I had more or less my first episode of AF *during the day* yesterday- it only lasted for about 15 minutes and it seems that the heart went at about 80bpm according to Kardia. About half an hour ago , when I got up and went to the kitchen I felt the heart beat irregularly for about 1 minute or so, then revert to normal, then beat irregularly for about 2 -3 minutes. This was more or less completely unexpected.I checked on Kardia and it is now beating regularly at about 48bpm. Earlier during the day I felt a bit dizzy when I stood up from a seating position. Now all this might sound fairly minor, but it marks a new pattern for me. I have been under a lot of stress for the last two weeks and I am wondering if this could have provoked it. I’m a bit concerned as neither episode began with a lot of ectopics beforehand, which is what I usually get. Does this suggest a move to going to persistent/permanent AF? I’m feeling very sleepy af the moment and want to go to bed, but am uneasy in case the AF kicks off when I am asleep.
I finally had my appointment with the ophthalmologist at Royal Hospital London And he seems to think that it would be ok to take an anticoagulant.