It's been 2 months since my 2nd ablation. A flutter ablation was done on first ablation but not on 2nd due to cardiac tamponade after afib portion was completed.
Tuesday of this week I noticed tachycardia during exercise session, 126 bpm. I checked my Kardia and it showed Tachycardia no afib. Rhythm was fine.
I contacted EP and he told me to try flecanaide which I hadn't been using. It didn't work and I went in for EKG.
He called me back since he was not in office at the time and said I was in aflutter and would need cardioversion.
Friday morning cardioversion done and successful. I didn't get all my questions answered as meds kicked in as I was asking and he was gone for ablation appt.
He said flutter could be in right or left atrium. He could check during ablation to correct if I wanted to or go through cardioversion when it happens again. Aflutter might not happen for days or months no way to know. New circuit he said.
My question is had anyone heard of flutter in left atrium and how hard is it to find and correct. I thought it was in right atrium but internet says can be in left. How can it be determined where it is? Could 2nd ablation have caused this? I hadn't had aflutter after my first ablation
Sorry for long post.