Metoprolol : Sotolol vs metoprolol I... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Smorgan profile image
35 Replies

Sotolol vs metoprolol I was put on sotolol 80 mg 2x daily for 2 years, at a cardiologist visit 2 months I was told it wasn’t doing anything for me so he was taking me off of it and putting me on 50mg metoprolol one pill daily, does anyone else take metoprolol? By the way my af is permanent , thanks in advance I think this group is very knowledgeable about af !

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Smorgan profile image
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35 Replies
Jjda profile image

I was put on Metoprolol from the beginning of my AFib diagnosis, 25 mg per day, and remained on it until my most recent visit with my EP. I had an ablation last September and have had no incidents of AFib since. The Metoprolol made me sleepy and depressed my heart rate (which it is supposed to do), but no other side effects. Since stopping it, my heart rate is higher with exercise, but not at rest, and my blood pressure is slightly higher, but not an issue. If you are in permanent AFib, Metoprolol is probably a good addition to your medication regimin.

Sotolol is a combination drug of antiarrhythmic action and betablocker( slow your heart). Since you are in permanent af, you dont need the rhythm part so metoprolol is just a betablocker. It should keep the af freight train at a slower pace.

Smorgan profile image
Smorgan in reply to

Thank you Hoski you’ve enlightened me about the metoprolol! I do feel better now without the sotolol

Many people with permanent AF take no medication for it other than an anticoagulant. If your resting heart rate is below 80 bpm, you may not need any of the so called rate control drugs like beta blockers, calcium channel antagonists or digoxin. The guidelines are not based on particularly robust evidence, and some cardiologists believe more lenient rate control (resting rate below 100) is acceptable.

It seems likely that significant numbers of people with permanent AF are experiencing side effects from medication prescribed only to control their rate, which they may not need.

Smorgan profile image
Smorgan in reply to

Thanks Oyster, I didn’t know that but my resting heart rate is slightly below 80 , around 78 , I wish my cardiologist would explain these things , I ask lots of questions but do not get a lot of answers, that’s really good to know!

Wightbaby profile image

Hello there. I have permanent AF (4 years+) and was on Metoprolol 25mg twice per day and Warfarin until recently. Never got offered anything else from day 1, which was about 6 years ago. I got on OK with it but it did make quite fatigued.

Because it "supposedly" became unavailable a few months ago, I was switched to Bisoprolol. I have felt better since taking this (once a day). Definitely not so fatigued. I wrote to my consultant as was initially, unhappy about this forced switch (by my GP) .

I have today had a letter from my Con saying he is pleased that Bisoprolol suits me and he is happy with my heart rate being 80 bpm. My GP wanted it lower.

I haven't taken Solotol (spelling), so can't compare....sorry.

Not sure if any of this is useful

Smorgan profile image
Smorgan in reply to Wightbaby

Thank you eight baby , yes it is helpful because it makes me feel better knowing someone else has been on the same meds , I am blessed in that it doesn’t make me fatigued but I was with the Sotolol

Ianc2 profile image
Ianc2 in reply to Wightbaby

How low did your GP want it to go?

Wightbaby profile image
Wightbaby in reply to Ianc2

He said closer to 70.....

Smorgan profile image

Hi wightbaby sorry for the misspelling, my phone likes to correct me at times

Wightbaby profile image
Wightbaby in reply to Smorgan

That's OK ...your spell checker would not recognise "Wight" as in "Isle of Wight" so it gave you "eight"....nearest match...!! : )

rhoffman86 profile image

I take 25 mg metoprolol daily for SVT and IST and it has helped me a ton. Some people have side effects of course like any medication but I only have a few. No fatigue. In fact I am able to do more because my heart isn’t all over the place as it was before. I know we have different reasons for the medication though. In any rate I had some stomach upset at first and it has lowered my HR and BP. My doctor said I can’t go any higher because of how much it has lowered my HR and BP. I hope it works out for you!!

Smorgan profile image
Smorgan in reply to rhoffman86

Thank you rhoffman86 yes we are taking metoprolol for different reasons but I’m glad to know other people with AF are taking it also , and like you , it has lowered my BP and heart rate and I’m not fatigued like I was on Sotolol, thank you so much for the info , I’m glad it’s working so well for you

Billyb5t5 profile image

I use to take Metroprolol. It was no longer working for me! My Electrophysiologist put me on 80 mg twice a day of Sotolol. It is working really nice. Keeping my fingers crossed it keeps working!!

jimweisback profile image

Had ablation done in August 2017. On Metroprolol for 16 months with a few episodes of AFIB that converted back to sinus rhythm. Switched to Sotolol 80 mg x2 daily. Have had total of 3 minutes AFIB in last year in half. Diet, exercise, and avoidance of triggers is the key

Smorgan profile image
Smorgan in reply to jimweisback

Thanks Jimweisback, I’ve had cardio version but not ablation as my cardiologist tells me I’ve had Afib too long for it to work , my cardio version lasted 3 weeks and two days at the time it was done I was on Sotolol 80 mg 2x daily , I actually feel much better physically on the metoprolol but still have Afib

in reply to Smorgan

How long ago was the cardioversion?

As you maintained NSR for three weeks, I thought this would suggest that you are suitable to have an ablation

Is your cardiologist an EP? you need to be sure that you are seeing an electritian not a plumber!

Smorgan profile image
Smorgan in reply to

Hi Mikee69,I had the cardio version 18 months ago , I thought it strange my cardiologist told me I had it too long for ablation to work but he is an EP

allserene profile image

I started 50 mg metoprolol twice a day in April after my initial 150 pulse flutter. It made me fuddled and useless and foggy all day long and didn't feel alive. I cut the tablets in half after 3 days and felt much better. After a couple of weeks I tried to stop even this small dose (over 3 days) and got my 150 pulse back. Took a 50mg and 6 hours later a 25, and I was fine and converted easily to 62 pulse in 6 hours.. That was 2 months ago and I am very stable with no flutter. I do my monitors every day. At my first visit in July, I will ask the EP if I can stop again now my heart is all settled down......and the eliquis too..... If he says no I will do warfarin instead. Eliquis is $640 pm (160 Canadian). Meto is $6...

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to allserene

Where do you live in Canada? I live in B.C. and my Elliquis is $105 for a three day supply.

allserene profile image
allserene in reply to cuore

try this....

cuore profile image
cuore in reply to allserene

I meant a thirty day supply not three. I see you are buying online whereas living in Canada I am buying directly from the drug stores.

allserene profile image
allserene in reply to cuore

I asked for my prescription to be a paper prescription so I could use any supplier rather than the tame local pharmacy via electronic prescription. The online thing works great, and so long as its the genuine branded product of Canadian Manufacture, it is about 25% of the cost at my local pharmacy before insurance, and 50% of the cost via my insurance. It arrives in about a week. I could get it even cheaper with a less service-oriented supplier or one of New Zealand origin etc ... After 59 years getting everything for free in the UK, it still irritates me to pay anything. I am waiting for my 2 day inpatient "flutter bill" which is showing as pending and about $20,000 $US at this moment .. Banditry....

Nessa73 profile image

I dont know really what my heart does but for years it has skipped ,flipped and felt like it went out of rhythm the heart Dr. Says so far it's pvcs but I don't have any caffeine of any kind or alcohol or anything with red 40. They recently put a loop recorder in under my skin but everything affects my rhythm at times even movement or eating or waiting to long to eat I have been on metoprolol for about 15 years it does help some but not completely and i take 150 mg a day so i know what it's like to have this scary feeling that prevents you from being able to enjoy life and be normal.

Ceelos81 profile image
Ceelos81 in reply to Nessa73

Wow you just described me. I also get them so random and they all feel different and have been diagnosed wit pvcs. I get them when I eat, lay down, exercise, pick up something heavy you name it. Also they feel like a slipped beat, flutter, hard thud or a run of irregular beats one after an other those scare the heck out of me especially because they happen as I’m “relaxed” sitting on my recliner

Bermuda72 profile image
Bermuda72 in reply to Nessa73

Hello why were you put on metoprol? And did you ever 1 of the symptoms you were feeling like your on a rollercoaster in your chest that feeling you used to get in your stomach when riding at a carnival ?

dandelioness profile image

I am on Metropolol for about 2 years. You do not have to have it administered in a hospital to see if they have to revive you like sotolol. It lowered my blood pressure to 120/80, so I am pleased, as I also have permanent AF ( Although I know at some point I will be over it.)(Stay away from the new G-5 coming out for cell phones, etc) I believe that these can

effect us very negatively. (Google it)

oriole2 profile image

I have been on metoprolol for quite a few years and have had no problems.

Travacare profile image

I take 2 50mg tabs daily and seemed to really help my af.

Smorgan profile image

Thank you for the encouraging words I actually have felt better with the metoprolol

Smorgan profile image

Thanks dandelioness, yes I was monitored in the hospital for 5 days when put on Sotolol, so far the metoprolol seems to be a better match for me and thanks for info on the G-5 phone , good to know

oscar3993 profile image

I have been on Metoprolol since I was 29 59..for high blood pressure ....when diagnosed with AFib they simply split my once daily 50 mg to 25 morning and night to better control my rate Eloquis (blood thinner) works for me!

bbnotrevealed profile image

I take 12.5 mg Metoprolol 3 times a day.

80 mg Sotalol 2 times a day

5 mg Eliquis 2 times a day.

I’m praying I can go off some of these in the next few months. My third ablation was 6 days ago.

Dr. told me Metoprolol helps to keep my heart rate down. Sotalol helps the afib.

Smorgan profile image

I hope this ablation works for you for a long time,

Smorgan profile image

Hi Oscar 3993, I also was on metoprolol for 5 years for high blood pressure, was taken off after Afib was discovered and put on Sotolol for 3 years then taken off that and put back on metoprolol as the cardiologist said the sotolol wasn’t working for me, I feel much better with the metoprolol but the Afib is still the same

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