Norovirus blues!: A week on,and I still... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Norovirus blues!

wilsond profile image
53 Replies

A week on,and I still can't leave the house except to the bird table! Had one af episode,nipped in bud with PIP.

Only eating yoghurt and banana....everything just going straight through me ..won't go into gory details

Had phone consultation with go yesterday given me codeine 15 mg 3 times a day. Anyone had this and did it work? Stomach cramps as well..

Any advice gratefully received...I'm very weak n tired,!

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wilsond profile image
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53 Replies
JaneFinn profile image

Oh Wilsond, that’s rotten 😢

I’m sorry I have no advice, just wanted to send huge sympathy, love and hugs xxx

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to JaneFinn

Thank you Jane

I'm so v sorry. Forgive me if I am telling you something you already know ... But try and keep hydrated, plenty of water. At least that was I was told once in similar circumstances. 😱

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to

Thank you xx

Codeine causes constipation so it might slow things down. It can also cause nausea so dont take it on an empty stomach. It will make you sleepy, be sure and keep up on your fluid intake. There is a BRAT diet during these times... banannas, rice, applesauce, toast. Basically anything bland. Avoid hot and cold items, room temperature foods/ drinks will b less likely to stimulate your bowel.

And when this is finally over, watch that the codiene doesnt plug you up as it can work “ too good”. Hope you feel better soon

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to

Ooh thank you for this . I'll try the brat diet.xx

jeanjeannie50 profile image

The virus needs to be flushed out of your body and I'm wondering whether coconut water might be something you could tolerate. I believe the Innocent make is the most natural?

Does anyone else in your circle of family, or friends, have this bug Are you absolutely certain that it's Norovirus and not food poisoning? I've had food poisoning and that went on for weeks. A group of us ate out together and of 8 of us four had the food poisoning.

Hope you soon feel better.


wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to jeanjeannie50

Now that you say I am the only one with it...hmmm. I'll try the coconut water. Hubby at work till 5 but could get some on way home.thanjs Jean x

BobD profile image

Big sympathy! Try to stay well hydrated.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to BobD

Cheers Bob

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to BobD

Thinking of getting a hosepipe in my throat to save time ..and some other arrangement at the other end ...haha...!

Rienij70 profile image

So sorry to hear you still not well. Everyone has already giving the advice about dehydration. Hope you feel better soon. Big hugs

Rienij xx

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Rienij70

Thank you Rienij xx

doodle68 profile image

What a nightmare Wilson :-( I remember NV well and spending a night on the bathroom floor because it didn't seem worth dragging myself back to bed only to return again two minutes later. There was no one to help, my Daughter in law had just had her second lot of twins and I didn't want to infect them .

Hoski mentions 'apple sauce' I know stewed bramley apple without sugar contain a lot of pectin and that can help with a runny tummy.

I always like rice pudding or porridge when I have a poorly tummy and small meals often also water with a pinch of salt and a little honey sipped occasionally to stay hydrated and replaced what is lost.

Don't forget the hot water bottle on your tummy.

Wishing you well very soon :-)

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to doodle68

Thank you for all these tips. I shall try the applesauce idea today. I am alone between 530 am.and 6 pm 6 days a week but at least not at night time!

Thank you Doodle xx

Finvola profile image

My goodness, you must be absolutely worn out by this bug.

I read an article about it the other day - very graphic so I'll just ask if you are still vomiting as the virus gets into the air and land on everything. In the bathroom apparently, toothbrushes sitting out are one target which could mean you reinfect yourself. Sorry about the detail but I was shocked at how easily this damned thing transmits itself.

Hoski's advice is good and keep hydrated. Wishing you a speedy recovery. xx

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Finvola

Blimey it is a mighty bug!I have been wiping door handles loo handle etc with bleach soaked cloth but will also bleach toothbrushes ..thank you Finvola. Xx

Finvola profile image
Finvola in reply to wilsond

I should have said virus not bacteria - changed it now. I’ll see if I can find the article as it was only a few days ago. xx

Jalia profile image

My sympathies ! At least you are at home. I had this on board ship and was horrendous. Only allowed food!

Presumably you are having electrolyte drinks.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Jalia

Oh no even worse jalia! Yes hubby got me some thank you xxx

Buffafly profile image

If it is noro your husband will probably get it 😱 Not sure about yoghurt as I have always been told to avoid milk products after a 'bug' as they may lead to further problems but not sure if yoghurt counts. Big hug, sounds awful 💞

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Buffafly

I will leave dairy off,anything to help? Got herbal tea in that'll do. Thanks buffafly xx

Alessa69 profile image
Alessa69 in reply to wilsond

An organic yoghurt if you can tolerate it will help reestablish good gut bacteria, also good to protect stomach when you take pills. Poor you, feel well soon

Jalia profile image

Buffafly is correct.....milk products are normally to be avoided and if it is Norovirus your husband is almost certain to succumb. It normally only lasts a few days though.

I had infective colitis last summer ( was in hosp isolated) ..lasted over a week mist of time at home but OH did not succumb

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Jalia

He is fit and well,so that is suspicious...perhaps something else? Xxx

Alessa69 profile image
Alessa69 in reply to wilsond

Maybe another call with GP for tests?

Seawalk profile image

Sorry to hear your not well. Horrible bug. Good advice given by others I would just add Dioralyte it helps keep the electrolyte balance. Helped me thru severe salmonella when I couldn’t eat anything. Best wishes

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Seawalk

Thank you seawalk

Luludean profile image

Hum!!!! I was told I had norovirus but,no one else got it.

It went on for 5 days . Went away and came back with a vengeance 2 days later whilst I was supposedly enjoying actual

Copenhagen. I spent 3 days there in bed and flew home alone full of Imodium.

Next day felt so bad saw GP and was on anti biotics for 7 days for urine infection. These did not clear it up and I had a second course. New Years Eve . Still unwell Inwas prescribed a one off sachet of “phosphomycine”. Unfortunately it was unavailable in Cambridge 3 days later I got it. 3 lots of anti biotics in a month was too much !

I felt quite suicidal, I had hardly seen anyone ( no one wanted to catch what I had).

I am on Rivaraxaban, Digoxin and Losartan.

I am still not right and , loneliness and fear of going out is SO debilitating.

I am sure it was not Norovirus but no tests other than urine tests were done at the time.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Luludean

Oh that sounds awful. Jean mentioned that she once had a very bad bout of food poisoning that lasted weeks. As no one else has picked up norovirus from me it does seem odd.I self diagnosed as thought best not to go to go. All the symptoms,but tbh very similar to other gastic acute illnesses.

I worry about my apixaban syst long enough.

Really feel sympathy with you get well soon xx

irene75359 profile image

Sorry to hear you are still feeling so rotten. When my father had norovirus in hospital (the ward was closed to new admissions) all his visitors went down like ninepins with the exception of one of my sisters. However, it only lasted a couple of days, even with my father who was very weak and in the very final stages of his illness.

Sounds like food poisoning. Do hope you feel better very soon, and I hope your heart is behaving. x

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to irene75359

Thank you xx

JanettePearson profile image

I feel your pain!! The whole family had this about 3 years ago and I thought I was going to die!! It's not just an ordinary sickness bug, it's in a league of its own and it's hard to stay hydrated. When I phoned my doctor a week into it and told him I couldn't cope with it any more he prescribed dark chocolate. It actually worked and I felt a lot better after eating it in small amounts. Look after yourself and hope you feel better soon. X

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to JanettePearson

Oh. I have some choc orange left from Xmas .might try it thank you xx

Cookie24 profile image

I had it for a week and it sent me into flutter two months after ablation. Heart is calm again.

Cavalierrubie profile image

Hi, hope it all ends soon for you. I have boiled water, teaspoon of sugar, and good pinch of salt stirred up in a glass. Not all the time. Plain boiled water inbetween. Three glasses a day of that. Helped me a lot when I had the runs. You know when its coming to an end when you are pooing water! Has to go through you and come out. Keep drinking all the time. X

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Cavalierrubie

Ah I see what you's definetly better today in that respect. Thank you

Ianp66 profile image

Oh no, know how you feel, was horrible when I had it last year, banana and toast is only thing I tolerated for a while.

Cramps are Awful, codeine worked well for me and stopped me going so much, keep the water going in 👍

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Ianp66

Cheers Ian

tunybgur profile image

Flat Coke.....always worked for me but it must be flat.

Normal Coke (not diet), shake it up until there's no more fizz and it should help keep you hydrated and settled.

Good luck

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to tunybgur

Cheers xx

Luludean profile image

Dear all !!!!

Spring must come soon!!!!

I think you are “all “ right in your replies. What I had was never Norovirus. It Went on far too long!

I think 3 lots of anti biotics in a month make one very depressed!

Wilsond how do you find Apixaban ?

I am on Rivaraxaban but , as I keep boring everyone with ? I have had increasing joint pain since starting it. I can hardly walk , used to be very

energetic but not now.

Going through my files

I found a letter from my cardiologist , to my GP , asking him to start me on Apixaban. This has not happened . I also found a letter ,from a rheumatologist I saw , asking GP to put me on vitamin D . Calcium and something phosphate.

This has not been done either. I am

loathe to make another appointment , it makes me look loopy ! You can only talk about one problem in an visit.

Just had 3 visits about my guts this month alone.

O well it has stopped me thinking about persistent AF !!

That must be good!

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Luludean

Apixaban is problems do bruise easier but that's ok. Xxx

Dangerousdriver profile image

Hi Wilson, sorry to hear you have had this! Not the best way to start the new year! I have had severe flu and been bed ridden too!

I don't have any real tips for you aside from keep hydrated by drinking Dioralyte and avoiding chilli sauce!!

Hope you feel better soon....

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to Dangerousdriver

Thanks DD hope your better soon too

A few years ago, everyone in our family got lab confirmed Norovirus from our son. He got it from a classmate and brought it home. His school shut down because so many kids and teachers had it. They sent the health dept. to collect stool samples from the sick students and families. Noro usually only lasts about 3 days. You probably need to be tested to find out what it is. I guess we are now immune to Noro since we were recently on a cruise that had a huge outbreak and we were perfectly fine.

In October 2019 our son had a 10 day bout with Salmonella from ground beef tacos at a restaurant. Turns out there had been a huge recall of ground beef. Lots of people reported getting sick from that restaurant. They continued to use the offending meat. The funny thing is he did not find out what it was until he was all better. It took 2 weeks for the results of the stool tests to get back to our doctor due to a lab mixup! Thankfully, my wife and I ordered the chicken fajitas, not anything with ground beef. He also has an immune system that is in overdrive, so he gets sick at the drop of a hat. We can all eat exactly the same thing and he will come down with food poisoning.

His doctor said not to give anything to stop it until we knew what it was. Regardless of the cause, he needed to get it out of his system. The doctor said to give him supportive fluids and to follow the BRAT diet, which we are taught here in the US when our kids are babies. He was to go to ER if he got terribly dehydrated so he could get IV fluids. Thankfully, Gatorade, water, bananas, rice, applesauce and toast kept him out of the hospital where he would have probably picked up something worse.

But,after 7 days he was really not any better, so we got a second opinion because his doctor was on vacation. That doctor said to take Medi-Clay FX. It binds the germs and toxins produced to Bentonite clay and then they are passed out of the body. He also suggested oil of peppermint capsules to settle the stomach. Those worked great and he started to feel better within 12 hours of starting them.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to

Thank you for this. I will ring surgery. Brat diet sounds sensible idea ! X

RexH profile image

Hope you feel better soon. Excuse my ignorance , but was does PIP stand for, as you said it stopped an af episode.

doodle68 profile image
doodle68 in reply to RexH

Hi Rex :-) permit me to respond on behalf of poorly Wilson .. a PIP stands for 'pill in the pocket' a heart rhythm control drug that can be taken at the start of an episode of P-AF to try to limit/curtail the episode and return the heart to normal sinus rhythm..

RexH profile image
RexH in reply to doodle68

Thankyou 👍

wheezybronch profile image

I do not know the best way to treat this, normally it seems to last a few days to a week. One thing I do know is that there are viral and bacterial threats connected to bird tables, you should take great care. I don't see anyone suggesting things like Imodium, I find this stops diarrhoea fast. Also no anti emetics seem to have been suggested. Someone says about re-infecting yourself, I am sure that is entirely possible, great care to make sure droplets of spittle or diarrhoea are thoroughly cleaned off. It may be advisable that everybody who uses the same bathroom as yourself wipes surface s before and after use, I hope things have improved for you, good luck.

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply to wheezybronch

Thank you..good advice which I shall bear in mind. Thankfully I seem clear now...fingers crossed. Xx

wheezybronch profile image

Glad that you are better now !

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