Is it possible to have a heart rate if 70 and be in atrial flutter? I have only experienced flutter once before and the rate was 130bpm and I was very symptomatic. I feel very similar in terms of symptoms but my pulse feels normal and isn’t fast???
Is this flutter??: Is it possible to... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Is this flutter??

I think highly unlikely. As you say flutter is usually 130-140 ish. If 70 and regular what is wrong?
Thank you for replying. My heart feels like it is beating high up and a bit quivery and I have a feeling of pressure and just the same uncomfortable feeling I had when I was experiencing flutter.
This is exactly how I feel with a heart rate of 60. It often occurs at night when I wake up with an uncomfortable fluttering.
In my experience yes. I have periodic slow atrial flutter mixed in with my AF. Usually at a rate of 60, sometimes 75. Atrial flutter rates are divisors of around 300. Commonly 150, then 100. Less commonly 75 and 60. Least common fortunately 1:1 conduction at 300.

Thank you, since my first episode of atrial flutter in December I have felt like this quite often and it feels so similar but just without the elevated heart rate. Your reply has been really helpful
Could it be ectopics, either bi or trigeminy ? that for me feels like a quivering poundy type thing which I feel high up in my chest.

Can I just ask if you have symptoms and can tell when it’s slow flutter?
Most of the time, I am in Permanent AF. Sometimes at rest I switch in to slow atrial flutter (confirmed with Kardia). At these times, it feels very comfortable just as if I was in sinus rhythm. But as soon as I get on the move, I quickly revert to atrial fibrillation, which is mildly symptomatic.

Thank you for your help, I feel like it might be slow flutter. The only other time I’ve ever felt similar to this was when I had flutter but it was incapacitating when the rate was higher.
I have atrial flutter and sometimes feel like I am in flutter with a heart rate of around 60 but thought like you it wasn't possible. I found this thread interesting about the derivatives of 300 so it is possible. I am having more symptoms of flutter at the moment than AF.
Your pulse comes from your ventricular rate - not your atrium. Atrial flutter often feels like a regular pulse, although the ventricular response rate is often high.
Two weeks ago I suspected I was having a flutter episodes. My normal heart rate at resting is 60 and my pulse was regular but between 80 and 90 during rest. At my pacemaker check last week I was told I did have episodes of a flutter and it was during the dates that I suspected it and always following the evening meal. I could feel when it started and stopped.
It’s a very disconcerting feeling, just really feel like something isn’t right. I too have it after food. I’m not surprised you could feel when it was happening I have had paf and svt since I was 17 but this is by far the most horrible. I’m sure I will get used to it though, just like the other two!
Thank you for replying 😊
I have AF and it can occur when my rate drops to as low as 34 or over 100 and like you the feeling I get is simular.
You may have missed or irregular beats - ask a cardiologist I used to have that. All fixed now
It sounds like an ectopic to me but I'm still learning.

Me too 😊 thank you for your help
Yes it is possible to have flutter with a slow ventricular rate. I have this continues for a long time. The reason for the slow rate is a conduction "block" of the av node.
If around 60 b/min the "block" is 4:1. In my case with 65 b/min that would be an atrial speed of 4x65=260. Please note that the word "block" does not mean a real block of some degree....It refers to a sometimes called sluggish av node. The conduction could also be 3:1. Normal conduction in flutter is 2:1.
Best to do a ECG.

Thank you so much. When I experienced my first atrial flutter in December my heart rate ranged from 130 bpm to 240bpm and my heart was going between afib and atrial flutter on the ecg.i felt so poorly. With this I have the same feelings but on a much lesser scale, I’ve had these feelings on and off since that day. It was only yesterday I considered it could be flutter and decided to ask the question! I’m glad I did!!