Post ablation my A-Fib is gone. Without discussing it with my doc, I stopped Pradaxa, metoprolol & Crestor. Am I crazy?
I gave up meds: Post ablation my A-Fib... - Atrial Fibrillati...
I gave up meds

I don't know about crazy....are you serious??
Certainly it is very foolish to stop your anticoagulant Pradaxa without being given the go-ahead by your EP. Stroke risk remains for some time following ablation as a general rule.

You need to check your stroke risk. Age? Gender? Any other health problems etc. I came off my meds on the day of my ablation with EP approval but remain on anticoagulant due to stroke risk. I am Af free for 5 years.
So yes, you are mad to stop anticoagulants. There is some evidence that the scarring done by ablation can cause blood to clot so raising the stroke risk - not sure where I saw that! You don’t want a stroke!!
Good luck 🍀
Thanks, I received great repies all suggesting I continúe my meds - wife especially. So, I will take them routinely again. Thanks

Thanks, I received great repies all suggesting I continúe my meds - wife especially. So, I will take them routinely again. Thanks

Thanks, I received great repies all suggesting I continúe my meds - wife especially. So, I will take them routinely again. Thanks
You should get advice from your Doctor.
If it was me I would continue on the anti-coagulant for life as long as my bleed risk remained the same, even if I was no longer having AF episodes.
It is my (layman's) understanding that the risk of stroke is not just related to the AF episodes themselves. If you have ever had AF then you more likely to have a stroke in the future even if the episodes have stopped.

There is no evidence that even successful ablation removes stroke risk. Your choice of course but not one many of us would have made.
Not crazy, just foolish.
Short answer, yes.
Yes, sorry to say it, but I think you are.
How long ago was your ablation?
Is there a copy and paste going on lol ?
Is there a copy and paste going on lol ?
I have read if you are no longer in a -fib and have low risk factors (chad scores), and don't have silent a-fib, meaning you are aware of when you have a-fib, then you can take the anti coagulants within 3 hours and have the same benefit as if you are continuosly on the anti coagulants WITHOUT the risk of serious bleeding- internally and externally. I have read that there is a risk of 15% of hemoraging on these meds and that the data is very much under reported. Also, that many of the studies are funded by the drug companies that benefit from selling the extremely expensive blood thinners.
I had cardiovesion in Nov 2016, thanks God I am still in NSR.
I accept the fact that I could revert back into Afib at any time.
I am still on Warfarin because I feel safer and my cardiologist advised it.
I am also on aspirin, because I have had a valve replacement. But I am no longer on any other drugs for my heart.