFib started up (after zero trouble since having ablation 1.5 years earlier). I have not taken the 2nd and don’t mind wearing a mask.

Brianboru profile image

At 83 I have had the second jab back at Easter and have been both unwell since and currently have spasms of lightheaded ness although my heart and pacemaker are working well together( apparently) and BP has respectable numbers. The entry point for the needle left a small pus filled mound on my arm with a black crater in it. My doctor having seen a photograph prescribed antibiotics but I can still “ feel” the area. Don’t think this vaccine agreed with me the second time around.

It happened after my second jab but taking flecainide as PIP episodes usually end in a few hours and sometimes far less. It was a shock after the jab but I think “palpitations” were mentioned somewhere as a possibility!

Lbeat796 profile image

Hi Suntannan, I only get occasional bouts of tachycardia that can last up to 3 hours but my normal heart rate usually around 60. After my astra zeneca jab after a few hours my heart rate on average was around a hundred for about 12 hours but it wasn't an arrhythmia just a fast heartbeat. In the morning it had returned to normal

Suntanann profile image
Suntanann in reply to Lbeat796

Yes that's more or less what happened to me ....once it passed I juat went back to my normal afib issues !

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