HI everyone, I have PAF and as I'm now over 70, I've had a questionnaire from the DVLA re health matters. It doesn't specifically ask if I have a medical condition and I can categorically answer a resounding NO to all the specific questions the form asks. But online, under the health conditions the DVLA should be made aware of, it says - 'arrythmias'. When I asked, both my cardiologist and GP said NO you don't need to - you haven't blacked out or become unconscious at any time. To say I'm a tad confused would be to understate things! Any advice would be greatly appreciated...thanks.
DVLA: HI everyone, I have PAF and as I... - Atrial Fibrillati...

The problem is that while the advice to doctors is that it need not be advised that to drivers is less clear. Unless your condition renders you unfit to drive or is distracting there should be no problem but it may be worth advising your insurance company as you know how they will find any excuse to invalidate a claim.
I renewed my car insurance recently and in order to give full disclosure I told them that I has Heart Failure but that it was not a notifiable condition in respect of the DVLA. The agent on the phone told me that they weren’t interested in that case. I’m sure he didn’t put a note on my records.
Immediately after my OHS in Jan 2016 I was told by Doc not to Drive until I had my checkup. I only notified my insurance and all they said was let us know when the Docs say it's OK for you to drive again, which I did. I think it was about 8 weeks, mainly because of the pain while the sternum healed. Insurance company said OK and that was it.
DVLA just didn't want to know
Hope this helps
Hi Chris. I made the mistake of phoning DVLA for advice when I was diagnosed with AF so they then insisted on contacting my cardiologist. There was no issue. I told Direct Line but they weren't interested.
Hello Chris, I had a pacemaker implanted and my AV Node ablated on 20:4:18.
I asked my EP that morning, when he came to see me re my signing the consent form, if I should notify DVLA!
He said he didn’t think so but to be on the safe side, we agreed I should, and my insurance company. My GP didn’t really know the answer either!
When I was originally diagnosed in May ‘16 as having AF, I remember asking the Consultant who made the diagnosis, and had just done my 1st (of 10) cardio version, the same question and he said ‘no, as I hadn’t blacked out... ‘
However, to put my mind at rest,, I did phone DVLA and told them I had AF.
As I could confirm I had not blacked out, or had any dizzy spells, I was told I could continue driving but to let them know of any changes in my condition. My insurance company said the same.
When I got home after my pace & ablate, I phoned my insurance company again and told them I now had a pacemaker, and again of my AF. They said they would make a note of it but it would not affect my policy, unless the DVLA place any restrictions on me. I agreed to let them know if DVLA did.
I then phoned DVLA and spoke to a very friendly, helpful man. He said he would send me a form to complete, and return. I had already seen the form online, so I knew it would be straight forward. They would then make whatever investigations they felt necessary, and let me know their decision. The form was very easy to complete, so I did so and returned it. The man said it would be ok for me to continue driving in the meantime.
After a couple of weeks, I received a letter from DVLA, saying they had completed their investigations and are very happy for me to continue driving.
I will be 72 in a few days time, so will have to ‘renew’ my licence again next year :).
I am sorry my reply is lengthy, but I thought including about having a pacemaker might also be of interest to others.
I hope this has helped you.....
Best wishes,
Hi Avril B, thanks so much for your reply and certainly no need to apologise for the length, it certainly cheered me up! We sound pretty much in the same boat although very thankfully, as of yet, I've not had to undergo cardio-version or needed a pace-maker (I'm absolutely certain my afib is related to gastric issues but that's another topic altogether!)
I'm delighted to learn that you are still able to drive so it's given me the impetus to get myself sorted out, I will give both the DVLA and my car Insurance company a call and let them know what's going on. I wish you all the very best as indeed I do for everyone else who responded and indeed to anyone else on this 'chat' page who are in the same boat and having to deal with this ghastly affliction.