Good Morning,
I am currently on Bisoprol, Flecinide and Apixaban and wondered if anyone has as I seem to, suffered from constipation?
Good Morning,
I am currently on Bisoprol, Flecinide and Apixaban and wondered if anyone has as I seem to, suffered from constipation?
I know betablockers( bisoprol) can constipate. Are you drinking plenty of water, getting in lots of fiber and exercise like walking helps?
Many thanks for your reply.It really helps to have such reassurance.Yes I do exercise, increasing Nordic walking,eat a lot of fruit but maybe not enough fibre or drink enough, so will increase that.
“ They” say we should try for 25-35 grams of fiber daily, but if we don’t drink enough fluids, it can add to constipation. Bowels kind of have a mind of their own. What works for one may not for someone else. If a person has diabetes, that can play a factor into sluggish bowel too.
In my case the culprit is Apixaban. Granola with added prunes helps.
They certainly seem to have affected my digestive system though I only take the flecainide and bisoprolol as PIP and have started again on the half dose of apixaban. Don't think mine is real constipation yet and hopefully it wont get that bad but I take low doses. We are all different!
Thank you all again for your helpful and supportive comments.I have discovered that rhubarb complex capsules from Twenty first century herbs have proved helpful!