Weaning of bisoprolol down to quarter of 1.25mg started new packet different brand called Sandoz very symptomatic this morning constant higher heart rate some anxiety and other symptoms am inclined to just stop rather than take any more of this stuff . What symptoms have those who get symptoms from stopping biso get ? How high was heart rate? How long did it last? Any advice most welcome !!!!
Different brands of bisoprolol - Atrial Fibrillati...
Different brands of bisoprolol

Different brands of pills certainly have an effect on me. How long have you been reducing your bisoprolol?
When you stop taking pills suddenly, the heart can play up for a while, but eventually calms into a normal rhythm. I only know this from having done the same thing a few times myself. Have you any of the old make pills that you've kept for emergencies. I always keep some in my handbag, just in case I remember I haven't taken them that day, or AF kicks off when I'm out.
I asked my GP to stipulate the actual make of the pills I like on my prescriptions, which he does.
Thanks Jean. I have dropped a quarter tablet a week to get to this point and 4 days on just the quarter today would be day 5 and am inclined to jump. I have only been on the pills a very short time but am ridiculously sensitive . I had intended to stop on Wednesday as trying to cut the tabs into eighths accurately is a none starter . It’s difficult to know what to do for the best .
As a newbie am very interested to know how you cope if AF kicks off when you are out ? Do you carry on driving ? Do you tell someone what is happening ? If you are out walking do you carry on with your heart going at 180bpm ? Thanks
Since last November I've been in constant AF and I find being that way a lot easier to cope with. Now my pulse when resting is between about 70 and 100. It doesn't make me over tired, unless I exert myself for a long period of time and then I'll have to l rest for hours.
I rarely get a bad attack when out, although I did once through trying to walk up a hill after having eaten lunch out. Eating a big meal and then walking is a real no, no for me. You live and learn and I've been diagnosed with AF for 15 years, though I feel sure I'd had it a lot longer than that undiagnosed.
I find the more I ignore what my heart is doing, the better I am. The more I hone into it the worse it will get. The mind certainly plays a big part as far as I'm concerned. Once recently I got into bed and thought that my heart was very calm, I wondered if it was in normal sinus rhythm and what the rate was. Climbed out of bed to get my machine to see and lo and behold when I got back in, my heart was banging away. I was cross with myself I can tell you.
In my experience the more attention you give AF the worse it gets and our anxiety appears to feed it. I do understand that its not an easy thing to do when you're first diagnosed. It's taken me years to get to this acceptance stage.
Thanks Jean that is really helpful. Unfortunately I have pulsatile tinnitus and can hear every beat though had learned to tune it out pretty much before this started. It’s good advice to try and not focus. Stay well x
I have pulsatile tinnitus, too! No escaping the heart rhythm!

No. None . And it makes you notice even slight elevations in HR you wouldn’t be aware of otherwise . So now I have stopped the Biso and am anticipating rebound effects am tuned into that channel ! Mind you if it stopped then that would take some re adjustment because am used to it
Hello Jean. I also have found that being in constant AF is easier to cope with than those awful episodes. I have done my best to adapt my life and know my limits.
I thought you had had an ablation.......but that was a while ago...so maybe got it wrong
Have had three ablations and now been told I can' t have any more. No more cardioversions either.
How long have you been in constant AF?
About 4 years, I think.
I hated the unpredictability of episodes. They always turned up at the most inconvenient times!! And i got a blood clot in my arm during one, which was scarey.
I get the odd "whump" every now and then, and a bit breathless going up hills or flights of steps (not stairs at home!!)but most of the time, I hardly notice it.
You’re lucky, I tried to keep to the same brand and got the run around by the Drs and pharmacy 😡
Pills with colouring in have the effect of making me hyper. I can take them fine in the morning, but not at night when they'd keep me awake.
Yes, I have to fight with my pharmacy all the time, it drives me potty as every month when I need a new supply it's always a big deal to get the brand I trust. I once asked why they couldn't get more than one pack in at a time as I need the same pills every month, but was told that wasn't possible.
I could scream!
Hi Peony4575
I had the same problem! Took half a 1.25 ml for about 6 months ,decided to cut them out completely,after a few days went back into flutter and high heart rate ,had not had a problem since my ablation in 2016 .
Panicked,took a whole 1.25 Bisoprolol and within an hour was back to normal,these tablets are it seems very powerful,I did not have the nerve to just stick with it.
I now just take the one 1.25 ml every day I don't think it causes me any other problems! Trouble is if you just talk to your regular doctor they really don't have many answers,and not easy to talk to a cardiologist.
Very frightening . These drugs are very powerful . Like others like SSRIs and benzodiazepines patients get put on them then stuck on them . Am coming up to my second missed dose . Resting heart rate is up but not drastically as yet. Got everything crossed I can get off and stay off because they make me feel rubbish
I am on Bisoprolol 2.5mg also made by Sandoz. I am lucky that I am feeling good on them, sorry to hear that you have had problems. As a 75 year old woman, I guess that I am just lucky. Take care. x
I take 1.25mg of Bisoprolol made by sandoz, I was on 2.5mg but my resting heart rate was around 40bpm and i felt very sluggish in the morning, I'm 54 and in good health apart from AFib (which comes and goes), My BP is mainly in the ideal bracket even after a good brisk walk,My doctor told me to half the dose down to 1.25mg, This is better but now i'm wondering if i should be on Bisoprolol at all as my Afib is pretty transient and my BP is still fine (usually in ideal bracket and my resting pulse at night still pretty low at below 50bpm. How strong is a 1.25mg dose ?
I think that depends on the recipient . Some people aren’t impaired others are pole axed in same dose. My cardiologist said I shouldn’t have been put on them in the hospital after one episode triggered by new prescription for painkillers for back injury . Don’t want to be on drugs all the time . If AF comes back would rather try PIP approach unless became frequent . Some people have no trouble stopping I am finding it unpleasant suggest you taper if you get agreement to come off
They tell us that different brands and/or generic pills are all identical, but they are NOT. The main ingredient may be the same, but there are fillers and additives and colors, and God knows what else, and these are all different. A simple pill like Valium may always be the same, but the more complicated the pill, the more likely there is the be differences. This is why (In the USA at least) they are spending money to run constant commercials cautioning people to always insist on GENUINE VIAGARA. They know that the other brands are not the same. We should also be able to insist on our vitally important heart pills from certain manufacturers.
Totally agree. Who knows more the person taking them ? Or the person not taking them ?
I discovered, back when I was having frequent A Fib attacks, that the manufacturer of the generic matters.
I changed pharmacies when my insurance changed. They stocked a different brand of Flecainide than I was used to, and it took much longer to work.
When I discussed it with my doctor, he told me to go back to using the brand that worked, as fillers and time to dissolve can be very different between brands, even if the active ingredient is supposedly the same.
In order to use my old pharmacy, and get the brand I was used to, I had to pay 100% out of pocket for the rest of that year because that pharmacy was out of network in my insurance plan. I complained to my employer and the following year they chose a plan with improved pharmacy choices and I was once again able to get the brand that worked for me at a decent price.
The doctors and pharmacists must get an awful lot of feedback of this type but most of them still choose to ignore it. Glad you got yours sorted at least
You can probably search some of my previous replays to others that have asked the same question.
I had a real rough ride coming off bisoprolol, palpations, raised heart rate, headaches feeling like I had flu etc.
I had two attempts to come off it, first time I had to restart taking it as I felt so Ill.
Second time I had to just ride it out for about 10 days.
On the other side my HR dropped back to normal, fewer palpations and energy back .
So glad I managed to stop

Thanks Mikee. That’s a timely reply. It’s my second day without last quarter of 1.25mg tablet and that’s how I feel . Weak, flu ish, headache etc but at the moment bearable . Guessing it may get worse over next couple of days as drug leaves my system. I’ve had a couple of false starts and been frightened by palpitations and taken pill. This time I have dropped quarter of tab per week and have learned a bit more about the process so hoping I’ll do it. I think Biso has been lowering my mood. Feel a bit perkier In myself even though feeling a bit rubbish.

On day 5. Rough with all the symptoms you describe and real sleep deprivation
I know it's tough.
If it gets too bad you could start taking them again. I had to give in the first time I tried

Thanks Mike. I’ve already had a false start and I don’t feel well on them. I ve got to 5 days off so going to do my best to stick it out . Runs of fast heartbeat keep waking me at night and the lack of sleep is bad. Am recording them all and all sinus tachycardia so far so intending to stick with it

Am being woken several times a night at more or less the same time by fast thumping heartbeat . The fast bit only lasts a minute or so the thumping goes on longer. Did you get that ? Thanks Mikee
Hi Peony , sorry to hear you are still struggling. No I didn't have the night time issues you are describing.
Maybe you should contact a professional? Have you been checked for sleep apnea? That often goes hand in hand with AF

Thanks Zimmerman no I don’t think I have sleep apnoea I ve only had this issue the month I ve been reducing Biso I am thinking elevated cortisol levels
Sounds very similar to my experience.
Honestly I don't remember the day by day feelings, but there were good days and bad days.
Best of luck
Interesting comments here, as my last batch of Biso were manufactured by TEVA UK and in a daily blister pack, like the contraceptive Pill. The thing I ha ve noticed is that they are different, in as much as they dissolve almost instantly on my tongue. Previous brands have been shiny and not done that.
Hi peony4575 can i ask why you are trying to wean off bisoprolol and did they make you feel breathless or what effects did you not like
Put it this way. I am currently in A&E courtesy of bisoprolol and it’s effects both taking and weaning. There is nothing about it I like