Feeling Scared: Feeling apprehensive... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Feeling Scared

LindaDaisy profile image
13 Replies

Feeling apprehensive. Been in AF/SVT for 9 days now. Due back at the hospital this morning. Don’t know what the next step is. I can’t have flecanaide as I have Left Ventricular Non Compaction. I’ve always reverted back with no intervention. I’m wondering if they will suggest cardio reversion. Any words of reassurance?

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LindaDaisy profile image
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13 Replies
Buffafly profile image

Not really, except to say mine was sorted with digoxin so avoided the cardioversion. Sorry you are having such a bad time, best wishes 💜

I would have thought a cardioversion is the most likely option and would be over in a flash. I hope you have been assessed for anticoagulation?

Jalia profile image

There are different ways to try to convert you medically as Buffafly had mentioned so dc cardioversion may not be needed. However no need to worry if you need this. It will hopefully get you back speedily to NSR

I'm on day 10 of being in a fast regular rate of 125/130 ish , still hoping I will revert but do not hold out much hope .

Good luck !

meadfoot profile image

So sorry you haVe got all of this hassle. It is scary and I am sure the hospital will sort things for you. Medics will get you back on track and you will be in the best place and being cared for.

It's amazing how often people flip back while in hospital perhaps the apprehension works in our favour. I was in such despair back in the autumn with one thing after another and in a and e when I did something really unusual for me I cried, in fact I sobbed and sobbed quietly to myself and hey presto flipped back into nsr. You never know. Good luck. All will be well. X

LindaDaisy profile image

Buffafly, Thank you. My consultant at Papworth Is not keen on Digoxin for me.

Flapjack, I’m on Warferin. I don’t know how long it takes to get an appointment for a cardiversion, I’ve heard it can take a while, which sounds crazy.

I’m just behind you Jalia, mine seems to be more regular at about 125. Hope you revert soon.

Had a good cry Meadfoot. Felt better but still running high.

I am a bit reassured that, looking it up, cardio version didn’t seem to be as scary as I thought.

Sitting in Ambulatory Emergency Care. Thanks for being here for me.

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to LindaDaisy

I was in A&E ambulatory on the 18th ... my GP insisted and they increased my anti arrhythmic drug and said that I should revert in 24/36 hours , which I haven't....in fact rate has increased a few points. I have to go back but am putting it off !! I have normally flipped into AF at this point.....AE said I was in Atrial flutter.

Let us know what happens.

( I've had 20 dccvs so can tell you with some authority not to worry. All of mine were 'emergency ' so no waiting.)

KMRobbo profile image
KMRobbo in reply to Jalia

Which anti arrhythmia drug?, not medically trained but know from experience that flecainide can promote atrial flutter rather than stop it!

Jalia profile image
Jalia in reply to KMRobbo

Ha! Yes I found out that it promoted arrhythmias for me as well. I am on Disopyramide.

At the mo I am wired up in Resus given IV magnesium to see if I revert to NSR....am now in AF🙄....otherwise DCCV later today.😁

KMRobbo profile image
KMRobbo in reply to Jalia

Good luck with it!

LindaDaisy profile image

I’m home with Amiodarone. Never had it before and I don’t want to take it. I’m sure people on here will understand when I say “I’m fed up with all these drugs!!” I already take 11 a day, 8 different types. Anyone else on Amiodarone?

Janelr profile image
Janelr in reply to LindaDaisy

Hope your feeling better I’m on amiodarone nearly 3 weeks now so they can do another cv.

Had no bother with it yet. My heart rates gone lower since been on it too.

JaneFinn profile image

Sorry I’ve only just seen your post from yesterday ... wanted to add my sympathy and support. (Belatedly!)

I see you were sent home with amiodarone ... I’m sorry I have no experience of this drug, but just wanted to wish you well. It’s a minefield this drug/treatment stuff isn’t it? 😕 xxxx

This happens a lot over the Holidays. It's probably the extra sugars you have been indulging in. Here is a cut-and-paste of the info I have on that (and dehydration):


After 9 years of trying different foods and logging EVERYTHING I ate, I found sugar (and to a lesser degree, salt – i.e. dehydration) was triggering my Afib. Doctors don't want to hear this - there is no money in telling patients to eat less sugar. Each person has a different sugar threshold - and it changes as you get older, so you need to count every gram of sugar you eat every day (including natural sugars in fruits, etc.). My tolerance level was 190 grams of sugar per day 8 years ago, 85 grams a year and a half ago, and 60 grams today, so AFIB episodes are more frequent and last longer (this is why all doctors agree that afib gets worse as you get older). If you keep your intake of sugar below your threshold level your AFIB will not happen again (easier said than done of course). It's not the food - it's the sugar (or salt - see below) IN the food that's causing your problems. Try it and you will see - should only take you 1 or 2 months of trial-and-error to find your threshold level. And for the record - ALL sugars are treated the same (honey, refined, agave, natural sugars in fruits, etc.). I successfully triggered AFIB by eating a bunch of plums and peaches one day just to test it out. In addition, I have noticed that moderate (afternoon) exercise (7-mile bike ride or 5-mile hike in the park) often puts my Afib heart back in to normal rhythm a couple hours later. Don’t know why – perhaps you burn off the excess sugars in your blood/muscles or sweat out excess salt?? I also found that strenuous exercise does no good – perhaps you make yourself dehydrated??

I'm pretty sure that Afib is caused by a gland(s) - like the Pancreas, Thyroid (sends signals to the heart to increase speed or strength of beat), Adrenal Gland (sends signals to increase heart rate), Sympathetic Nerve (increases heart rate) or Vagus Nerve (decreases heart rate), Hypothalamus Gland or others - or an organ that, in our old age, is not working well anymore and excess sugar or dehydration is causing them to send mixed signals to the heart - for example telling the heart to beat fast and slow at the same time - which causes it to skip beats, etc. I can't prove that (and neither can my doctors), but I have a very strong suspicion that that is the root cause of our Afib problems. I am working on this with a Nutritionist and hope to get some definitive proof in a few months.

Also, in addition to sugar, if you are dehydrated - this will trigger AFIB as well. It seems (but I have no proof of this) that a little uptick of salt in your blood is being treated the same as an uptick of sugar - both cause AFIB episodes. (I’m not a doctor – it may be the sugar in your muscles/organs and not in your blood, don’t know). In any case you have to keep hydrated, and not eat too much salt. The root problem is that our bodies are not processing sugar/salt properly and no doctor knows why, but the AFIB seems to be a symptom of this and not the primary problem, but medicine is not advanced enough to know the core reason that causes AFIB at this time. You can have a healthy heart and still have Afib – something inside us is triggering it when we eat too much sugar or get (even a little) dehydrated. Find out the core reason for this and you will be a millionaire and make the cover of Time Magazine! Good luck! - Rick Hyer

PS – there is a study backing up this data you can view at:


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