After an abortive attempt at ablation my EP decided I needed a pacemaker as my heart slowed down to below 50 beats per minute at night time. I've had no problems with the pacemeker but despite asking my EP, and the cardiac unit at Papworth I've been completely unable to get a definitive answer as to whether or not my pacemaker is MRI safe. I've now had three differing opinions. I am suffering a back related chronic pain and US scans have failed to identify the cause. A consultant has refused to have a cat scan done because he says it will damage my kidneys, and he nearly fainted when I suggested an MRI scan.
MRI safe pacemakers: After an abortive... - Atrial Fibrillati...
MRI safe pacemakers

The person who installed the pacemaker MUST know if it is MRI safe. There are non metalic ones which are so but they are more expensive and one needs to specify before that you need one and why I understand. If you have not been told that it is safe assume it isn't .
I would very much doubt that your pacemaker is MRI safe. Mine’s an all singing all dancing one and I’m categorically told it’s not. A good cardiologist should have the manufacturers guidance. I would imagine any technician would refuse an MRI without absolute proof it was alright.
My husband has had MRI and CTs, he has to go to the pacing people before to have something down to his pacemaker then again after the scan to have it reset.
The card for my PM fitted 2 months ago states that it is MRI-safe. I assume it related to the Leads too (which are detailed on the card).
Look at your pacemaker card and google or look a the makers web site to see if it is MRI compatible.
I insisted on an MRI compatible one then the hospital told me that they had not agreed a protocol with the group who run the scanners for my make. I then paid for a scan at another hospital.
It was nearly four years before they agreed a protocol and can now scan patients with any make.
The problem I have is that verbally the pacemaker clinic at Papworth have said its MRI safe but my EPS will not, despite promises to the contrary,confirm this in writing