My 78 yr old husband is taking Rivoroxaban. This morning he had a severe nosebleed which took 10 mins or so to staunch. We are seeing a local GP later today. Reading through the blurb it seems that care is needed when prescribing for the elderly. Has anyone had a similar experience whilst on Rivoroxaban had their dosage or medication changed?
Rivoroxaban: My 78 yr old husband is... - Atrial Fibrillati...

My history may not be of consequence but I was not much younger than your husband at 71 and had been taking Apixaban for some time when I started to have horrendous 3 and 4 hour nosebleeds.
Long story short, my Apixaban was seen by some doctors as the 'problem' but in fact I had developed a super sensitivity to domestic cleaning sprays, especially glass cleaners - and I also acquired a sensitivity to Naseptin antibiotic cream which was prescribed each time I had a bleed. Since I have banned all cleaning sprays from the house and now never use Naseptin, I've had no bad bleeds in 3 years and no shorter bleeds in 2 years.
If your husband is not new to Riveroxaban then it might be worthwhile looking at another irritant cause. I have identified wood smoke from a garden bonfire and heavy cloying perfumes as possible culprits too. Scary things nosebleeds and I hope your husband can get to the bottom of it.
PS, sorry forgot to say that I was told to soldier on and take my Apixaban no matter what.
Thank you Finvola, good call. We are hoping to move and he has had a load of bonfires the past week or so. He has been prescribed naseptin too. He is seeing his own Dr tomorrow as a result of the bleed - pretty drastic way of getting an appointment but it will be good to talk it through.
Just to add, he has been taking Rivoroxaban for three years with no problem.
I would suspect the smoke irritating his nasal passages. I use a saline spray occasionally and when I stopped using Naseptin my GP suggested a small amount of Vaseline. I also used highly diluted TCP on cotton wool just inside my nostrils to recover from the irritation of Naseptin.
Do you buy a saline e spray or make your own? I have a bleeding disorder which gives me severe nosebleeds (half a pint in one day!) when on apaxiban but they continue without it too. I make my own but just wondered what you use. Thank you

I think most people imediately blame anticoagulants needlessly whilst ignoring more common causes as Finvola suggests. The age consideration for reduced dose of Rivaroxaban I believe is 80 allied to low body mass not age alone. By the way, when does one become elderly? It is a state of mind surely.?