Just curious. Any of you wear medical bracelets ?
Medical bracelets : Just curious. Any... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Medical bracelets

I do. I got it online, metal bracelet lists my diagnosis and meds. Since Im on an anticoagulant( xarelto) I thought it would b important info if something traumatic happened to me

Thanks. Me too. Thought it was a good idea. Has to be better than looking in my handbag. ! Can’t find anything in there
😂. My biggest problem is to remember to put it on. When Im not wearing it, I out it on the outside strap of my purse so at least it is with me if I go out, lol
I do! I wear a customised one, because, as well as the anticoagulation, I have other conditions that may need to be recognised in a hurry.
I have a silicone one from the ID band company which is very practical and can go in the shower with me
And a stylish wooden one that I just love to wear because it stands out enough to be noticed if needed, but it feels like ‘me’. It’s by a fantastic company called Mishiu Ferris, designed by a guy who himself needs to wear a medical alert:
I also carry separate anticoagulation and anaphylaxis alerts in my bag and purse. (But given that the emergency medications for anaphylaxis and AF are the absolute opposite of one another, I can only pray that I’m never in a position where a random person needs to decide which my emergency is!!! 😄)
Yes I wear a Medic Alert bracelet which has engraved on the back AF, MAT, on anticoagulants. It has an ID number and on my online account I have listed my health issues and all medication - I update it any time there is a change. I pay a small yearly subscription and it gives me peace of mind. Paramedics and hospital staff can get all my information if needed at any time, from anywhere in the world.
I have worn a medical ID since 2010. It lists diagnosis and medications. I too made the decision because of being on an anticoagulant.
I wear an SOS talisman bracelet. The information is inside. It has name, address, NOK, allergies, blood group, medication, medical conditions. I never take it off. Also have an anti coagulant alert card and blood group (I have a rare blood group) card in my purse.
Yes I wear a rubber type bracelet, with an Apixaban alert on it. I react to metal bracelets.
Me too
Yes....I wear a Medicalert bracelet with Rivaroxaban written on it.
Me too, metal one bought online due to anticoagulants
I wear a talisman bracelet all the time because I am on anticoagulants and I also take lots of other meds. I also have a pacemaker, I carry all the same information in my bag though it might be difficult to find there!
Me too, an metal one, but it’s getting a bit worn, might need to have it redone. Gives me peace of mind.
I had a dog tag engraved,the kind that dogs wearon their collars and put in on my watch strap which i always wear,being a cheapskate haha.
Hi. I wear a medic alert also. It is silver and I never take it off. It gives me peace of mind to know that if I was brought to hospital unconscious for any reason they would have my medical details available.
I have a dog tag type necklace which says "No Fluoroquinolones "to try and make sure I am never given these antibiotics again. Though I take it off to have a bath and sometimes forget to put it on again!
Yes I got mine from the internet. Very pleased with it as on the front it says my name, telephone number and Apixaban 5mgs twice daily. On the inside it lists all of my pills.
The only thing is it is a chain bracelet which is fine most of the time, but if I should wear anything lacy or with holes type cardigan, it catches. I think I might go for an all straight band next time. . I could have got it in silver colour, gold or rose gold. There were loads of designs, but I wanted one that had enough room for all my tablets.
I will look up where I got it, but think it was Amazon. So much cheaper than my niece where she paid something like £80 odd and I paid £16.
Yes I wear a bright red band. On the inside gives my AF and HF details and because I have had breast cancer it states do not take blood pressure/ blood/insert canular in right arm /lymph node removal /breast cancer. I wear this at all times. Would love a proper bracelet but I am allergic to all metals except gold - that would be expensive lol!!!
I wear one that says pacemaker. I have had a pacemaker since March 4, 2019.
Yes I do, it’s easier than remembering the anticoagulant card and easy to find on my wrist if necessary.
Yes - I wear a pretty necklace/medallion stating I have AFib and cannot tolerate NSAIDS.
Your latest new name?
Never leave the house without mine. Stainless steel with meds inc Apixaban and full contact details. You never know!
Me too. One as a fob on my phone. Never forget my phone so I always have it.
Mine has my wife’s mobile number on it as well as AF information when I lost it in Greece someone found it and called to tell me where to collect it
Another 'me too' here. I have several of the silicon bands, a leather bracelet with a metal plaque, and a stainless heavy chain bracelet. I wear them (according to style of dress), when out and about, but not at home.
I've been fancying a silver chain bracelet with a dangling medal, after winning a base metal version in a Christmas cracker. For some reason, it felt very comfortable and natural, much more so than the masculine leather or heavy steel.
I did early on, but switched to a necklace (like dog tags) because they can engrave more info on them, front and back, than a bracelet can hold. But I live in the U.S., and the company I used is U.S. based, so may not want to order from them. Great company anyway.
Good luck!
Hi Linda I wear a silicone Iband all the time with my meds and details printed on it...
I live alone so no one to speak for me also I walk the fields with my dog and am aware that if I suddenly collaps and am found the first thing most people will do is to check my wrist for a pulse and the band should be seen .