Had a message via email from someone Suee440 could only read halve the message, but sounded very fishy to me. Something like dear friend sorry to contact you this way but have been given only weeks to live due to long disease. Can’t read the rest. Is it a hacker or scammer? Rienij
Peculiar post? : Had a message via... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Peculiar post?

Someone else on here reported having a similar post a week or so ago. Best to totally ignore and delete it. It may be worth reporting to the AF admin team.
You can report to Outlook or whatever you use, this could be a scam or 'phishing' to get more info from you, probably would have continued as a begging letter.

They are offering you millions of pounds if you give them your bank details. Hurry now or you may miss out. NOT. Please use the Police Action Fraud website and report it.
A bit like when I received notifications that I had won the Spanish lottery all I had to do pay 30 Pound and supply my bank details and they would transfer my winnings. Lol
Do the police ever follow upon individuals complaints on ones like that it will be one of a million sent out. from somewhere abroad.
One of the times my credit card was cloned I used my computer skills and a bit of luck and traced the person, his E-Mail address and his web site. The credit card company was not interested as it was not a big sum. I asked a policeman and he said that they would only be interested if they had several complaints about the same person.
I really don’t know what the police does with the inf. unfortunately it is the norm these days. We have to keep our wits about us.
I've not had a post like that for many years nor ones offering Viagra. I assumed that they were now being filtered out by Microsoft or my ISP ZEN.
Hadn’t heard about the viagra one.lol As I couldn’t read it all. But probably were asking for cash.
Watch out for one from a friend who is sick or has been robbed in Barcelona and needs you to send him money. It happens after their address book has been hacked.
It is surprising the scams there are. My mobile stopped connecting and I contacted my supplier who told me that they had cut me off as I had been using the number for cold calling people to use legal services for accident and banking claims. It turned out that my number had been hacked in some way although no phone charges had been made to it.
Obviously from someone who should learn how to actually work for a living and do something more meaningful with the life they are lucky enough to have. Grrrr.
Totally agree with you. Don’t think the person was English as it was a funny way of describing the lung problem, think they called itillness can’t quite recall the exact terminology and can’t check as I deleted it. But have reported it to the fraud web site as Bobd advised me to do.
These used to be based in Nigeria but of course PC means we can't say that these days can we. I think that lots of areas have caught on to these scams now and for many third world peoples it IS their job . Much as I love to be rude to all the cold callers who can't pronounce my name you have to feel slightly sorry for them. My boys have a great way of dealing with female such callers as they feign heavy breathing and then ask huskily " are you wearing any knickers? " Never fails!
Love it, I leave the phone of and put it in another room. My favourite is, if they try to sell windows or anything like insulation I pretend to be really interested, and when they think they can close the deal, I said sweetly I would love to but will have to ask the council first. Don’t know why but they used to hang up. So rude!