Depression and the heart: - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Depression and the heart

yorkcardiology profile image
8 Replies

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yorkcardiology profile image
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8 Replies
BobD profile image

As an engineer I think that low heart rate should result in low BP which is exactly what mine does. Any fluid pump will have higher pressure at higher rates of cycle unless governed by a by pass valve. In this case we must assume that the "bypass" is in fact volume of the vessel? ( i e expansion or contraction of the vascular system).

BobD profile image

I'm not considering engines John merely pumps. Yes the arteries and viens etc can expand to lower pressure and increase flow which is what should happen. As Ectopic points out if the blood vessels are stiff (aging etc) then this can't happen and BP rises. In my example it is the expansion of the vessels which provide the reduced pressure or "bypass". None of this explains why BP should rise with lower heart rate unless what is causing the lower rate is also closing the blood vessels. One of the reasons why some cold remedies are ill advised is that they contain vasor constrictors which do just that.

Singwell profile image

Couldn't agree more John re 'treatment'. Thinking back to when I was first diagnosed with PAF 7 months ago I wonder why on earth I was given pills to take every day. Why not PIP? My heart rate was consistently low on the BBs which made me lethargic and depressed. When I changed to Flecainide, the heart rate variability that I got was at first positively alarming. Now I know that the heart is supposed to race sometimes - if I'm nervous, excited or have exerted.

I don't know about you but I was given no advice whatsoever about AF or BP when I left the hospital, nor had any support since other than from friends and then s forum. I've had to find out everything for myself. Given that AF is a very common condition that costs the NHS a lot of money you'd think there would be more support and information available in every NHS trust.

Singwell profile image

Thanks for this explanation ectopic1 as I was about to dive in on pressure flow and impedance and probably make an A of myself! Really helpful to know the importance of regular bouts of exercise and hence why HR might be lower in-between as mine has recently lowered quite a bit and I wondered why.

Singwell profile image

Very glad you posted it. My goal is to get to PIP status with Flecainide. I've been AF free since April 3 so early days yet but my feeling is, if I can make it to 6 months it's worth a shot. John I think it's you that is more re or less gluten free and had made significant changes in diet? I've done the same.

Singwell profile image

Hah I've mixed you up with Carneuny on the dietary front but found some great posts from the both of you. Vagus info and discussion about BP...

CDreamer profile image

Key words - ‘a unique being with body, mind and spirit’. There are so many doctors who would love to be able to practise Wholistic Medicine who feel trapped in the system and haven’t the means or the resources to do so.

If you have any illness - it can and often does cause anxiety and depression and those people who already suffer anxiety and depression don’t cope with illness very well. The mechanisms are just how the body reacts to mind and spirit.

In my experience of seeing thousands of people with depression, human connection and relationship can be and is as affective at improving QOL than any ‘treatment’. Prof Clarkson’s research and her book - The Therapeutic Relationship - into healing identified that the most important element of any healer - from western doctor to Shaman - was the relationship between the healer and the individual. Feeling heard and believed, receiving empathy and acceptance and being seen as a person is the most encouraging thing that any doctor can offer their patient.

I think Dr Gupta understands and demonstrates that. Trust between healer and patient =

Do I believe you? Are you telling me the Truth?

Can I rely on you? Are you Reliable?

Do you Understand me?

Do I feel Safe with you?

Are you able to Treat me so that I feel encouraged to help myself?

Wellbeing comes from within so healers need to create an environment of a sense of safety and trust before even discussing the mechanisms for true healing to happen. It’s an art as much as a science and thank you Dr Gupta - you are an artist.

hfrickny profile image

Again, thank you for living your "calling" the way you do, and for giving us hope.I am sure it does not make you "rich" as school medicine can do, but you exude such contentment and Peace, besides imparting medical knowledge and wisdom... what a gift and encouragement for those who found you and who need it.

Thank you for that, too!

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