A sad tale of disastrous heart disease - Atrial Fibrillati...

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A sad tale of disastrous heart disease

Ianc2 profile image
10 Replies

A middle aged man was on the flat roof of his block of flats. He had worked out an exercise routine that allowed him to work a circuit around the roof as part of his recovery from Heart disease. Every time he did it he would finish with step ups on the parapet wall.

On this particular day a capping stone came loose as he stood on it and over the top he went. All was not lost however as there was a balcony sticking out from the flat below. He grabbed the railings and hung on.

While this was happening, on the floor below, a jealous husband was striding angrily towards his front door. He was sure his wife was having an affair and he had seen a man enter his apartment, from the laundry basket he had been hiding in. His door was locked. Fury and anger mounted. He kicked away at the door until it splintered and flew open. "Where is he" he shouted. His wife was in bed hiding under the sheets. He went rampaging through the flat, flung open the balcony doors and there, before him, was a man hanging on by his finger nails. " Help me" he said. " Help you" he shouted, "I'll help you" he said

He ran back in the kitchen, grabbed the fridge, dragged it over and dropped it onto the poor unfortunate hanging before him. The fridge was heavier than he expected, has heart was pounding and suddenly a crushing pain raced across his chest..

Meanwhile, on the floor below, the lady of the house was preparing lunch when a body went hurtling past, followed by a fridge. She grabbed her phone, leaned over the balcony and went onto facebook and shared pictures with all her friends. Tragically the man above had just had a massive heart attack and came crashing down on top of her, so over she went as well.

A police car arrived in a scream of sirens, followed by an ambulance, a fire engine and a helicopter with a doctor on board. " This one is dead , heart attack and fall, and this one appears to have been hit by a falling fridge and is dead, the woman has been killed by the fall. There is nothing more I can do here".

At that moment there was an almighty bang,

the fridge door flew open

and a naked man staggered out. "what happened"? he said "what"?

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Ianc2 profile image
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10 Replies
BobD profile image

I've heard it but still laughed lanc. I'll accept the off topic post in the name of laughter. LOL 😂

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Ok, just call me Margo Leadbetter. Did someone say something funny? Please explain. Typical type of joke only men find funny.

pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hang on a minute Jean I didn’t find it funny either 😇.


Peddling profile image
Peddling in reply to pottypete1

Can’t work out who died - that’s a woman thing, short of time.

Ianc2 profile image
Ianc2 in reply to Peddling

It is a sad tale of bad luck, being in the wrong place at the wrong time. Everybody dies except the wife and her lover, who was hiding in the fridge. The man falling from the roof was the event that kicked it all off, but everything that followed could be laid at the door of the misbehaving lovers. They caused the whole tragedy but lived to live happily ever after.

Deb1838 profile image
Deb1838 in reply to jeanjeannie50

I didn’t get it either Jean, perhaps it is a man thing 😜😂

pottypete1 profile image
pottypete1 in reply to Deb1838

I’m a man!

Finvola profile image

Thanks lanc - had a real good belly laugh - Schadenfreude or what. 😄

Visitingcat profile image

Just read out to my husband, we both laughed, thanks for sharing : )

Ianc2 profile image

I think there is a fine line between tragedy and comedy. If you go and see Madame Butterfly live, with a full orchestra, you will experience a full force, powerful, tragic ending, up close. Total silence apart from half the audience crying and the other half trying hard not to. The audience leaves in tears but everyone agrees it was tremendous entertainment.

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