what is the esteemed members' opinion on Cordarone?
Been on it 30 yeras, every time I tried to change, AF paroxism would follow. Maybe there are some new drugs these days?
what is the esteemed members' opinion on Cordarone?
Been on it 30 yeras, every time I tried to change, AF paroxism would follow. Maybe there are some new drugs these days?
Cordarone is amiodarone which is the most toxic of drugs and should only be used in last resort. Why you have been allowed to remain on it, in fact how you have managed to survive undamaged for so long is odd to say the least. Photosensitivity, deposits in the eyes and lung problems are just three of its effects.
I suggest that you speak to your cardiologist at once. and change to a different antiarrhythmic drug.