Hi, I was diagnosed probably 35 years ago with Mitral valve prolapse. At the time my symptoms were a lot of palpitations and some episodes of tachycardia. A few times going to the ER. So for years I took atenenol as needed, had echos done and they always said it was very mild.It was very bothersome at times. No one ever suggested I had A-fib or flutter. When I was currently diagnosed 18 months ago my EP said MVP was overdiagnosed back in the day especially with women. So now after 2 ablations I'm doing well, but wondering how may others might have had a similar experience.
Just wondering? How many of you were ... - Atrial Fibrillati...
Just wondering? How many of you were misdiagnosed with Mitral Valve Prolapse before your afib diagnoses

Hi Kather. I do have MVP and have had it for years, but I don’t think it was a misdiagnosis. Lately sometimes in echos, it shows up and sometimes it doesn’t. I do have some regurgitation also. I had same issues with lots of palpitations on and off since my early 20’s and some tachycardia also.
Very interesting. I never connected it with a-fib. I was told at age 18 during a routine physical required for nursing school that I had a heart murmur and mitral valve prolapse. At that point in my life was very healthy and athletic-scuba diving especially. Never had any cardiac problems til diagnosed with a-fib in 2011 (am 74 now) . Looking back I was always anxious with fast heartbeats when I was stressed. The doctor just said I was a "Type A Personality." Interesting connection esp in young healthy people who so far have no cardiac diagnosis. An early warning sign??

I was diagnosed with A-fib at 58 and am healthy otherwise. But when you do look back I remember lots if skipped beats also, or it would just start beating really fast. When they did the routine echo's the techs usually said it was mild.


This is intetesting. I am in my forties and am having increasing palpitations and have always had a fast heart rate. Also anxious. My mother has AF. Hope it isn't a sign of things to come.