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First bruise

Vonnieruth profile image
73 Replies

Can you remember when you received your first bruise being on Apixaban or warfarin How did you feel

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Vonnieruth profile image
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73 Replies
Edm174 profile image

Hi I was really scared had a lovely bruise all colours but it settled down I did use my arnica gel on it but all cleared up now !!

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

What is arnica gel

wilsond profile image
wilsond in reply toVonnieruth

I t s a herbal preparation,which soothes bruising,chemists sell it.x

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply towilsond


Moderate Interaction

Be cautious with this combination


Medications that slow blood clotting (Anticoagulant / Antiplatelet drugs) interacts with ARNICA

Arnica might slow blood clotting. Taking arnica along with medications that also slow clotting might increase the chances of bruising and bleeding.<br/><br/> Some medications that slow blood clotting include aspirin, clopidogrel (Plavix), diclofenac (Voltaren, Cataflam, others), ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin, others), naproxen (Anaprox, Naprosyn, others), dalteparin (Fragmin), enoxaparin (Lovenox), heparin, warfarin (Coumadin), and others.

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toVonnieruth

Thank you for above i will check this out as I have always used arnica gel !!!

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

Will you let me know what you find out please I used I ibrofen gel a load when I hurt my arm in work Swear that's what brought all this on now

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toVonnieruth

Hi of course I will !!! I always use SBC for my gels so going to check !

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

Ignorance here what is SBC

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toVonnieruth

No worries it’s the make of the gels I use !! I will still use them but won’t use the intensive ones with a lot more arnica in them !

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply toVonnieruth

I was going to use it after prostate surgery to reduced bruising but a nurse advised not to as it might thin my blood a little.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toseasider18

That's the information I found earlier

lakebudd profile image
lakebudd in reply toVonnieruth

Thanks for the info about arnica and blood clotting meds. This was news to me.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply tolakebudd

Your welcome always best to look up something you don't know anything about I'm just werry About taking anything after a bad reactio many years ago which took my nervous system completely out

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply toEdm174

They say that homeopathy does not work but Arnica (tablets or cream) is amazing. My wife had a massive bruise on her upper arm that the doctor said would take over a month to go. She saw him again less than a week later and she pointed to her arm and said 'Bruise gone'

One A&E doctor I mentioned Arnica to said 'They use that on horses' I replied 'And it works without them being aware of placebo benefits'

Another doctor said to my wife that it is only "Spit"

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toseasider18

Hi seaside I’m with you on this one I too think it’s amazing on bruises it does help them heal quicker 😄 as for what the doctor said I think it’s ‘posh spit’ 😄

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

If it's so good I will ask my gp about it also

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply toEdm174

The Queen and Prince Charles both use Homeopathic remedies.

The Queen carries a selection with her when travelling.

The other I use is Aconite as it quickly stops colds in their tracks.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toseasider18

They may not be on medication like Apixaban etc Even natural medicine can interact at times Look at at Johns wart for example It's always best to check I think the saying better be safe than sorry could apply I be made up if it is ok to use believe me

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toseasider18

Hi I’ve not heard of that one I will read up on that one !! I also take linseed everyday as a good supplement !!

Sue5453 profile image
Sue5453 in reply toEdm174

Arnica has great fruit in it and that dosent go with apixaban I thought

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toSue5453

Thank you sue I wasn’t aware of that !!! Seemed ok no side effects but only use it if I get a bruise !!

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

Haven't been told to avoid it so far

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toVonnieruth

I’m not sure what we can have ??? I just keep on doing the same things ! Even booked my flights to Australia 😄!

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

Oh get you 😁When are you going

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toVonnieruth

November my son lives there 😄

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

That be lovely You staying for Christmas 😁

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toVonnieruth

Hi no just 3 weeks he has just got engaged 😄 went last Christmas to hot for me !

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

Be nice to see him and his fiancee though

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

Be nice to see him and his fiancee though He must be looking forward to you going

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toVonnieruth

He sure is !! Just put my photo on hope I didn’t scare you 😄 just need to sort out insurance now !

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toEdm174

Hi Well I'm still here so guess you haven't scared me off lol

Edm174 profile image
Edm174 in reply toVonnieruth


doodle68 profile image

Hi Vonnie :-) I tripped over a log walking my dog in the field and fell and bruised my left side..

How did I feel, sooo relieved I hadn't broken my wrist which I had put out to save myself also that it wasn't the previous year when I tripped over the curb in the fog and slid across the gravel taking the skin off my nose and face and ended up with two black eyes.

I try to be very careful now.

I hope your bruise isn't too bad.

BobD profile image

Probably when my wife hit me. Seriously I bruise far less easily than my wife who is NOT n anticoagulation. (Warfarin for fifteen years now.)

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toBobD

I seen some of residents where I work with massive bruising They all have dementia so are not fully aware what's going on with their bodies . It's just finding out what warrants visits to A and E

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply toVonnieruth

Basically if you have a hard blow to your head then it is a good idea to get checked out. Not much else requires treatment. When I banged my shim with a pickaxe a couple of months ago there was a huge egg on it for weeks and my foot went black but it got better.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toBobD

So say i bang my head on kitchen cupboard would that need a visit to hospital

Buffafly profile image
Buffafly in reply toVonnieruth

Only if the cupboard needed repairs 😜

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toBuffafly

Lol with my head it probably be beyond repair lol

seasider18 profile image
seasider18 in reply toBobD

Strangely as I'm now off warfarin for fourteen months since having my Amplatzer amulet fitted I find that I still bruise easily. It must be part of the ageing process as my wife does not punch as hard as she used to :-)


in reply toseasider18


CDreamer profile image

I bruise very easily, always have done but never had unexplained bruises on Apixaban and never really even thought about it when I had a bump and a bruise, nothing more than before Apixaban.

I would always take a head injury seriously though on Apixaban - it’s not the bruises you can see that I worry about, it’s the internal ones that I might no be able to see after a fall or bad head injury - then I wouldn’t hesitate.

The older we get, the more fragile our tissues so bruising on older people (85+) is very common and often nothing to do with anticoagulation - or poor treatment - although relatives sometimes think rough handling.

I have always bruised easily and haven't noticed anything different in the 15 years or so I've been on warfarin

Buffafly profile image

Yes, I had several unexpected bruises and I got a slightly panicky call from my GP on Christmas Eve to say my INR was far too high!

I had a bad fall in the street and banged my head so went to A&E but they just asked a few questions and sent me home with a leaflet on head injuries, luckily I was OK. If you do have a fall or a hard bang put a bag of peas or something on it straight away to try to prevent a haematoma (collection of blood under the skin) as that can take months to dissolve.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toBuffafly

Will do Buffafly

in reply toBuffafly

Funny you should mention peas. A bag of frozen green peas has always been my favorite ice pack. Especially for my knees. No prep needed, they are floppy and easily conform to anatomy, and if you're hungry after feeling better you can eat them! BTW about bruising and many other small skin injuries. I grew up in South Florida where aloe vera plants grew everywhere. My mother would cut off part of a leaf, open it, scrape out the gel and apply. I still use this remedy for many things. It was especially helpful to radiation burns and bruises I had to my neck years ago. I always have an aloe plant in my house. You can buy aloe but the plant is cheap, easy to maintain, and has not been messed with by Big Pharma. In the winter here in Atlanta I often see large individual aloe leaves for sale in the supermarket produce section which I buy and keep in the fridge. My aloe plants do not always make it through winter and the leaves keep a long time. Just cut off what you need, the leaf will seal itself until the next time you need a piece. 😊 irina

A very large bruise developed under my chin to my neck a few days after having a wisdom tooth extracted....because I was about to go to Portugal I did go to A&E and they said all was OK and flying etc. was OK

Chris147 profile image

I had two haematoma they were awful painful and huge. I am very clumsy so not helpful. I try hard not to injure myself but bruises appear and I don't remember how. Arnicia cream is good.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toChris147

Have been reading up on arnica and found this

voyagersprit profile image

I use to bruise when taking Pradaxa but nothing now as I'm on Apixaban

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply tovoyagersprit

I'm on apixaban also I wanted to see how people react really and how different medications also react to everyday bumps and bruises My main concern is when to go to hospital and when not Especially regarding bangs to the head

voyagersprit profile image

If you bump your head or fall badly you must go don't delay. I wear a plastic wrist band you can buy from eBay with Apixaban medicated on incase I go unconscious or am in a car crash.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply tovoyagersprit

Yer I got one myself and I have put all my tablets and condition on a running message across my phone screen So even a bumb on say a kitchen cupboard means trip to hospital

voyagersprit profile image
voyagersprit in reply toVonnieruth

Like the idea of the running message. What app did you use?

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply tovoyagersprit

Its in settings in phone

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply tovoyagersprit

Go on security and privacy then screen lock and passwords Look for screen lock signature

Mimi44 profile image
Mimi44 in reply toVonnieruth

Not able to find it on my iPhone 8 :( I do bruise very easy. Take Plavix because of having 3 stents in coronary arteries & Apixaban

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toMimi44

Just Google it Will tell you how to do it Try How do I put emergency info on locked screen on iPhone

Aprilbday profile image
Aprilbday in reply toVonnieruth

Excellent post. Very helpful. Thank you so much. I applied this to my phone immediately! 👍🏼

wilsond profile image

No,slight knock does not ..but ,say, falling over on ice and walloping your head does.Same as if you were not on apixaban xx

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply towilsond

My GP said exactly the same as Wilsond, Vonnie.

I actually DID bang my head on the kitchen cupboard not long after starting apixaban - I was using dustpan and brush and stood up quickly, catching the top front of my head a heavy smack on the corner of an open kitchen cupboard. Gosh it hurt!!! I was clutching my head and bewailing that I had to wait til I was anticoagulated to be so stupid!

The anticoagulation nurse had impressed dire warnings to me about hitting head & needing to go to a&e. So I rang my GP who spoke to me straight away - and then was very very reassuring. Said absolutely no need to get it checked out for banging your head like that. Even though I told him the impact hurt like crazy and was now throbbing. He told me the only time you need to go to hospital is if it’s the kind of blow you should have gone to hospital for even without anticoagulation - eg Possible concussion, losing consciousness however briefly. But that because of anticoagulation you shouldn’t wait/hesitate like you would otherwise. And when you get there they should treat you quickly & give a ct scan to check no bleed.

Obviously I’m only giving the advice I was given- everyone should decide for themselves. And if in doubt always check with a medical professional!

But the answer I was given to your question re do you have to go to hospital even if you hit your head on a kitchen cupboard is: Only if it was the kind of heavy blow that might have knocked you out/made you lose consciousness.

The GP didn’t say this, but personally I would include ‘seeing stars’ in this- to be on the safe side! Xx

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toJaneFinn

Way my head is I'm seeing stars all day every day lol

Vonnieruth profile image

Ar right The way the nurse at blood clinic was talking I thought any bang to head warranted a visit to A and E

JaneFinn profile image
JaneFinn in reply toVonnieruth

Same here! My GP seemed a bit nonplussed by that! I did actually check with another GP too, who agreed. She used the ‘powerful blow to the head’ phrase as helpful - like Wilsond said ‘wallop’ your head on the ice, or like a boxer punching you. That’s the kind of sensation /hit that should be taken to a&e to check no bleeding :)

BobD profile image
BobDVolunteer in reply toVonnieruth

Remember Vonnie that few blood ladies are actually nurses. Most just learn how to take blood and should not be relied on for advice in my view. .

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toBobD

Was blood clinic I went just for Apixaban Sat ages waiting to be seen by a guy in navy and then told I was discharged If I was concerned I could ring them and leave a message and they get back to me .

diannetrussell profile image

Hi Vonnieruth, I haven't had a bruise yet, after 3 weeks on Apixaban. But I got through:

- one blood nose (I had a head cold, plus it's cold dry weather, so blowing my nose would normally do that; not Apixabans' fault. It did bleed twice as long, but stopped with icepack and pressure).

- bleeding pimple on face in an area that usually bleeds quite freely (hardly differed from usual).

- scissor cut on finger (bled no more than usual).

- haemorrhoid - it split but did not bleed more than usual. Gets a bit swollen and throbby though.

Big 'phew' all round! Some of my terrors when first going on the drug have definitely quieted down. And now I have my silicone medic alert wristband saying I take Apixaban.

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply todiannetrussell

Aw Dianne You sound like me Im so extra careful now Have had like a prickly heat itch last few days to Weather has cooled here though I'm off to doctors Wednesday so I'm going to mention it

Ladypaula profile image

I did mine at work.I banged it when I was puttingg the side down on a profiling bed and didn't move my leg out of the way it went purpley blue and I had a massive lump on my shin which took weeks to go !!! I'm more careful now !!

Vonnieruth profile image
Vonnieruth in reply toLadypaula

I work with dementia 56 residents I do medication administration also so I'm constantly getting hit or hittinget my legs I'm so scared of going to work again I think I may give my job up

Ladypaula profile image

I think I feel safer at work as I work on a paediatric ward in the hospital so when I banged mine there were doctors on hand to assist me.They had me sat with my leg up with an ice pack on it .it was very impressive.i too was scared when I first started on anticoagulants but I'm happier knowing I am protected from the risk of stroke which scares me more.

Vonnieruth profile image

I think anxiety now has won regarding work So much has changed since I originally went off with my arm Management. has changed including some I don't know if I could now work with

Ladypaula profile image

Yes it can affect how you feel about work depending on the team you are working with and on management.That is such a shame. You need to feel supported when at work.My work colleague's are good with me and mostly management too .

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