Afib returned temporarily?: I had my... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Afib returned temporarily?

CTblood profile image
37 Replies

I had my second ablation about 18 months ago and have been in NSR since but then last night…. My Fitbit showed I was in afib from about 3 am, my heart rate varied from 48 to 176 and I woke up feeling very jittery. My heart rate has been all over the place again today and I feel quite light headed. My BP is fine, I’m not anaemic (that triggered afib after my first ablation) and I drink plenty of water and no alcohol. I had a tooth extracted 2 weeks ago and took 2 courses of Amoxicillin and this last week I’ve had flu type thing that has left me with a cough. I’m hoping it will settle down and get back to NSR. I stopped taking Bisoprolol a few months after the ablation. Has anyone else had a similar experience please? Thank you

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CTblood profile image
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37 Replies
Jajarunner profile image

Hi CT, sorry to hear that you are having problems, sending you a big hug 🤗. Hope it settles down soon. Xxx

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to Jajarunner

Thanks for the hug Jackie, hope you’re keeping well. X

BobD profile image

Any inflamation or infection can do it so stay well hydrated and keep positive.

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to BobD

Thanks for support Bob, I’m an optimist so hoping it will revert!

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to CTblood

I contacted the cardiac nurse today and she said it was very likely my tooth infection or the flu that triggered it!

Shopgal67 profile image
Shopgal67 in reply to CTblood

I’d agree , I had COVID last year and it triggered my afib , symptoms were worse than usual and lasted longer ! Get better soon

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to Shopgal67

Thank you.

Brandue profile image

Unfortunately Ablations usually don't work and if they do it's only for a short time. There is the exception, but they fall into the 10% column. When you try to ablate from inside the heart it's hard to get to the top where the nerves cause the problem... I have had 2 Ablations and they lasted a little over a year. I went through the same thing you are going through now. Try this take a sublingual b12 under your tounge this is important. I take 2500 mcg and it helps. It's water soluble so you will pee out what your body doesn't want. You cannot od on b12. Good luck

KMRobbo profile image
KMRobbo in reply to Brandue

Evidence for this sweeping statement??Mine has worked for 6 years so far and as mine was a pulmonary vein isolation my EP clearly did not struggle too much to get into the top of my heart.

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to KMRobbo

Thanks for your reply, I’m hoping it’s just a blip..

Brandue profile image
Brandue in reply to KMRobbo

The evidence is in the amount of ablations it takes to get a better result. Most people need multiple procedures to get any results. I've read it's very common to have up to 7 Ablations and know of many people that have had 4 ablations with little results. You had a positive experience so, of course your opinion is valid. I'm happy that you were one and done.

Singwell profile image
Singwell in reply to Brandue

Well I personally know one person who only ever needed one - that's over 10 years ago.

Brandue profile image
Brandue in reply to Singwell

Well, I know a person that hit the lottery. Some people have all the luck.

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to Brandue

Thanks for your reply.

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to Brandue

thanks for your reply.

OzJames profile image

interesting I had root canal on a tooth and within a week I was in AF. My Cardiologist asked what type of anaesthetic as some can be adrenaline based. Also very painful as the local didn’t work. Not sure with you but it may have raised your HR in that couple of weeks before as well as getting flu

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to OzJames

Thanks for your reply, the cardiac nurse confirmed it was likely tooth infection or flu.

TracyAdmin profile image

An ablation is in the majority a very successful treatment in managing symptoms of AF. If you have any questions relating to the procedure please feel free to contact the Patient Services Team at, we would not advice taking any other supplements or vitamins without prior consent from either a pharmacist or doctor as described in the post within this thread.

You may benefit from downloading 'Treatment options for AF'

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to TracyAdmin

Thanks Tracy. I’ve been in touch with cardiac nurses and having an ECG tomorrow.

kkatz profile image

You have had a few potential triggers.I am in a very similar situation.Covid first then wisdom tooth extraction & nearly finished antibiotics.I am coming up 1 yr in NSR.

Quite a few arrythmia readings and palps as I need to sleep on left as extraction on right.

When paroxysmal any of these would put me in AFib.

No AFib so far but struggling with activity a little.

I try to keep positive & not obsessive with readings.

Keeping fingers crossed for both of us.

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to kkatz

Thanks kkatz, will keep fingers crossed for us both! My heart is very unhappy if I sleep on my left.

kkatz profile image

Just to add I never rely on one method to check heart readings.My first check is an app called Fibricheck.Well respected.You can try it free for a few days then decide if worth it.

Then Kardia equivalent Emay

And of course just taking your pulse yourself.

Again good luck.There is always a cardioversion which may work if needed

Villador profile image

hi to all this cold bright day.

A little news from me. I had a pacemaker fitted just before Christmas and feel a lot better. No dizziness. No lightheaded woozy spells. Best of all, no blurred vision and silent migraine. However, I still get the odd left side ‘flutter’ which lasts between 3 - 5 mins. It actually happened for the first time as I was leaving the operating theatre after the pacemaker procedure, which I had done under sedation . My wonderful cardiologist/surgeon put my worries to rest immediately saying the pacemaker was the first step of the plan. Next, when all settled, he would tweak the Flecainide and Propranolol I’m already taking.

Will continue to let you know how my journey out of PAF is proceeding after my follow up appointment in early February.

Keep warm everyone !

Tapanac profile image
Tapanac in reply to Villador


I’m the same as you. I was going to have a right side ablation but when in hospital it was decided to insert a pacemaker. Lovely no more feeling faint, dizzy spells etc

My bisoprolol was raised from 1.25 to 2.5 but flecainide still the same 50 twice a day. The next time I see consultant he said he might think about lowering the bisoprolol back to 1.25 and even halving the flecainide.

I had my pacemaker last September. I can still feel very slight “turbulence” sometimes but this only lasts about 20 - 50 seconds or so and touch wood doesn’t affect me like before

All the best


Villador profile image
Villador in reply to Tapanac

Great to hear Pat. A few flutters is nothing compared to what I had before. Sounds like you are in a good place now too. Well done !

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to Villador

Good luck Villador, thanks for your reply.

4Pip profile image

hi there. My sister had 2 ablations and is Afib free for 5 years. I’ve had three and Afib free for 18 months. Fingers crossed that once all your illnesses calm down so will the Afib x

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to 4Pip

Thanks 4Pip, I’m hoping it will calm down too, it was lovely being in NSR.

Tapanac profile image


I was going to have a right side ablation but when in hospital it was decided to insert a pacemaker. Lovely no more feeling faint, dizzy spells etc I had a left side in 2018 snd although so much better the fibrillation/tachycardia still kept returning after a couple of years

My bisoprolol was raised from 1.25 to 2.5 but flecainide still the same 50 twice a day. The next time I see consultant he said he might think about lowering the bisoprolol back to 1.25 and even halving the flecainide.

I had my pacemaker last September. I can still feel very slight “turbulence” very occasionally but this only lasts about 20 - 50 seconds or so and touch wood doesn’t affect me like before

All the best


CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to Tapanac

Thanks for reply Tapanac.

Tapanac profile image


A few seconds ago


I was going to have a right side ablation but when in hospital it was decided to insert a pacemaker. Lovely no more feeling faint, dizzy spells etc I had a left side in 2018 snd although so much better the fibrillation/tachycardia still kept returning after a couple of years

My bisoprolol was raised from 1.25 to 2.5 but flecainide still the same 50 twice a day. The next time I see consultant he said he might think about lowering the bisoprolol back to 1.25 and even halving the flecainide.

I had my pacemaker last September. I can still feel very slight “turbulence” very occasionally but this only lasts about 20 - 50 seconds or so and touch wood doesn’t affect me like before

All the best


Ppiman profile image

I can say "sort of similar". My ablation for atrial flutter in 2019 eventually gave way to similar symptoms that you have with occasional AF and heart rate here and there. I now take a daily 1.25mg bisoprolol which seems to help, although not having had AF since April came to an abrupt stop with it returning last week, but only at 95bpm, so not so bad.

I wonder if yours isn't a response to your flu (have you tested for covid?)?


CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to Ppiman

Thanks for your reply Steve. I did several Covid tests but all negative. Cardiac nurse said it may well be flu or tooth infection that triggered it. All the best.

CTblood profile image

UPDATE - I spoke to cardiac nurse a St Thomas’ this morning and she said flu or tooth infection may well have triggered afib. I’ve booked an ECG at my GP surgery tomorrow morning and will email it to St Thomas’. My heart rate (according to Fitbit which I know is only a guide) is between 42 and 176 all the time, it’s jumping up and down! Once they have ECG result they will decide if I need to go back on Bisoprolol and bring my April appointment forward. Thanks again for all your comments and advice. This community is great!

BaileyC57 profile image

Tomorrow my friend in AZ will have a ablation and a pacemaker the same day! I HAVE not ever heard both the same time! They are doing this because his heart rate for a week up to 168 and they said he was in heart failure! First the did 5 conversions and only worked for a day and back the hospital he went! So hope this procedure does the job!

4chickens profile image

Hi take heart that it’s a blip, I had a hybrid minimaze last May and NSR ever since until December when I caught a nasty cold which resulted in pneumonia. I was on the mend after antibiotics and steroids when my heart decided it wanted to join the party. 4 days in hospital with fast AF and put back on bisiprodol and apixaban plus scheduled for a CV. I went home feeling very sorry for myself, 2 days later I converted to NSR, in my whole AF journey I have never self converted. Apparently it’s very common in icu wards up to 60% of patients will display AF even folks who have no history of AF. Infection driven AF is well documented. So hang in there and keep your 🤞

CTblood profile image
CTblood in reply to 4chickens

Thanks for your reply. Glad to hear you’re doing well after your blip. I’ve never self converted but am encouraged by your post. 🤞

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