Anyone find face masks cause ectopics - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Anyone find face masks cause ectopics

Dangerousdriver profile image
20 Replies

Hey all,

It’s been a while since I posted.

Has anyone noticed wearing face masks and coverings in the current climate is causing them ectopics?

I have been finding it occasionally and when I remove it I’m better! Seems strange, but was curious if any others are finding the same.

There is the misconception that wearing a mask reduces your blood oxygen levels, this is obviously not true, but nonetheless not pleasant to wear for anyone let’s be honest.

I’m on the waiting list for a second ablation, but am not deemed a priority like I was last time, hoping that will come sooner rather than later though.

Hope everyone is well?

Stay safe


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Dangerousdriver profile image
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20 Replies
BobD profile image

Not personally but I do feel constrained by them and feel that this is purely psychological . Most annoying is glasses steaming up! Also just broke a pair of VERY expensive glasses which I managed to flick off whilst removing my mask and have to catch hearing aids likewise flipped out. My wife lost one of her's which I found in the hood of her coat yesterday. All part of learning how to deal with the new normal.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to BobD

Yes! The glasses steaming up is now much worse as the weather gets colder. I went shopping the other day ( not a common occurence as shopping is husband's job) and I could not see anything in the shop. Husband says he's so fed up he's going to wear his contact lenses for shopping which are normally reserved for squash.

bantam12 profile image

Yes ectopics and breathlessness and before anyone says it's anxiety it's not.

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply to bantam12

Wear an oxymeter and you will see that masks make no difference to blood oxygen levels so why would they? I do know what you mean though but the only explaination for me is psychological.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to BobD

I think maybe it's because with mask and specs on it gets a bit hot, my breathing isn't great anyway which doesn't help, also depends on the type of mask.

Finvola profile image

I've not worn a mask for any length of time so have only minor nuisance value to complain about.

It might be that the mask causes lighter breathing which irritates the vagus nerve somehow. Deep, slow breathing can stop ectopics so it might follow that shallow breathing can trigger them. Just a thought.

Padayn01 profile image

How's things with you now Dangerousdriver ? is it just the ectopics that are still playing up?

pottypete1 profile image

Regardless of fact that oxygen levels are said to not be reduced and the suggestion it is anxiety I am no anxious but totally breathless wearing a mask.

I have Bradycardia and I had to leave a shop the other day as I was gasping for breath.


Windlepoons profile image

To Everyone re masks. I have AF and get breathless too. However, I wear a visor instead of a mask. They cost around £10 and are well worth the money. Also your glasses don't steam up.

irene75359 profile image
irene75359 in reply to Windlepoons

I bought visors too (not cheap) but there are a number of reports that now say the visor on its own is not so effective (unfortunately).

stoneyrosed profile image

I agree with Bob, it has to be psychological, i think if you get even the slightest bit stressed it can cause an ectopic, the secret is controlling the stress with a different mindset, easier said than done i know. When you put the mask on tell yourself it is for your own good 😊

Frances123 profile image

I find if I wear my mask (homemade snazzy ones!) for any length of time the inside gets a little moist, which in turn makes my breathing more noticeable and slightly breathless. I’ve personally not been aware of more Ectopics but can see it may be a contributor. I only go out to food shop but keep mask on between shops. xxx

Barb1 profile image

Yes, because of that I wear a visor when I can. But some hospitals don't accept them and you can't wear them at the hairdressers or to have your eyes tested!

I was having a glaucoma field test the other day but the lens on the machine misted up. I had to pull the conventional mask under my nose. The ophthalmologist said that he had to take the results with a pinch of salt nowadays because of the effect of the masks.

ILowe profile image
ILowe in reply to Barb1

I would have thought that having glaucoma checks would count as a medical procedure

"There are also scenarios when you are permitted to remove a face covering

:.... if required in order to receive treatment or services

Barb1 profile image
Barb1 in reply to ILowe

I wasnt even allowed to remove mine when I had an MRI a month ago.

KMRobbo profile image

I have not had more ectopics whilst wearing masks, but I definitely find them hard to breath through and feel more breathless . I walked up large number of steps over the last weekend whilst covered and was sucking the mask in by the time I got to the top!

I was surprised they don't reduce oxygen levels but thinking about it , it probably makes you work harder to get the same oxygen, hence the breathless feeling??

It may be good training!

dwright12 profile image

After wearing a mask, I found out I would NOT be a good surgeon! I feel smothered!

nikonBlue profile image

Hi. I too find I'm starting with the dreaded flutters about 10 minutes after I put on a mask. I'm going for a heart scan on the 29th as my cardiologist wanted this done back in April as he's considering ablation. I am finding I'm having daily episodes which last all day. Exhausted. Com!!! 😷🙄

daysyday1 profile image

I wear a mask to not only protect others but in the hope that it gives me some protection. I do find that my heart is not as happy with the mask on and I know it is not anxiety or psychological. I have had breathing difficulties for many years even though my stats are usually good. The difficulty for me stems from the extra effort I have to put in to inhale. If it is a well fitting 3 layer mask as recommended, then for me, it takes a lot of extra effort to pull the air in and it gets tiring. When I get tired, if I keep wearing the mask, the tiredness definitely affects my heart, even when I am preoccupied with other things and not giving a thought to whether I am wearing a mask or not.

G'day Leon,

To answer your first question- no! That said I am a bus driver and I make a point of never wearing my mask. l have my personal mask, and some provided by my employer.

Depending on the bus I drive I do have a thick clear plastic shower screen or a solid clear perspex shield both fitted by drivers door.

I am totally fed up of my spectacles misting up! Just will not wear the stuff.

Also before I leave home for my bus depot I take my own oxygen level test (usually around 96 or 97) and my temperature ( usually around 35.7) . Once I get to work and sign on I have to take my temperature again. I always keep several masks in my work bag. Finally, there are other reasons for not wearing a mask, apart from my spectacles issue, I have suffered for many years (and it has been much worse all year this year) from pollen/ hay fever/ breathing allergy and again I am so fed up with sneezing /coughing and spluttering. Wearing a mask is so much worse than using my handkerchief which has drops of inhalent on them to help me through the day.

Not much more I can do.


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