AF comes and goes on a daily bases, b... - Atrial Fibrillati...

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AF comes and goes on a daily bases, but chest pain are persistent!

vsilva profile image
15 Replies

Hi there,

I’m am after some advice please.

I have AF and ectopic beats diagnosed about 18 mouths, I only take 2.5 ml of Bisoprolol. My episodes of AF with irregular, fast or slow heart beats, and some times a mixture of all of those, come and go throughout the day most days, but what remains and persiste are a very strong pain in the centre and left side of my chest. My GP and cardiologist says this must be only muscle pain. I am not so sure and it is making me very worried, I can’t sleep or concentrate with the pain.

Anybody else is experiencing this?

Has anybody been diagnosed with anything related?

Many thanks

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vsilva profile image
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15 Replies
vsilva profile image

Hi goldie11,

Yes I had blood tests, exrays, a ct scan and a portable ecg recorder and there wasn’t any results showing any other cardiac problems, so far.

vsilva profile image

Hi goldie11,

Thank you so much for your advice, the Coronary Arteries got the all clear at the ct scan. I will try your other suggestions . Thank you so much.

Bagrat profile image

I have had various chest pains over the years and reassure myself that if they had been cardiac, something else would have happened by now. I was told it was probably muscular or could be costochondritis. Intercostal pain is common and linked to stress and anxiety.

I do understand how scary it feels but am still here to tell the tale. Mine doesn't start as a result of exertion and if I'm busy and happy usually doesn't trouble me. I find meditation and relaxation exercises help. Try you tube and search Mark Williams

vsilva profile image
vsilva in reply to Bagrat

Hi Bagrat,

Thank you very much for your replies and for your suggestions.

I hope it all goes well for you.

Best regards


Mike11 profile image

In view of the fact you've had all the normal tests come back negative, ask for a check if you have Tietze syndrome as few doctors consider it. This can be fixed with a simple injection.

vsilva profile image
vsilva in reply to Mike11

Hi Mike11,

Thank you very much for you advice, that’s something to think about and maybe discuss with my doctor.



Carol70 profile image

Hi vsilva. I am sorry to hear you are worried at the moment. From the responses you have received, I too think your pain is muscular. I too take Bisoprolol 5mg daily. The meds do make me feel tired. I take the bisop and Apixaban daily for sick sinus syndrome. I have a 2 lead pacemaker which helps my heart when it beats too slowly. I do hope you find a solution to your chest pain very soon.

With best wishes


vsilva profile image
vsilva in reply to Carol70

Hi Carol70,

Thank you for your message.

Yes that’s right I am quite worried about the pain even though my cardiologist has reassured me that it is nothing to worrie about, but who knows for sure.

I do not feel tired with the Bisoprolol just this pain and the irregular beats. I believe I am still a bit behind to your condition, but I expect some time in the future I will end up in similar situation.

Thank you for your kind words and hope it all goes well with you.

Kind regards


Ottis profile image

At last someone the exact same as me I’m just the same the pain is like a very strong ache then I get pain with the beats it’s horrible they said it was muscular to don’t feel like it scares me but they say it’s not life threading I suppose we just got to put up with dr Sanjay Gupta videos

vsilva profile image
vsilva in reply to Ottis

Hi Ottis,

Thank you so much for your words that mirror exactly how I fell. I am scared about it too, but the worst is that I can’t sleep properly for night after night.

There were some suggestions above, maybe we should try some of them.

I have not met anyone with AF before and especially with similar symptoms, I guess it would be interesting to exchange thoughts about it all.

I hope you find a way to get some tranquility and thanks for your suggestion.

All the best.


ncernaa profile image
ncernaa in reply to Ottis

Afib has caused much harm to my body. My bladder and kidneys seem to give me trouble now. My chest hurts at times. I have joint pain and muscle weakness. Numbness of the hands, feet, and lips. Maybe it is related to poor blood flow and cartilage deteriorating.

Polski profile image
Polski in reply to ncernaa

This doesn't sound good. I doubt that AFib would cause all these problems, but the meds you are taking may do. I suggest you seek changes to your medications - via your doctor/cardiologist/EP. If you are on a statin, then taking some CoQ10 may help. The statin prevents the body making this, and we all need it.

carolly profile image

Hi vsilva

I have mixed arrhythmias, mostly AF, but others thrown in with sometimes fast but mainly slow and irregular heart beats every day. I particularly get chest pain with irregular and slow beats (47-53). Yes, cardiologists raise their eyebrows as if I shouldn't get heart pain at rest with a low heart rate, but I do. Had it over 2 years and haven't come to harm yet. Hoping for an ablation soon so I can get rid of the 2.5 mg Bisoproplol.

ncernaa profile image

I was diagnosed with Afib last year. Since then I have had mild chest pains. They come and go. I tend to feel it most when I am resting, or after eating a heavy meal. Doctors have run tests on me, but they tell me everything looks normal. I am hoping that after I have my first ablation, it will fix this issue.

Polski profile image
Polski in reply to ncernaa

You could try taking digestive enzymes or a ginger capsule (see a health food shop) with your main meal, and see if either of them help.

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