Hi. Hope everyone is keeping safe. I would like to know from your experience if taking anticoagulant like Pradaxa or Apixaban will make healing of wounds or ulcers last longer? Have anyone of you experienced this? Thanks.
Anticoagulant : Hi. Hope everyone is... - Atrial Fibrillati...

I’ve been taking Apixaban for over 6 years and haven’t noticed any problem with healing.
Apixaban hasn't affected healing time for me, I recently had surgery and it wasn't a problem at all.

Anticoagulants do not affect healing but open wounds will take longer to clot over is all.
Well the scratches on my arms from gardening take longer to heal since being on Apixaban and leave worse scars. I bleed for a lot longer than before. At least I can see it's working!
Hi Auriculaire, I have the same problem, I have 9 cuts around my arms n hands felling a tree, my daughter wasn't happy as it was the wrong tree I felled! [we have /had 14 trees] but today she is happy as the sun hits the patio, mind no mention about the cuts I have or the bruises. But when on Apixaban each time I cut myself it took ages to heal up. How ever, I found that spray on plaster stopped the bleeding. Good luck
Had a big wound from surgery in 2016 while on Apixaban. Healing time was fast so no problems with Apix. stoping or interferring with healing process.
I am a podiatrist and see 50 % of my patients on anticoagulants. No problem with healing. In fact no problem at all
My Chadvas score is 0 but will prob start on an anticoagulant as my paf is becoming more frequent and I don't get on with most drugs.
Don't worry
That's interesting that 50% of your customers have AF, Rod, given that only 2% of people generally and 9% over 65 are supposed to have it. Why do you think that is?
I guess your customers are generally over 65. They are also probably better off than most. Of the people I know, the prevalence is probably nearer 25% and that includes younger people.
I did also start taking warfarin 10 years ago, then had plantar fasciitis 8 years ago. I don't know if there is a connection there to anticoags?
No. It hasn't changed healing time for me either and I don't notice I bleed much more either. I do bruise more easily but this may also have something to do with age as I am now 76. I have been on apixaban since early 2017. I recently had a Total Knee Replacement and I didn't bleed a lot from that but did find the swelling took a long time to go down and the surgeon did say that could have something to do with the anticoagulant - though I did come of for 3 days before the op and went onto half dose for a month afterwards. However, comparing myself to a friend who has also just had the same operation and is 6 years younger than me, is not on anticoagulants and bled much more than I did and had to have his dressing changed twice int he first 10 days whereas mine stayed clean for the whole 10 days only being changed when I had the staples taken out. As far as welling goes he is just as bad at the same point in time after the operation as I was. So actually this may be a personal thing and have little to do with being on anticoagulants.
I am on warfarin, and two years ago I slipped and caught my shin on the metal step of our motorhome. My lower leg was quite swollen and I had it checked at a local walk-in clinic, where they said I had a haematoma. However, some weeks later, the skin broke open, not at the point of impact but about a couple of centimetres away. Apparently, the haematoma had become infected and all-in-all I had about three courses of antibiotics, and the ulcer took about 6 months to heal. I don't know if being on warfarin made me develop the haematoma in the first place as my shin took a considerable blow and I am sure would have swollen up anyway. And my legs were never in great condition even before being on warfarin so having an ulcer may have happened anyway too.
Sorry, I have written all this and not really answered your question - however, now you know my experience!
Yes it does I try not to cut myself as I know I will be about 3 to 4weeks healing time and I bruise easily to
Yes. Definitely.
Definitely. Taking xarelto, skin wounds take longer to heal, and scabs break down before healing.
Yes, even minor injuries bleed more and take longer to heal and I ‘ve always bruised badly/ easily. I recently started on Apixaban. It’s worse now but with a good outcome - I am very much more careful and thoughtful of possible outcomes from anything I might be doing and I keep a good selection
of plasters and bandages handy , just in case something unexpected happens. I think it’s well worth it to lessen the risk of clotting .