Since so many of you are in the UK, I hope that somebody was able to find out what exact type of heart problems the Prince had. I cannot seem to find that info here across the pond .
What Kind Of Heart Disease Did Prince... - Atrial Fibrillati...
What Kind Of Heart Disease Did Prince Philip Have?

Why on earth would you want to know ? He had stents for coronary artery disease in 2012 I think . It is thought he had a similar procedure recently but that information has not been released . The man is allowed some privacy surely
I was just curious. Weren't you curious why he went into the hospital last month? Didn't you wonder if maybe he has the same thing you have? I am praying for the dear Queen, she will be lost without him.
I was very concerned and sorry he was admitted to hospital and hoped very much he would get well and make it to his hundredth birthday but I can honestly say it never crossed my mind to wonder if he had the same thing as me . People of his age are generally failing in all systems. It is a very sad loss for us all but an unbelievable loss for his family especially of course his wife
Yes it is interesting to know what people die from rather than just the old fashioned idea that we die from old age.. Nice to know if you had aomething in common with someone you know from telly or is in a position to be recognised. Nice way to empathise. I guess not everyone can imagine it or feels it impertinant. Thanks for posting your question I wasnt curiose but its interesting all the same.
Given his great age I would say that his heart, albeit not a healthy heart, just gave way and he passed peacefully in his sleep and to my mind the best way to go, may he rest in peace.
In the summer of 2018 I suffered 4 cardiac arrests, where my heart just stopped beating. Fortunately I was in the ER of Toronto's top hospital at the time, and they were able to save me. They put in a pacemaker to assure that it didn't happen again. But when I had the arrests it was just POOF! and I was gone. No pain, no nothing. The first one I had some breathing problems (which is why I went to the hospital in the first place) -- I sat up in the bed and said "help me", and then I was gone. If I had been alone, that might have been the end of me. But I wanted to say that it was painless, and instant. This was probably the same for dear Prince Philip. I did not have any near-death experiences the 4 times my heart stopped beating, probably because they were right there to revive me immediately. Too bad, actually, that would have been really cool.

I think it was heart stents Goldey. Thank you for showing concern and your interest in our royal family. Its a sad day here.
Ah, i didnt realise, sorry, somehow i thought you were in the USA saying across the pond. Bless you all in Canada, such a beautiful country.
The Royal Family keep health issues very close to their chest. I was interested to know what procedure Prince Philip had undergone recently but am resigned to never knowing. Quite frankly it’s really no one’s business but their own.
Thanks for your concern for the Queen and the rest of the family left behind. I know a lot of Canadians love the Royal Family as we do. Unfortunately, we rarely learn much about the actual health issues suffered by the members of the Royal Family.
I would only want to know and hope they would tell us if it was an unusual illness that gets overlooked so they could raise awareness - some other types of celebrities do this which is much appreciated - I am thinking mainly of various cancers and the need for testing and also celebrities who advocate the Covid Vaccine. However, it is a personal thing and everyone deserves their privacy.
I have given a donation to WWF in memory of Prince Phillip as I had already donated money to BHF a few weeks ago. I know that most charities are feeling the pinch at this time due to their charity shops staying closed for so long over the last year or so. I would urge others rather than laying flowers at Royal Palaces if you live near enough to do so - I don't. Flowers are beautiful and show you care but once they are gone they are gone whereas a donation to a charity keeps on giving.
I'll give Liz a ring and ask!!!!
it's Lilabet to friends! Didnt you see the message from the King of Spain to Auntie Lilabet?!!!! They are all related somehow from Queen Victoria, I expect.
He lived to 99 and was pretty healthy until nearly the end. What a great life - I'd be happy with that!
Hey Goldie...I think the main problem that he had with his heart, was that it was nearly 100 years old. I don’t think mine will last that long. Can’t give you any more info than that. My connections with the palace are very limited these days.
Not been made public but it is known he had a stent fir blocked artery some years ago.He was in hospital for an infection of some kind and had a ' proceedure' at another hospital for a pre existing heart issue.
I did wonder if it may have been an ablation .
A great man x