Hi all, think I’ve had afib.....erratic heart for about four hours,missing beats then a quick beat, my Kardia says possible afib....still does although I can’t feel my heart bouncing now...my pulse was pretty much in the 60’s and my BP was normal.......I’m three months three weeks post ablation......in a way I’m not surprised I’ve had a mega stressful funeral trip to U.K. and came home with a chest infection.....do you reckon this is it.....my ablation failed?.....another factor is I started on flecanaide 100 this week down from flec 150....cardio saud drop it once I ran out of 150.......feeling rather confused as to where I stand now..............any comments ???
Afib this afternoon : Hi all, think I... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Afib this afternoon

Infection of any kind can do this so don't be too negative . Still relatively early days and things may well settle down once your stress and infection have gone.
sounds like a run of palpitations to me, without seeing the trace from the kardia.
My kardia has reported possible AF a few times, and it has always been wrong

Thanks mikeee, it lasted about ten hours, feel fine now just tired.
Hi there ! Infection of any kind like Bob said will trigger AF. At least it is true for me, every time. Get well soon.
I used to get loads of ectopics, now likely to morph into AF. Wonder if Morzine/Sue had frequent ectopics?
I don’t understand the difference??
AF is a completely irregular heartbeat. Ectopics are beats out of place - too early or too late, followed or preceded by a pause. If you are having lots of ectopics because your heart is irritated it can feel and look like AF and Kardia can be as confused as you are! I have recording showing this but not sure I can post it.
Awe thanks for replying.........Ah they sound like e topicsthen.....I get normal beats.....agap, few quickies, gap, a slow on , normal ones........
So can they last for hours?buffafly?
Sorry, replied earlier but it wouldn't post. Yes, I believe some unlucky people have them all the time 😖 I hope you feel better soon and it is a one off.