Hi, I'm new here but it's time for me to 'jump in'.
I have been following the posts on here for a while now, finding them both interesting and informative, sometimes even quite amusing.
A few weeks ago the decision was made to change my 50mg flecainide PIP to a regular dose (2 x 50mg) one in the morning and one in the evening. I took it for a few days and seemed to have more PAF episodes so dropped down to one in the evening. Two weeks ago I started taking two again but I am still not convinced. Does anyone know how long it takes to 'settle down'?
Also, my evening dose of 2.5mg Bisoprolol has been changed to 2.5mg Nebivolol due to various side effects. I started on this five nights ago. Does anyone know if this takes very long to replace the Bisoprolol in your system?
This week I have had twelve episodes, which have varied from 30mins to 7.5hours. But I did have two days without any when 'normal' life was resumed. This is pretty much what it has been like for a few months and it is really wearing me down.
I have had three ablations, the last one 1st March 2017 so I imagine that I shall need to give some thought to whether I want another one. Really I would like to feel better than this before Christmas!
Thanks in anticipation for any responses.