Hi I’ve been out in the garden - Atrial Fibrillati...

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Hi I’ve been out in the garden

Donkster profile image
39 Replies

Hi I’ve been out in the garden and over done it. Now I can’t get my heart rate back down easy again? Guest I did to much

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Donkster profile image
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39 Replies
Kellyjelly profile image

Oh no 🥴 I’ve been out in the garden just lying still and my heart rate has shot up and feels very uncomfortable, I’m a complete sun worshipper so this is not good!

Hope you get it to settle soon, have you tried really slowing your breathing down?

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Kellyjelly

Been laying down for 40 minutes now it’s just starting to go down. My trouble is I think I can still do what I use to do and every time I have to stop at some point to be fair I was doing really physical work in the sun for hours

dmjtanner profile image
dmjtanner in reply to Donkster

Same thing happened to me earlier in the week. I worked 3 hours in the sun and got very fatigued cleaning out a palmetto patch. Thought I could do what I used to do. Had to rest and hydrate, hydrate hydrate!!

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Kellyjelly

Jelly the hot weather will increase the heart rate

willec49 profile image
willec49 in reply to Donkster

Correct. It is advisable to locate of have some AC when the weather starts getting warmer.

Tux18 profile image
Tux18 in reply to Donkster

Yes, any heat difinitly seems to effect my heart rate. On a cool day I can work outside with little tachycardia or AF for much longer than a warm or hot day.

Gillybean123 profile image
Gillybean123 in reply to Kellyjelly

Good Morning, just read your message. I love my garden to.i painted my decking yesterday and painted a wrought iron gate. My AF is under control, but I always expect it to happen when doing strenuous jobs. Especially bending down a lot. Have plenty of breaks and sit down. It takes you longer but hey ho. Anyway when you have a turn try cold water on the wrists, drink a good glass of cold water. If you can I know sounds awful. It try going to the toilet the straining sometimes helps. Lie on your bed and do some breathing exercises. Try and take your mind off it. Listen to some music. Have you got a PIP? It will,slow down eventually unless it is a really bad session. Take your shoes and socks off and stand in cold water. I find it is all about making your body do something different. I tried everything in the early days, I used to panic a lot about it which we all know only makes thing worse. Anyway Good Luck have a good day, just relax and enjoy your garden. Xx

jeanjeannie50 profile image

Glad to hear your heart rate is going down. Are you ok with the rate it is now?

I've done the same as you today and been out gardening in the sunshine, on top of that I've swept the driveway and cleaned all the outside windows. Oh yes and I've eaten just about a whole Cadbury's Easter egg, including the three bars of chocolate that were with it!! This is what happens when you're deprived of chocolate and then have access to some!

If my AF kicks off now it will be all my own fault! I know full well what I should and shouldn't do. 😒


in reply to jeanjeannie50

Hope it doesn’t Jean! Sounds like a nice day!

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to jeanjeannie50

That sounds like serious overdoing to me!

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Auriculaire

When you live on you own there's just you to do everything!

Maril1 profile image
Maril1 in reply to jeanjeannie50

Total blow out today ( it must be the weather!)Just had my nth can of ice cold Budweiser after being in the garden today with all the family and a Chinese ( it was going to be a barbecue but supermarket was choker this morning)take away, probably pay for it tomorrow but who cares. I'll finish off the crispy duck before bed oh and the spare ribs. Life is for living.

UScore profile image

We all have to live our lives. Life is a tightrope of risk v reward. Don't beat yourself up for trying to enjoy yourself and getting the balance a smidge off.

Just remember to drink plenty of water in this hot weather.

And always, always, wear sunscreen.

Auriculaire profile image
Auriculaire in reply to UScore

Wearing sunsreen stops you making vitamin d. It washes off in the bath ( or even worse in the lakes and sea )and is bad for the environment and it contains chemicals that could well be carcinogenic. The old fashioned protection of a hat and more enveloping clothing after the exposure to make the vit d is far healthier.

Donkster profile image

All ok now. It took a while to get, so it stayed at a level what I thought was comfortable. Then I went back and finished my work. I must be stupid use it or lose it 😂

momist profile image
momist in reply to Donkster

I agree, use it or lose it! However, it might help in hot weather if you stop at intervals and drink lots of water. It's not just the heat, I'm sure dehydration contributes. Also, going off for a pee gives you a natural break! :-)

willec49 profile image

If you have any beta blockers such as metoprolol, they are rate controllers and serve to slow down the heart. Are you on a medication regimen?

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to willec49

Only blood pressure tabs

Wittycjt profile image

Some times pushing down like you are trying to have a bowel movt can help, take care not to poop yourself or youll have a whole different issue! Lol, Cindy in Delaware

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Wittycjt

That’s what worked for me

Rosemaryb1349 profile image

Funnily enough I was having an episode of Afib yesterday just as I was leaving my daughters house in Cyprus for flights home, probably anxiety, but when I bent down from the waist to pet one of her cats for a minute or two, I found that when I straightened up it had reverted to NSR! Coincidence or is there science behind it?

Fazerboy profile image
Fazerboy in reply to Rosemaryb1349

I get SVT at times and I find that bending from the waist, to tie shoe laces or to look in a low cupboard sets off my SVT especially if I'm a bit stressed. I find I have to bend my knees and crouch, keeping my upper body as upright as possible so as not to start the SVT.

GrannyE profile image

I can empathise with that. I am so prone to do too much in the garden cos there is always more to do. I bought myself a loud timer and when I remember I put it on and take a break when it goes off. It helps.

I also have a problem with heat. Don’t ‘do’ heat. Fan, cold water, Drink plenty.

If all else fails lie down with legs above head and deep breathing and try to think beautiful thoughts.

Tux18 profile image
Tux18 in reply to GrannyE

Your suggestions are great as I also tend to also overdo doing yard work , which I enjoy. Cannot tolerate heat, but will take suggestions of using timer and ice water.

Deacon-L profile image

It’s so easy to underestimate the effect that too much time in hot sun (and dehydration) can have in triggering AF. Especially, when a glorious sunny day makes us feel so happy and carefree so we overdo the activities and/ or alcoholic drinks (which accelerate hydration) and then the day is spoiled when we kick into AF that day , or in my case, wake up with it in the the small hours after i’ve gone to bed.

It’s good to be aware of it to avoid overheating (wear a hat, lots of cold drinks, don’t over exert yourself etc).

Last month I was in the Far East and had 2 long episodes of my PAF both triggered by the too much the sun, over exertion combination. (Wasn’t helped by the fact my cap blew off the boat and was lost in the 1st hour of a snorkelling day trip to a tropical island!)

😎+🌴+☀️+🍻🥂+ 🏊‍♂️/🚴🏼‍♂️/🏋🏻‍♀️ = 🧠 👀 !!!

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply to Deacon-L

Lucky you. I love snorkelling but for me it entails swimming in lovely warm water which means hot weather and I can no long ‘do’ hot weather - hence have not snorkelled for years now. Wonderful memories though. Maybe sun and alcohol don’t go when one is prone to A/F? Just enjoy the sun and ‘be happy’. Carpe Diem

Becksagogo profile image

I'm glad I'm not alone! I have to sit down and shuffle on my rear end when pottering in the garden or in the house because it sets me off! Helps me to get out of weeding!

Wittycjt profile image

No. It can come on suddenly without precipitators but being cautious can help!

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to Wittycjt

Today I’m taking breaks so far all good

50done profile image

I had similar experience,reading responses careful. I’m recently diagnosed, taking flecanide and Eloquist, flecanide only 1 week. Went to wedding yesterday evening and “fibed “ for an hour+ while there, light headed, hot, almost dropped once. Had to drive home, alone 40 minute drive. It was not comfortable. Finally stopped after I had been home and laying down.

So What? Am I supposed to not go anywhere alone? What do the rest of you do?

Dr.acts like “no big deal just go one with your life” , doesn’t seem responsible to me.

Anyone ever passed out driving?

Donkster profile image
Donkster in reply to 50done

Hi in the past I’ve gone back to my car turned air con on and sat it out with the cool air I always seem much better. Music air con shut your eyes tilt seat back as much as possible then just wait. Or call for help I wouldn’t go anywhere without air con

Donkster profile image

Hi Aufgeblas

I’ve already had an ablation, I don’t live life worrying, but you have to be careful and that’s what I try to do ?

50done profile image


Horse57 profile image

An MD I work with said to stick your finger down your throat and gag yourself several times. Sounds awful but I have done it and it works! Go figure ☺️

jeanjeannie50 profile image
jeanjeannie50 in reply to Horse57

Not heard of that AF cure before, but will certainly bear it in mind if my AF dares to kick off again!

Thank you for sharing that tip.

Maril1 profile image
Maril1 in reply to Horse57

I give it a go next time

Donkster profile image

I just get to hot 🥵 my ablation was 95% and I’ve been fine but have to keep cool or I go out of sync

jeanjeannie50 profile image

In that situation I do wonder whether AF kicks off because we start breathing too shallow. I often find if I'm absorbed in something I can forget to breathe properly.


jeanjeannie50 profile image

I meant shallow breathing in the daytime, because we're so absorbed in something. I've had AF when I've been sat quietly at my PC or watching t.v. A bit like daytime apnea.

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